Dinner for Two, Please: Team Work in the Kitchen Makes for a Wholesome, Tasty Meal

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Usually, I cook for just one in my tiny 2×2 single lady’s kitchen, but ever since the Sig-O came along – ha, I saw that word the other day and just had to use it – we’ve been attempting to cook together and let me tell you it’s quite a good time. Who knew team work in the kitchen could be such a fun bonding experience?

Maybe it’s just because I love that I can do my thing without him nagging at me for “doing it wrong.” I wouldn’t dare step inside my Grandma Mary’s kitchen while she is on a roll; the kitchen expert would rip me into pieces when she saw the way I held the knife or sliced the meat the “wrong way.” Then I’d probably get slapped with the wooden spoon…I kid…sorta.

But when you’re cooking with your boyfriend (or best friend/sister/brother/mother/lover) the two of you can do your own thing, then combine your talents to create something amazing. Take Tuesday night, for example. We were snowed in together so we bought ingredients to make salmon and roasted cauliflower. I made the salmon – marinated in orange juice, tequila, garlic, pepper, lime juice … Read More!