On Making Time for the things that light you up

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“Babe, I haven’t blogged in a couple weeks,” I whispered softly to my husband as we were falling asleep the other night.

“Well then, you should take that as a sign that you’re working too much,” he responded bluntly.

Don’t you just love how matter-of-fact men can be?

Here’s the thing though: he was right. I had stopped writing — my “me thing” — because I didn’t have time (or so I thought).

You see, when you suddenly realize you no longer “have time” for the little things that make you happy i.e. your true passions, its time to take a step back & take a good, long hard look at your life.

Where is that time going? Whether you’re working too hard or focusing your priorities elsewhere, there should never be “no time” to do you. In fact, I argue that these are the things we need to be actually making time for — our priorities.

For me, writing is that little joy, the thing in my life that helps me escape, sort my thoughts, and unleash my creativity. It’s not work. It’s not stressful. It’s not because I have to. It’s something I do for myself. … Read More!

When the Scale gets you down, do what makes you feel good in your body!

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One month ago, I posted this on instagram:

“I weighed myself for the first time in over a year today. (I broke up with the scale years ago as I used to be the one who weighed myself 5 times a day + obsessed over calories.) Anyway, the number on the scale showed that I gained about 8 to 10 pounds since our last encounter.

Old me would have cried, gone on a new diet + then binged on peanut butter at midnight. New me took a deep breath + felt a sense of relief. Maybe I weigh a bit more, but I’m happy in my body. I’m healthy. I’m in a loving relationship. I have my kale and my cheese…my wine and my green juice. I’m me. I’m a woman. And guess what, in a few months from now I may weigh 10 pounds less…or 5 pounds more. And that’s OK. Because really, who the hell cares? All that truly matters in the end is how you FEEL. ❤”

I left the gym that cold, wintery night feeling proud of all I have overcome, and shook off the whole weight thing.

Yet lo and behold, about a week … Read More!

Healthy Chicks in the Community: A Happy, Make-up loving Dancing Queen

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Good afternoon, and welcome to this week’s feature on Healthy Chicks in the Community. If you’re new to the blog, on Fridays I feature someone who embodies what it means to live well — mind, body + soul!

This week, I’m thrilled to introduce you to Gemma! Two of my favorite qualities about a person is positivity and passion, and Gemma embodies both of these in spades. You can clearly see she loves what she does, and wants to share it with the world! When you’ve got something you’re that passionate about, it’s a sin not to get your story out there. I’ll let her tell you for herself! 😉

NAME/AGE: Gemma Santamaria / 22 yrs old

BLOG/TWITTER: Website / FB Page


PHOTO TAKEN: Paulette’s Ballet Studio, Summer 2015

WHAT YOU DO FOR WORK: I run a dance program, Fun&Fit, which is based around finding the joy, and happiness in movement for teens and adults…as I like to call it, Happy Exercise!  Both my classes (BalletBarre and DanceCardio) strengthen, lengthen, energize, and tone the body and mind– but we have fun doing so!

NUMBER ONE PASSION: Inspiring, and being inspired by people, in all aspects of … Read More!

Non BS Advice for Ringing in the New Year + Getting Sh*t done in 2016

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Eff the weight loss, green juice miracle cleanses + “bikini body by spring break” diet plans. Forget about the dream job/relationship/house/life. Say goodbye to cringe-worthy resolutions, doing things you don’t want to do and burning yourself out. This New Year, it’s going to be different. It’s time to do you (rather than what the self help book said you should do).

As you mosey your way through the whole new-year-resolution-setting thing this year, take a step back and pause. Breathe. Before you go through the motions of what you’ve done in years past or what your bffs are doing, think about what it is that lights you up + makes you feel most connected to yourself.

Here are some (BS-free!) tips to get you started on living your most authentic, productive, happiest self in 2016.

1. Let go of the stuff that no longer serves you: This is a biggie. Are you someone who says yes to everyone and everything? If so, you’ve got some major detoxing to do, and I’m not talking about your diet. It’s time to take a good, long hard look at your life.

Are the people, things and events in which you fill your Read More!

A Goodbye Letter to 2015

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Dear 2015,

It’s surely been quite the ride. You’ve been an adventurous one for sure — throwing twists + turns and other curveballs which ultimately helped me figure out what I truly wanted. For that I am grateful.

Some of my favorite moments came during the summer. I hosted another Girls Night Out for New Balance with a group of inspiring, kick-ass women. I traveled to San Diego for a rejuvenating soul-cleansing trip with my dad, and made my way to Saratoga to see Dave Matthews Band live with the hubby + friends. I went on several camping trips (one in which my little sis got engaged!) and fell in love with Portland Maine while vacationing with our best friends.

I also spent a lot of time simply living in the moment.

Throughout all the traveling and go-go-go, I teamed up with my friend Kelley to launch Soul Sisters, and we hosted the most beautiful kickoff party + retreat to Spectacle Island with 13 other beautiful women.  It was certainly one of the highlights of my summer, and one of the most special moments for me. I was also given the most incredible opportunity to take part in a 5-day Read More!

Healthy Chick’s Holiday Wish List: cover everyone on your list from the yogi to the book worm

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It’s the most wonderful time of the year, and after two Christmas parties and one Hanukah celebration this past weekend (back to back to back) I’m finally in the holiday spirit!

Stumped on what to get your kale-loving, downward-dogging, creative pal this season? I’ve got ya covered! See below for my exclusive Healthy Chick’s holiday wish list. And, hey if they don’t like their gift you can send it my way 😉

for the yogi who owns every pair of pants that exist: lululemon’s brand new align pant in bordeaux drama. The barely there fabric makes you feel like you’re wearing nothing — they are seriously that comfy! I own them. I love them. I want to live in them. ‘nough said.
lululemon athletica, $98.00

for the on-the-go snacker: Happy & Healthy Holiday gift basket from Organic Living Superfoods. This beautiful gift pack is perfect for this time of year, and contains some of my favorites like their Sprouted Buffalo Almonds & Ranch Cashews and “Life By Chocolate” trail mix.
Organic Living Superfoods, $26.99

for the anxious one who wants to practice mindfulness: Balance essential oil by doterra. I can’t get enough of this grounding oil blend … Read More!

Healthy Chicks in the Community: A Dancing, Blonde Shoe-Loving Diva

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Happy Thanksgiving weekend all, hope your bellies & hearts are full. I’m thrilled to introduce you to this week’s Healthy Chick in the Community, the one and only Katie.

Like a sister to me, Katie has more energy and can talk more than anyone I know! Not to mention she’s a wonderful person who puts her friends & family first.

I’ll let you meet this shopping-obsessed diva for yourself! Can’t think of a better day than on Black Friday 😉

NAME/AGE: Katie Sullivan, 26 years old

CURRENT CITY: Lives in Vernon, CT

PHOTO TAKEN: This picture was taken last Thanksgiving sitting by the fireplace at my mom’s house.

WHAT I DO FOR WORK: I work for East Hartford Public Schools as a 1st grade teacher

MY NUMBER ONE PASSION: Teaching. I always knew I wanted to be a teacher and that passion has never changed. My students keep me motivated and challenge me every day.

I FEEL MY HEALTHIEST SELF WHEN: I start my week off with a great spinning class. This helps me stay on track with my goals for the rest of the week. The empowering feeling I get after a great workout class motivates me to get … Read More!

14 Days to a Healthy, Happy + Sane Holiday Season {2 Week Wellness Program}

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Happy (almost) Thanksgiving!

Thanksgiving is my absolute favorite time of year, and brings so many fond memories of friends + family like waking up to the smell of fresh herbs & turkey roasting in the oven (because my dad sneaks out of bed to get an early start!), helping my Grandma Carol open cans of corn in the kitchen, and sharing laughs around the table.

There’s so much joy, so much love. That’s what the holidays are really about.

We need to remember to keep that joyous feeling throughout the holiday season, not just on the day dedicated for giving thanks. That’s why I’ve been busy crafting up a fun, interactive holiday wellness program for y’all…which you can do from the comfort of your own home!

That’s right, “14 Days to a Healthy, Happy + Sane Holiday Season” will get you feeling all warm, cozy + sexy inside (without giving up Christmas cookies or grandma’s famous mashed potatoes with gravy!)

The challenge will begin on Tuesday, December 8th and includes:

1. Daily dose of positivity sent straight to your email (even better than your morning pumpkin latte!) with clear action-steps to implement right away for the two weeks

2. Access … Read More!