Quotable Sunday: Release That Inspiration

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[via my fortune cookie from Billy Tse’s last week]

I’m really not a fan of the actual fortune cookie (tastes like sweet cardboard to me), but I am always a sucker for the secret message within.

This particular fortune really stuck with me, as I have many ideas for my business rolling around my head at the moment. Each and every day, I feel even more inspired about everything I’m learning at IIN, my growing practice as a health counselor, and the wonderful people I meet along the way.

I am truly blessed to be living the life I want to be living for myself (rather than have to be living), even if that means taking some risks and not always being certain of the “what if?” But I guess that’s all part of the journey, right?

If you’re feeling inspired by a particular something or someone, then by all means go out and live that inspiration while it’s on fire. What are you waiting for? As my fortune says, it’s time to “go deep.”

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Making the Best of It & Quotable Sunday

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I’ve always admired people like my father, and my  boyfriend for that matter, for having the amazing capability of making the best of every situation. You know the make-lemonade-glass-is-half full-kinda-people.

After all, if every time you’re thrown a few lemons you just sit there hiding in your room with the lemons, where’s the fun in that? It’d be a pretty sour life now wouldn’t it?

Lately, I’ve been really trying to make the best of what I’m given, and remember that every little obstacle in life is there for a reason and helps us grow. If life were perfect, it’d be pretty darn boring if I do say so myself. Plus, the little hurdles & struggles we have to overcome make things a little more exciting, even if we don’t realize that at the very moment.

But anywho, 99% of the time things end up working themselves out naturally, so why not make the best out of it? If you do so, I can guarantee you’ll be much happier at the very least.

Yea, you may be feeling a little blue on the inside, but the sun is out and it’s a beautiful day, so why not Read More!

Quotable Sunday: Live the Life You Want to Live

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Lately, I’ve been having an internal battle with myself regarding success. There’s no doubt I’m not living the conventional lifestyle of a 20-something. I don’t work in Corporate America, I’ve never known what it tasted like to get a big promotion, or wear a suit to work.

I guess you could say I took the path less traveled. I quit my job to do what I love, am now attending school at the Institute for Integrative Nutrition to get my degree as a Holistic Health Counselor, and feel happier than I’ve felt in a long, long time.

As my dad always tells me, I’m an entrepreneur at heart and have always been that creative, do-it-my-way, less conventional type. With that said, it also means working hard for myself, keeping myself motivated (and holding myself accountable), oh and less benefits and a smaller paycheck (well, at least at first).

While that can get me down at times, I’ve realized it’s my choice. Rachel Wilkerson just wrote an amazing post about this very matter, “Accept Your Success (and Lack Thereof) as Your Own Fault.“[ It could not have come at a better time for me, and I highly recommend … Read More!

Quotable Sunday: On Seeking Out Adventures

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Quotable Sunday: Soup for the Soul & My Trip to Zoup Fresh Soup Company

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Today, after a long day of shopping for winter clothes, my sister and I decided to stop at Zoup Fresh Soup Company to warm up. I had only been to Zoup once before, but decided to give it another go. After all, it is officially sweater, snuggling, and soup season.

With twelve rotating soups on their menu, a variety of fresh salads, sandwiches and breads, this place was an instant hit in my books. After sampling four different soups – including Chicken Pot Pie and Collard Green Chicken & Barley – I decided to go with a classic zesty Tomato Basil paired with a Loco Burrito Salad (with Romaine, fajita chicken, salsa, mozzarella, tomatoes, guacamole, and tortilla crisps).

The waiter must have liked me for sampling all their soups, that he upgraded me from a cup to a bowl for free. What a nice surprise! The soup was perfect, with just the right amount of spice and I licked my salad bowl clean. I will definitely be back this winter to stay nice and toasty!

Hope you all had an amazing weekend. Now grab yourself a cup of soup & enjoy.


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