Hump Day Lesson of the Day: On Giving Your Body a BREAK

Happy Hump Day ladies, and congrats on making it half-way through the week! This morning I woke up and felt like I got stomped on by an elephant, ran over by a train, or straight up beat up on. But none of those things actually happened. In reality, I pushed myself to the limits these past few days with exercise. Up until today, I’ve been following my Half Marathon Training plan to a tee. Yup, you heard that right. I haven’t missed a workout. But today I am doing what I truly believe in: listening to my body. I’m going to skip my scheduled 4.5 mile run and shift it to tomorrow instead, giving myself a “me day” today.

With a long day of skiing, several 4.5 mile runs in the past few days, and weight-lifting mixed in, my body truly needs a break. And that I will give it. Not to mention all the city-walking I do here in Boston. That’s a workout in itself!

Do you give your body a break when it’s telling you it needs one? What signifies “pushing the limit” to you?

4 Responses to “Hump Day Lesson of the Day: On Giving Your Body a BREAK”

  1. Jess Says:

    High five on listening to your body. It is SO important, especialy when in training mode! It’s hard to admit that you need more rest some days than others. I used to have a REALLY hard time doing it myself but I’ve learned to listen. If I hurt (and not in the good DOMS like way), it’s time for rest. Enjoy it!

  2. healthychicks Says:

    Thanks Jess. It was definitely a good decision. Everyone needs a recovery day every once in a while!

  3. Jen Says:

    I used to give myself the hardest of times if I missed a day of yoga. I think I didn’t know how to deal with ‘ruining’ my minute-to-minute daily routine of eating this and yoga classing that at set times. It’s so easy to become obsessive about sticking to a set plan, without being conscious of your own needs. Habits are just too easy, especially since they come with a sense of control.

    To be honest I think YOU helped me break-free from this unsound way of thinking one night a couple months ago when I was debating doing a late night hot yoga class or buying myself flowers, renting Eat, Pray, Love and just staying in for a me night.

    Great post, Rach. I can really relate to this.

  4. healthychicks Says:

    I remember that night Jen! Glad I was there to help, but you also did it yourself, I just gave you a little push ; ) I’m so happy you let go of those high expectations of “needing” to work out and just started being…and listening to your body. That’s amazing!

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