When I Get__________, then I am Happy…

What do you need to be happy? When will you be happy?

These are two questions we were asked during the Art of Living Happiness Program, a 5-day meditation course that I’m participating in. There were an array of answers from the group, everything from finding a soulmate to career success to financial stability.

I often ask these sorts of questions to my clients during my coaching programs.  Their answers usually look something like this:

“Once I lose 5 pounds, then I am happy…”

“Once I tone my arms, then I am happy…”

“Once I get skinny, then I am happy…”

“Once I get a hot bod, I will find my dream man and then I am happy…”

“Once I stop eating ‘bad’ food, then I will lose the weight and alas finally I am happy…”

Sound familiar? So often in life we prevent ourselves from moving forward and experiencing happiness in the now because we are waiting on something outside of ourselves — be it the dream bod or the high-paying job.

During our “Happiness Program” course, one of our instructors had us do something so simple, yet so profound. Once we completed our list of “When I get_____, I am happy” he had us cross off everything on the left side. All that was left was “I am Happy.”

I. Am. Happy.

You see, here’s the thing — there’s always going to be something else we desire, another thing we are chasing.

Once we get the degree, then we want the dream job. Once we get our dream job, then we want the dream man. Once we get the dream man, then we want the perfect house. Once we get the perfect house, then we want kids. Once we have kids then we want a new job/thinner arms/a vacation/fill in the blank. It’s endless, you see?

Why can’t we just be happy now?

Let go of the 5 pounds, the sculpted arms, and being skinny. Press pause on the hot bod, the dream man, and dissecting your “bad” eating habits. Forgive yourself for not having the perfect salary, big house or everything all figured out just yet.

Ironically, all this time wishing and hoping for something else is preventing us from simply being happy with who we are, as we are, in this moment.

Instead, just be happy and stop worrying so darn much. Seriously, it’s as simple as that.

What does your happiness list look like? What sorts of things are preventing you from experiencing true happiness? How can you be happy right now?

3 Responses to “When I Get__________, then I am Happy…”

  1. Monique @ Burpeestobubbly Says:

    ahhh omg I love this so much!!! It’s so true, and so easy to get caught up in the “if I/then I’ll” mindframe. I don’t struggle with this as much these days, but I have in the past and you’re right, it makes you not focus on the present.

  2. Rachel @Healthy Chicks Says:

    @Monique Exactly! So easy to forget isn’t it? 😉 So glad you struggle with this less these days…I think it’s definitely a work in progress!

  3. Healthy Chicks» Blog Archive » 11 Valuable Takeaways from The Art of Living Happiness Program (To Bring Into Your Daily Life) Says:

    […] out my recent post on letting go of this “if/then” thinking, and finding happiness within you. When you […]

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