Healthy Impacts: The Positive Influence on Readers

[me: happy, healthy, & alive–curves & all]

If you haven’t already heard there has been an uproar of comments/concerns/controversy/anger/discussion over the latest Marie Claire article “The Hunger Diaries.” The article shines the light on how “healthy living” blogs may be putting their readers and themselves in danger, potentially promoting eating disorders, extreme dieting, and over-exercising. While I could go on and on about my take on the article or my opinion of “The Big 6,” that’s not why I’m writing. 

I’m writing because I do agree with one thing the article said: that blogs, including healthy living blogs, do have an influence on their readers. And I think that can be a good thing, in many cases! In fact if it were a bad thing, I’d have no purpose in having this blog or working on a memoir based on my experiences before I started this blog. I write because I strive to have a positive impact on women all over, making them feel wonderful about their bodies, happy for being themselves and enthusiastic about living a healthy lifestyle. 

You see if people took a chance to read blogs like my own (and hundreds of other positive, influential, inspiring women) they’d realize healthy is so much more than running 60 miles a week, cutting out carbs or squeezing into your Little Black Dress. Being healthy is feeling comfortable in your own skin, exercising for your mind and body, experimenting with creative recipes in the kitchen, and helping other women feel good about themselves. 

I can’t count the number of positive responses I’ve gotten because of my blog, and the positive effect it has on my readers, including friends, coworkers, strangers, fellow bloggers and tweeters. Just today, my sister’s roommate who hates any healthy food told me she absolutely loves my blog. “It actually makes me want to eat healthy food!! Pat yourself on the back that is a huge accomplishment.” I find it amazing (and inspiring) that because of my feel-good approach to writing, tasty wholesome recipes and healthy living approach to life, others want to follow in that path. I’ve had other’s write to me saying that I’ve helped their body image and confidence, that they love my healthy eating tips, and some who enjoy my silly, happy random posts that have nothing to do with dieting. Blah. The word diet just sounds scary. 

That’s exactly why I am working on writing a memoir: to help women see there is so much more to health. You see, I wasn’t always healthy. While I was thinner at one point (a good 15 pounds less than I am now), I was by no means healthy. I obsessed over food, wrote down everything I ate, counted calories, freaked if I didn’t work out at least an hour (or 3) a day, and thought boy’s didn’t like me because I was “fat.” That’s what my life was like for a solid 4+ years. It was absolutely torturous and I couldn’t find a way out.

But I did! Look at me today: a happy, curvy, perky, vivacious, lively, fun, healthy 23-year-old. I love my body, I love yoga, I love exercising because it makes me feel good, I love cooking, I love trying new restaurants and exotic foods, and most of all love life. I’ve come such a long way and I only wish other women who have ever struggled (or are currently struggling) can get to the point I’m at as well.

So stay tuned my fellow readers. This Healthy Chick is comin’ out with a book within the next year that’s gonna knock your socks off : ) I can’t wait to keep writing and bring you along on my journey to health and happiness. 

4 Responses to “Healthy Impacts: The Positive Influence on Readers”

  1. beckabes Says:

    Great post Rach! 🙂

  2. healthychicks Says:

    Thanks Beck! I forgot to tell you about my new approach to the book-remind me to fill you in : )

  3. Emily @ Foodie/Nutritionist Says:

    Great post, Rachel! I was so hurt and angered by this article, even though I wasn’t personally affected. I love inspiring others to eat healthy. I love reading others’ blogs about what they do to live healthy. While it is possible that some readers interpret these blogs in a way that might be harmful, I agree with you that the POSITIVE influences far outweigh the negative! I have gotten so much positive feedback as well. The author of that article does not strike me as to have really immersed herself into this “subculture” of healthy living/eating blogs–had she done so, I think she would have seen a much more inspiring, supportive group of people who care about their readers and love to make a positive impact on others.

  4. healthychicks Says:

    Thank you Emily! I agree: there is a TON of positive influence in this community, and everyone is DIFFERENT which makes it so much better : ) I love reading different blogs because everyone has their own take/perspective/voice/style/story and that’s what’s so wonderful about it.

    Keep reading and thanks for the comment!

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