Healthy Chicks in the Community: Meet RACHEL AKA The Chick Behind the Blog

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Good morning friends, and Happy Friday! I couldn’t be more exited for the weekend — we’re going to a keilbasa smoking + polka party tonight (yes, you heard that right) with my sister’s future in-laws! Since everyone in my family is Polish — including my hubby! — this is totally up our alley.

Anyway, on to this week’s feature for Healthy Chicks  in the Community! Every week I feature a woman in the community who embodies what it means to live well, both inside & out! This week, I wanted to give you the inside scoop on the chick behind the blog, that is M-E! For those of you who have been reading for years THANK YOU, and those new to the blog welcome to the family! OK, now it’s time to get to know me a little better… 😉

NAME/AGE: Rachel Kaczynski “Ski” / 28

twitter: @healthy_chicks
instagram: @healthychicks


PHOTO TAKEN: Last weekend, right after my beautiful mom gave me a new ‘do!

WHAT YOU DO FOR WORK: I wear many hats. I run the Community Marketing for sweetgreen in Boston — they’re a pretty sick company if … Read More!

21 Ways to Give Back to Yourself this Holiday Season {Plus a Giveaway!}

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‘Tis the season of giving — gift giving, family commitments, giving love, putting in some extra hours at work to hit that deadline, you name it. But just as important as giving is receiving, or better known as giving to yourself.

There’s no better way to practice than some good ol’ self care. Here are 21 quick & easy ways to put yourself first this holiday season!

1. Plan a me-cation.

2. Book a massage.

3. Look in the mirror + tell yourself “I love you.”

4. Set your intention for the season.

5. Take a nap (and don’t feel guilty about it).

6. Play hooky.

7. Buy those pair of fabulous boots you’ve been eyeing all season.

8. Cook a homemade meal for one in the crockpot (and relish the way the scent fills your home).

9. Pick one room in your house to re-decorate.

10. Meditate upon waking.

11. Write in your journal before bed.

12. Sleep. For 8 hours or more.

13. Buy yourself a bouquet of wild flowers & put them in a pretty vase.

14. Be “bad.” Eat the darn chocolate chip cookie.

15. Host a wine + cheese night with your gal pals.

16. … Read More!

Healthy Chicks in the Community: An Outdoorsy, Natural Beauty Loving Entrepreneur

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Wow, I can’t believe it’s already Friday! This week seriously flew by. It seems like just yesterday I was at the W.E.L.L. Summit (if you missed my recap you can catch it here), and it’s hard to believe it was already one week ago.

Speaking of the W.E.L.L. Summit, one of the best parts was connecting with so many like-minded, energetic individuals. One of those lovely ladies was the beautiful Mia Bell, a passionate entrepreneur who’s also a fabulous mommy to boot! I was so drawn to Mia’s infectious personality — she’s super approachable, honest and someone I could totally see being in my “tribe.”

I’ll let you meet Mia for yourself…you’re bound to love her!

NAME/AGE: Mia Bell, 29

twitter, instagram: @miabellbrands

CURRENT CITY: Portland, Oregon

PHOTO TAKEN: Tamanawas Falls, Mt. Hood National Forest in Oregon last July

WHAT YOU DO FOR WORK: I am the Founder & CEO of MIA BELL Natural Beauty Brokers. We help brilliant, natural and organic beauty brands grow their presence in the marketplace.

NUMBER ONE PASSION: Working together with honest and caring people to create a healthier, brighter and more loving world. I know it’s going to … Read More!

10 Fabulous + Practical Takeaways from The W.e.l.l. Summit 2015 in Boston

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I was fortunate enough to spend this past weekend at The W.E.L.L. Summit in Boston, a two-day curated event featuring the best of the best in the wellness community. There were top-notch speakers (like Latham Thomas, Kristen Arnett, and Ksenia Avdulova), passion-filled breakout sessions, drool-worthy goodie bags, and a joyous farm-to-table welcome dinner.

Needless today, I was in my wellness heaven. While many folks have now gone back to their home (from New York City to Mexico!) and all that remains from the welcome dinner are the memories, a full tummy, and one candle-lit photo on instagram, I wanted to share with you the many bits of wisdom I took away from my weekend. Enjoy!

1. Build your following by building your tribe: Desperation and trying to be like everyone else will do nothing for your popularity when it comes to social media. In order to grow your following organically, Breakfast Criminals powerhouse Ksenia recommends first building a community i.e. your tribe. Two must-dos? 1.) Share the love by connecting with like-minded folks in the industry and commenting/liking their photos and 2.) Get clear with your vision. If you want to be known in your industry, you … Read More!

6 Seasonal Fall Foods To Try Now {+Recipes}

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Fall is hands down my favorite season. There’s something about it that’s purely magical…you can even smell it in the air. It’s fresh, crisp and the perfect amount of cozy (think: leggings, boots and an over-sized sweater).

Along with the weather shifts also comes a bounty of delicious in-season fruits and veggies. Here are a few of my favorites, along with must-try recipes to go along with them!

Cauliflower: There’s lots you can do with cauliflower. You can mash it (for a delicious mashed potato substitute), but my absolute favorite way is roasting. It cooks up really nice & crispy, and goes well with a number of herbs and spices. Try this Balsamic & Parmesan Roasted Cauliflower recipe, a house-hold favorite!

Brussels Sprouts: Brussels sprouts are probably my favorite fall veggie, and my man will 100% agree. Lately, I’ve been going to town with sweetgreen’s Roasted Turkey + Brussels Sprouts Salad on their fall menu (hot tip: I like to add goat cheese) but it also frequently makes an appearance at home. When it comes to brussels sprouts, keeping it simple is best. These oven-roasted brussels from Whole Foods totally do the trick!

Pears: Once … Read More!

Healthy Chicks in the Community: A Fit, Singing Boston Networking Queen

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Happy Friday, ladies! Hope you’re enjoying this beautiful fall weather, and soaking up the last bits of foliage (if you’re a fellow New Englander, that is)

Onward & upward to this week’s lovely feature on Healthy Chicks in the Community! Danielle is one of the sweetest girls I’ve ever met — she’s a good friend, a good wife and an all around good person. I’ve gotten to know her these past few years in Boston from my HC wellness programs to fitness nights and of course blogger events…and I love how supportive she always is.

I’ll let you meet this rockstar for yourself!

NAME/AGE: Danielle Kempe, 31


Twitter: @DJDiG Instagram: @gettingfitinma


PHOTO TAKEN (WHERE/WHEN): At the finish of the BAA 5K in 2015

WHAT YOU DO FOR WORK: fundraiser for the National Organization for Rare Disorders

NUMBER ONE PASSION: That’s hard to pick just 1. I guess writing, since that’s a stress reliever for me, but fitness is a close 2nd for that!

I FEEL MY HEALTHIEST SELF WHEN I AM: Making time for my own personal fitness: getting in workouts with November Project, or other social fitness workouts. I schedule my workouts … Read More!

My #1 Passion + O.N.E Coconut water Partnership

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Good morning, friends! Hope you’re off to a lovely week so far. I am excited to announce that I’m partnering up with O.N.E. Coconut Water for the next few months to bring you delicious content…oh and maybe a few giveaways 😉

I love how O.N.E. keeps it simple, without any extra funky ingredients added. It’s just pure coconut water, and any natural flavors or fresh juices added to amp up the flavor. Right now I’m a big fan of their pure coconut water as I like my beverages as un-sweet as possible.

My #1 passion is living well + connecting with people in the community, and I love that O.N.E. can be a part of that! Last week, I ran my 6th half marathon in Newburyport MA. I had not trained as hard as I had for my others, so I knew it was going to be a bit of a struggle — both mentally and physically.

In the morning, I was lucky enough to “pre-game” with a bottle of O.N.E. pure coconut water. I love how hydrating (& energizing!) it is, and for someone who loves staying active, I know how important it is to hydrate up throughout the … Read More!

Bostonians Get Rewarded for Making Healthy Choices {Via The Blue Box Truck}!

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As you know, I’m a big fan of making small, simple changes toward living a healthier lifestyle. I don’t believe that you can look at someone and decide if they are healthy or unhealthy; rather it’s the little things you do every day which add that extra chunk of change to your “wellness bank.”

You know, like taking the stairs instead of the elevator or escalator at work.

Going for a peaceful walk on your lunch break.

Adding some organic, chopped veggies to your lunch wrap.

Hitting up the farmer’s market.

Cooking…from scratch…with your family.

Setting your alarm clock for 6:00 a.m. so you can squeeze in that yoga sesh.

You see, when you incorporate simple, little acts of wellness, you feel better all around and you become healthier. Oh, and you can afford to skip the gym or have that extra margarita once in a while…you deserve it. After all, being healthy isn’t about being perfect 100% of the time. It’s about doing what works for you and makes you feel good…most of the time.

Who’s with me on this?

Great! For my fellow Boston-based Healthy Chicks (and Guys!), you may have gotten to experience this first-hand last month. … Read More!