Quotable Sunday: Be Thankful for What You Have

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Good evening ladies! I hope you all had splendid, little Thanksgiving weekends stuffing your face with delicious bites, spending time with family & friends, and shopping your little hearts out. Oh, and the most important part: giving thanks. I, like many of you, sometimes to forget just how much I have to be thankful for. As humans, we tend to forget what it is that we have, instead dwelling on the negatives, the “don’ts” and the “cant’s.”

Whenever I find myself stressing (most of the time over nothing), or feeling down in the dumps, I sit back and remember all I have to be grateful for in life. From our boyfriends and spouses who love us oh so very much and friends and family who are there for us in any crisis to all our wonderful accomplishments and the food on our table, we all have many things to be thankful for every. single. day. Yes, that’s you too!

I suggest you make a list of things you are so lucky to have, so that next time you find yourself getting all Negative Nancy you have something to pick you right back up!


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