Food and Your Mood: What to Eat to Increase Your Sex Drive, Make You Happy and Calm Your Nerves


As I mentioned yesterday, I came home to CT for a cousin’s baby shower. I always love coming home because that means good food…good free food. The key word is FREE. It’s nice to take a break from the tight budgeting for a weekend. Last night my parents and I went over to a good family friend’s house for a home-cooked meal. We had a nice large salad with chives, diced apples and avocado, fresh bread, flank steak with mushrooms & onions, and a side of roasted asparagus.

As expected, while taking my morning pee I noticed that smell (Sorry for the TMI). You know, the smell your pee takes on after eating asparagus. Who knew it’s actually because the ever-so-tasty veggie contains a sulfur-containing compound called methyl mercaptan. And in order for our body to metabolize this very strange compound, it must break them down which in turn leads to the smell. This little incident got me thinking about how different foods affect our moods and actions. I browsed the web and did my research (what I do best), and this is what I came up with. So next time you want to “get in the mood” for your husband or shake up a bad day, read this list and you’ll be golden my friend!

Foods that Calm You Down

We all know that turkey puts us out like a baby on Thanksgiving each and every year, but here are some other eats that’ll help calm your nerves and keep you relaxed.

Almonds: Packed with B vitamins and magnesium (which help produce serotonin), these babies regulate your mood and help relieves stress

Fish: B vitamins galore, more particularly the stress-fighting superstars B6 and B12

Broccoli: With B vitamins and folic acid, this green is known to help relieve stress, anxiety, panic and even depression!

Whole Grain Pasta: known to calm you down after a rough day due to the serotonin-boosting powers

Sushi: Aside from the benefits of the fish,who knew the seaweed is packed with stress-relieving magnesium, pantothenic acid (for stress management) and B2? Sushi date, anyone?

Milk: With lots of antioxidants and both B2 and B12, milk is a go-to drink for calming you down. Try a bowl of heart-healthy cereal in the morning with some skim milk, or a glass of warm milk before bed to relax your body.

Cantaloupe: This tasty melon had lots of Vitamin C, which can combat high-stress issues. Cut the melon up in cubes and bring it to work for a mid-day snack!

Blueberries: With Vitamin C and loads of heart-healthy antioxidants these berries are a super fruit for sure when it comes to stress-relief!

Foods that May Stress You Out

Feeling all calm from the foods listed above? Then you may want to stay away from these stress-producing foods! No one likes being stressed out after all so listen up.

Coffee & Tea: If caffeine makes you wild and antsy, you may want to switch to decaf or herbal tea

Fatty Meats: Too much of anything is never good, so keep your meat in take in check. Too much can increase stress-inducing dopamine in the brain! EEK!


Foods that make you horny

 Got a hot date? Read on my friend…it’s time to load up on these aphrodisiacs!

Chili Peppers: Spice up your love life, baby! The capsaicin in the pepper increases circulation to get your blood flowing & to help stimulate nerves.

Asparagus: While it may make your pee smell after the fact (he he he), this green also helps stimulate sexual responses… interesting.

Bananas: Think: muscle strength, which leads to, ahem, intense reactions…

Chocolate: Who doesn’t like a glass of chocolate & wine to get you in the mood? The chemicals in chocolate are known to make us feel happy & excited, the perfect combo!

Oysters: The ever-so-popular aphrodisiac, oysters produce testosterone which leads to a higher sex drive

Pomegranates: Increases blood flow & sensitivity…ooh lala

Red Wine: Pair this witch chocolate and you’ll be golden!

Salmon: Packed with Omega 3’s, this healthy fish keeps sex-hormones at their peak!

Vanilla: Not only does it smell yummy, but it helps stimulate nerves, making everything feel even better

Watermelon: Thank goodness summer is-a-comin’! The nutrient found in this delicious fruit helps relax the body and speed up circulation! It’s a WIN WIN.


Foods That Make You Happy

I like being happy, you like being happy, so let’s be happy together! If you’re happy and you know it clap your hands…OK, I’ll stop now…

Milk: Yup, this dairy is showing up yet again! Milk products are loaded with tryptophan, an amino acid the brain uses to make serotonin (the feel-good, happy compound).

Chocolate: Yes, you can have that brownie or piece of dark chocolate after dinner! I’ve always been a firm believer that chocolate is good for you. The chemical inside chocolate, anadamine, helps brighten your mood. Not to mention the sugar which boosts those feel-good endorphins!

Pasta ‘n’ Such: Think feel-good comfort foods. Carbohydrates raise serotonin levels, hence having a happy effect.

Sardines (And other oily fish): A nutritionist once told me that sardines are like anti-depressants in a can! And he’s right. The omega-3 fatty acids can help lift our spirits in no time! Not to mention the serotonin-boosting B vitamins. Eat up!

Bananas: These yummy favorites contain that feel-good tryptophan again like milk. Why not make a banana milkshake for ultra happy effects?

Spinach: Be just like Popeye – strong and happy!

Beans: The magical fruit is right…except not only do they make you toot, but the folic acid, Omega 3s and B vitamins can boost your mood as well!

Nuts: Aside from their mood-boosting effects, these babies are also good for your brain!

Coffee: No wonder why I’m always so happy in the morning…Talk about a mood-enhancing drug! I’ll drink coffee every day if I wanna and that’s that.


Do you know any other foods that effect your mood? Or any funny wives’ tales to share? I’d love to hear!

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3 Responses to “Food and Your Mood: What to Eat to Increase Your Sex Drive, Make You Happy and Calm Your Nerves”

  1. can you eat green bananas Says:

    Hi Cybele! I wish we had some good weather! It’s rain, rain, rain and forecast still more for another month

  2. puerto rican green banana salad Says:

    I just took one of the new classes called “Passage to South India.” It was fantastic. The class was based on a dough made from rice and lentils. With this dough we made stuffed crepes called “Dosas” and spicy pancakes that were all amazing. The side dishes were an excellent spicy and sour lentil soup, with a spicy green plantain vegetable. The coconut chutney topped the meal off perfectly. I really recommend this class!

  3. Marc Says:


    » Blog Archive Food and Your Mood: What to Eat to Increase Your Sex Drive, Make You Happy and Calm Your Nerves – Healthy Chicks

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