Quotable Sunday: Be Thankful for What You Have

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Good evening ladies! I hope you all had splendid, little Thanksgiving weekends stuffing your face with delicious bites, spending time with family & friends, and shopping your little hearts out. Oh, and the most important part: giving thanks. I, like many of you, sometimes to forget just how much I have to be thankful for. As humans, we tend to forget what it is that we have, instead dwelling on the negatives, the “don’ts” and the “cant’s.”

Whenever I find myself stressing (most of the time over nothing), or feeling down in the dumps, I sit back and remember all I have to be grateful for in life. From our boyfriends and spouses who love us oh so very much and friends and family who are there for us in any crisis to all our wonderful accomplishments and the food on our table, we all have many things to be thankful for every. single. day. Yes, that’s you too!

I suggest you make a list of things you are so lucky to have, so that next time you find yourself getting all Negative Nancy you have something to pick you right back up!


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Quotable Sunday: On Washing Away The Worries

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The other day, I wrote this post regarding a lesson that I learned from my yoga teacher on worrying less – something we should all strive to do. This post led to a great discussion on how all of you feel about worrying, and letting the little things go. I encourage you to leave a comment & get involved if you have not done so yet.

Anyway, since today is Quotable Sunday and all, I share with you this quote which I whole-heartedly agree with. Now whip out that chicken stock and some root vegetables, and get the ball rolling (er, the wooden spoon stirring)!

What’s your favorite worry-free remedy?


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Quotable Monday: Let Go of Your Grievances

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This weekend I was lucky enough to attend Institute for Integrative Nutrition’s Live Fall IINto Action Event in NYC. The event was absolutely amazing, with inspiring speakers like founder Joshua Rosenthal and mind-body expert Deepak Chopra. Throughout the weekend, we discussed everything from leadership and marketing to raw food, going vegan and the obesity epidemic in America.

One of the discussions on spirituality and faith really stood out to  me, and I’d like to share one of the quotes with you that really struck a chord.

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Quotable Sunday: On NOT Giving Up

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Happy Sunday ladies. I hope you had a wonderful weekend, and are enjoying this final day of relaxation. Anyway, I got to thinking this morning about goals, dreams and following through with them. All of us have dreams and aspirations for ourselves, including those magical ones we’ve had since we were five years old, and others which we develop as we go through life.

Goals and dreams are great. They keep us passionate. They keep up motivated. However, when we don’t achieve those said goals in ____ period of time, it’s easy to give up and get down on ourselves.

In these times we need to remember that, while it may be more difficult, trying just one more time is the better option. We all fall, but we need to learn to pick ourselves back up, wipe those tears and give it another go, or fight like hell for something we believe in.  After all, no one ever made it big by giving up. Next time you fall, remember that and remember this quote.

Cheers to a happy, inspirational Sunday afternoon!


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