Quotable Sunday: Live the Life You Want to Live

Lately, I’ve been having an internal battle with myself regarding success. There’s no doubt I’m not living the conventional lifestyle of a 20-something. I don’t work in Corporate America, I’ve never known what it tasted like to get a big promotion, or wear a suit to work.

I guess you could say I took the path less traveled. I quit my job to do what I love, am now attending school at the Institute for Integrative Nutrition to get my degree as a Holistic Health Counselor, and feel happier than I’ve felt in a long, long time.

As my dad always tells me, I’m an entrepreneur at heart and have always been that creative, do-it-my-way, less conventional type. With that said, it also means working hard for myself, keeping myself motivated (and holding myself accountable), oh and less benefits and a smaller paycheck (well, at least at first).

While that can get me down at times, I’ve realized it’s my choice. Rachel Wilkerson just wrote an amazing post about this very matter, “Accept Your Success (and Lack Thereof) as Your Own Fault.“[ It could not have come at a better time for me, and I highly recommend you read and join in on the discussion.]

My point here on this lovely Sunday is remembering you have control over the way you live your life. So, live your life the way you want to. If you bypass all the judgement/opinions/voices, you could find something really, really great. Perhaps a dream come true.

4 Responses to “Quotable Sunday: Live the Life You Want to Live”

  1. jobo Says:

    Wow, Rachel, what a great message…bypass the judgement and voices and find something you really want. YOU are doing what so many of us are afraid to do! I commend and respect that immensely. And perhaps covet it just a wee bit. YOU are a success for just making the choice.

  2. Rachel @Healthy_Chicks Says:

    Thank you so much…I needed to hear that! I’m glad you enjoyed the message, as so many of us tend to forget to live the life we want to live. Thanks for stopping by!

  3. Amanda Says:

    This post immediately made me think of a video I just saw of my friend Liz…what she says in the video is really inspiring and completely true because she took her own advice and is living her dream – http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RqI8s1JynW8 Hope all is well, girl!

  4. Rachel @Healthy_Chicks Says:

    @Amanda Very neat. Thanks for insight Amanda! Everything is worth it when you’re following your passion.

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