On Making Time for the things that light you up
“Babe, I haven’t blogged in a couple weeks,” I whispered softly to my husband as we were falling asleep the other night.
“Well then, you should take that as a sign that you’re working too much,” he responded bluntly.
Don’t you just love how matter-of-fact men can be?
Here’s the thing though: he was right. I had stopped writing — my “me thing” — because I didn’t have time (or so I thought).
You see, when you suddenly realize you no longer “have time” for the little things that make you happy i.e. your true passions, its time to take a step back & take a good, long hard look at your life.
Where is that time going? Whether you’re working too hard or focusing your priorities elsewhere, there should never be “no time” to do you. In fact, I argue that these are the things we need to be actually making time for — our priorities.
For me, writing is that little joy, the thing in my life that helps me escape, sort my thoughts, and unleash my creativity. It’s not work. It’s not stressful. It’s not because I have to. It’s something I do for myself. … Read More!