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Good afternoon, beautiful souls! There’s something magical about a new month, don’t you think? It paves the doorway for new beginnings and gives you a sense of “permission” that it’s OK to change paths, re-route, or heck even start over. This is especially true when the start of a month begins with a new moon like today. Where are my fellow astrology sisters out there? 😉
New moons have been known to symbolize letting go of the past, and making way for a fresh start. It’s the perfect time to set intentions, get clear about your heart’s true desires, and re-set your focus. Make sense, right?
And according to The AstroTwin’s, tonight’s new moon in Leo may actually spark your inner creative genius + give you a little confidence booster to boot. So for all my fellow creatives out there, this new moon is totally working on your side!
As I reflect upon the new moons + what I’d like to manifest in the year ahead, 3 phrases immediately come to mind: abundance, focus + vibrant feminine energy.
I’m going to take some time today to write out some affirmation cards, and then spend some time journaling … Read More!
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Happy Friday, loves! Hope you had a fabulous week. Mine was super blissful, filled with a trip to Briggs Garden Center, lot o’ journaling fun, and putting the finishing touches on an exciting creative project I’m launching soon. PS If you missed yesterday’s post, I’m starting a weekly (virtual) journaling club in August and would love you ladies to join.
Anyway, I’m super pumped to bring you this week’s feature on Healthy Chicks in the Community, a weekly series celebrating badass women doing their thing. When you’re a blogger and social media addict, you tend to socialize with many people on the interwebs, many of whom you’ve never even met IRL (in real life). Some of those “online friends” you connect with more than others because they just “vibe” with you, and Sanae is one of those people.
She’s such a beautiful soul — inside & out — and I’m so glad that social media brought us together. I first “met” her through some comments on my instagram feed, and quickly realized what an inspiring, cool, rockstar of a woman she is — all the ingredients for a Healthy Chick in the Community. She even has her own … Read More!
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Journaling saved my life.
“Huh?” you must be thinking. “How could a piece of pen & some paper do such a thing?”
But you see it’s far more than just simply jotting down words. Journaling is a way to express yourself, unleash creativity, pour out all the emotions, and get clear about what it is your heart truly desires.
When you think about it, many of us had our first experience with a journal during childhood — in the form of a diary. Little girls everywhere would rush home from school writing down the latest gossip, deep secrets and magical fantasies. If you’re like me, many of my entries are filled with things like “Today I have a crush on____.” “Joey didn’t talk to me on the playground today.” “She’s my BFF forever and ever and ever.”
While it may seem silly, at the time it was my little Rachel’s way of venting; it was therapeutic in a sense. After all, nothing you write in a journal is off limits.
However, it’s the journaling I deep-dived into as an adult that truly was the game-changer for me. In my early days of college, I wrote a lot about heartbreak, body … Read More!
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Good afternoon, babes! Hope you’re having an amazing week, and soaking up some sunshine. Hubby & I just moved into our new place in the ‘burbs yesterday, and we’re already loving the simplicity and quiet. Don’t get me wrong, I absolutely adore Boston, but I’m definitely a country gal at heart 😉
Anyway, I wanted to let you in on a little secret over here: I used to absolutely hate my body, in particular my “fat thighs.” I was super self-conscious to the extent that I wouldn’t wear jeans or shorts, let alone be caught dead exposed in a bathing suit. Trust me, I had the worst tan lines!
By focusing on what I hated about my body, my mind was filled with negative thoughts like “I am not good enough,” “If only I could have her body” and “Once I lose some weight and that thigh jiggle, maybe then I’ll be happy.”
Newsflash: those thoughts got me no where.
Lately, I’ve been hearing a lot of negative bod talk stemming from the whole “bikini body” goals. It’s all over the place on social media, tabloids, magazines, and blog posts shouting at us ladies that THIS IS WHAT … Read More!
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Hello beautiful ladies! Hope you’re off to one heck of a summer; I know I am. I left my full-time job, celebrated my 29th birthday, camped with some of my faves, chilled by the ocean, took an incredible calligraphy class, and have been eating all the food. Um, hello wine + cheese.
One of my favorite parts about summer is being outdoors and staying active — be it hiking, long walks on the beach collecting sea glass, morning runs or standup paddleboarding.
Fitbit makes it easier than ever to track all of your activities in a stylish, simple way. With the latest and greatest member of their active line — the Fitbit Blaze — they’ve totally pumped it up a notch. I absolutely love the plum wristband on the one I was given (my fave color!) but it also comes in blue and black if purple’s not your thing.
Check out these sleek features to see why I’m lovin’ the Blaze:
- Connected GPSâ„¢ maps routes and delivers real-time exercise stats on device like distance and pace (using the GPS from your connected smartphone).
- Cool one-of-a-kind screen features like color touch screen and music control. Ya
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Have you ever had someone try to steal your glow — you know kill your vibe? You’re feeling great, you’re having an A-OK day, and then someone kind of stomps all over it.
This happened to me today while going about my daily errands. I ran into someone from my past whom I haven’t seen in years, and casually told them what I was up to. Before asking anything about me, they were quick to say — while laughing hysterically — “What? You quit your job without having another job?” When I told said person about how excited I was to finally focus on my health coaching and freelance writing and look for something part time, they continued to laugh at me. Big, roaring, I-am-judging-you-right-now snicker.
No questions. No congratulations. 100% judgement.
While at first I was insulted, I quickly reined it in and remembered how amazing I am and how I shouldn’t need to feel validated by another — mind you someone who barely knows me. I haven’t felt this happy in a while, and I’m going through a huge transitional period right now, including moving into a new place with my husband. This should be an exciting … Read More!
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Happy Friday, love bugs! I don’t know about you, but I am totally feeling those summer vibes. Yesterday I hit the beach with one of my BFFs and we spent the day laughing, enjoying little appies (including this incredible local goat cheese spread!) & sharing a pitcher of sangria 😉 Hey, you only live once! I’d say I’m starting 29 off with a bang.
Anyway, it’s time for this week’s spotlight for Healthy Chicks in the Community, a weekly series celebrating badass women doin’ their thang. Remember last fall when I ran in the Reach the Beach relay with 11 other fabulous ladies? Well, I was lucky enough to meet the beautiful, confident, bubbly Ashley Diamond who also ran the relay! I loved her big, welcoming personality, making RTB newbies like me much more comfortable. I’m thrilled to feature Ashley on the blog today; she sure is one “Healthy Chick” you’ll love getting to know!

NAME/AGE: Ashley Diamond / 32
BLOG/TWITTER: A Healthy, Happier Bear and I am on Snapchat, Instagram and Twitter at
CURRENT CITY: Brooklyn, New York
PHOTO TAKEN: This picture was taken while hiking in Vermont with my family this June.
WHAT YOU DO FOR … Read More!
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Yesterday was my 29th birthday. The final year of my 20s. Almost 30. True adulthood.
Like all of my past birthdays, a bajillion feelings come sneaking their way to the surface, and I get a little self-judgy. It’s a time where I reflect back on where I am now, and where I think I “should” be.
When I was 22, I thought I had it allll figured out. I was ripe out of college, and had just moved to Boston with my best friend to start our lives in the city. I had super high expectations for myself of where I’d be at certain milestones in life — career, personal successes, love life and more. I would nail my dream job, find a husband, and make it big.
By 29, I’d be established in my career, own a big house with a backyard and grill, have a puppy and maybe a kid on the way. Put simply, I’d have my “shit together,” you know as adults should.
While things certainly didn’t map out as “planned,” I wouldn’t want it any other way.
We struggle, we change, we make decisions we don’t know are “right” but they feel right so … Read More!