how to get sh*t done in a modern world

Ever since I started to hone in on my entrepreneurial ways and follow my own path, I’ve had to really focus on getting sh*t done. Without coworkers, deadlines and mandatory meetings, all that’s left is yourself to keep you motivated. I won’t lie: it isn’t easy. Some days you can feel lonely, confused and even a little lost.

But one thing that’s helped me push through is learning to better manage my time so I can actually do what I say I’m going to do. (Gotta love that procrastination that creeps in!) Here are some simple tactics that have helped me tremendously along the way:

1. Be Realistic: As a dreamer, it’s easy to get caught up in big ideas. Don’t get me wrong, this isn’t necessarily a bad thing…dreams are what keep us inspired after all! But it’s important to have a healthy balance of visions and realism. Set intentions that challenge you, but are realistic to achieve. This will help you gain clarity and focus, as you work toward taking one step closer to your desires.

2. Set Your Own Deadlines: Maybe Boss Lady isn’t shouting deadlines down your throat, but that doesn’t mean you need to toss all forms of structure and formality. I find it super helpful to set my own realistic deadlines, so that I’m staying true to my word. It doesn’t have to be super specific like “by Thursday at noon” but it could even be setting quarterly goals or making it your intention to finish a certain project by the end of the month. Do what works for you, but definitely pencil it into your calendar to keep you motivated & on top of things!

3. Be True to You: As you work toward accomplishing your goals & taking strides to work for yourself, it’s super important to remember to be true to yourself. This means saying yes to the things that light you up, and also being OK with saying no to those that don’t jive with you. Not every opportunity that comes your way is going to be a good fit (even if a good amount of money is involved)…and that’s OK. The more you do things in line with your core values & how it is you want to feel, the more like-minded opportunities will flow your way. The Universe works in magical ways!

4. Own It: As you venture into becoming your own Boss Lady, take ownership of your bad-ass self and rock it out! Own who you are by talking to others about what you’ve got going on (like that super fab e-book you’re working on), walking the walk, and being proud of yourself and how far you’ve come. Confidence speaks wonders, and is the key to pushing through old fears (“I can’t”) to bring in a life full of abundance!

5. Take Periodical Social Media Vacations: This is a biggie for me! As someone who is just a teeny bit addicted to their iPhone and Mac, I have to consciously remind myself to turn it off. My husband likes to call this “Airplane mode your life!” This means, taking the time to rid yourself from social media and other distractions, so you can be present with your creative mind. Perhaps it’s scheduling an hour each day to write in silence, or even taking a whole week sans social media. Figure out what it is you need to feel true clarity & peace of mind. The less distractions the better when it comes to getting sh*t done!

6. Quit Comparing: Along the same notes as social media also comes the comparison trap. This is by far once of the biggest buzz kills and road blocks when you’re working on a creative project. If you’re too busy comparing yourself to what she is doing, you’re going to lose your stride and get caught up in other people’s stuff. This is a big no-no, as comparison to others makes you feel small, stuck, and not good enough. Rather, focus on YOU since no one out there can do what you do better than you do. Trust that.

7. Get Real About What You Truly Want: Last but not least, it’s vital to get clear about what you truly want. This goes back to your WHY, that is how you want to feel. Let this guide you through all your decisions, so you can ensure you’re staying on the right path, that is your path (vs. chasing someone else’s dream).

Do you struggle with getting sh*t done? What are your top tips for productivity?

2 Responses to “how to get sh*t done in a modern world”

  1. Monique @ burpees to bubbly Says:

    love this, Rachel! I tend to be pretty good about getting sh*t done ( I LOVEEEE making lists and crossing things off!), but these are great reminders for people who might struggle with it. If there’s one thing I would like to get better about it’s the comparison trap and “airplane moding my life” haha my boyfriend took my phone away from me last night because he was trying to talk to me about the kitchen renovations in the new apartment and even though I *thought* I was paying attention, I can now see how rude that was!

  2. Jolene Says:

    Yes 1000X over!!! especially social media AND the comparison trap. two big ones for me. Love this post!

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