8 Lessons I learned Running 2015 Reach the Beach Relay with New Balance {Team #NBGirlsRunBeta}

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This past Friday, my alarm went off at 5:30 a.m. to kick off Reach the Beach weekend! Our first runner was about to begin her first leg, and our team woke up bright & early to cheer her on at the start of the race!

For those of you who don’t know, Reach the Beach is a 200-mile relay race, starting in the Bretton Woods ski area and ending at Hampton Beach. A traditional team is made up of 12 runners, where each teammate runs 3 legs of the relay. I was lucky enough to be a part of New Balance’s media team #NBGirlsRunBeta with 11 other fabulous bloggers and editors.

15.1 miles run, 2 vans, lots of peanut butter, hills galore, 11 new friends, loads of laughs and 200 total miles to the beach later, I’m now back in my Boston apartment recovering and reminiscing on one of the best weekends I’ve had in a while! If you’re considering running a similar relay race or perhaps want to participate in Reach the Beach next year, here’s what you should know. (Stay tuned for a full recap on the blog soon!)

1. Pack more than enough outfits! Seriously, you are … Read More!

Healthy Chicks in the Community: An Ever-So-Creative, Playful, Nike-Trainer Mama

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Happy Friday, ladies! I’m off running Reach the Beach Relay right now (perhaps in the middle of one of my legs as we speak 😉 ) but I wanted to make sure I brought you our weekly Healthy Chicks in the Community series!

This week’s spotlight is someone I totally admire. She has a way with words (and music!) like no other, she’s a killer Flywheel instructor, and she’s a brand new mommy to a beautiful baby girl! I’ll let you see just how fabulous Miss Jessica Latshaw is for yourself…

NAME/AGE: Jessica Latshaw/35

BLOG/INSTAGRAM: www.thislifeinwriting.com/@jessicalatshaw


WHAT YOU DO FOR WORK: I teach spin/barre at flywheel sports, toning/sculpting at Boston Body, and work for Nike as a Nike trainer. My writing was also recently published in The Village Magazine. I toured with Broadway shows and performed my own music on stages around the world; this season, I’m in a loud, ridiculous show every single day, just trying my best to keep my nine month old daughter entertained.

NUMBER ONE PASSION: living my best life and encouraging others to do the same.

I FEEL MY HEALTHIEST SELF WHEN I AM: There’s a few factors … Read More!

All Natural Beauty Roundup {Products I love}

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Living well isn’t just about what you put in your body; it’s taking some time to think about what you’re putting on your body. Crazy enough, a law hasn’t been passed in the U.S. regulating what goes into our personal care products since 1938. Yup, that’s almost 80 years ago!

Once I began to read the ingredients and learn what I was using on my body, I started to get real freaked out. It’s crazy to see that kind of crap that goes into things like deodorant, lip balm, sunscreen and even kids bath products! When I first started dating my husband, I remember him telling me that my perfume was like “poison” and while I laughed at him then, I now couldn’t agree more.

While I started with little things like switching my toothpaste, I am now pleased to say most of my beauty cabinet is filled with prodcuts I can feel good about — and that work! I’m not perfect, but it’s a start. Here’s what I’ve been crushing on of late:

Best Deodorant: Meow Meow Tweet Baking Soda Free Deodorant Cream, Grapefruit

Best Shampoo: Acure Organics Lemongrass + Argan Stem Cell Clarifying Shampoo

Best Conditioner: Acure … Read More!

Healthy Chicks in the Community: A Yoga & Kale Loving Twenty-Something Babe

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Happy Friday, loves! I couldn’t be more excited for the weekend. One of my best friends is getting married tomorrow, so I’m heading home to good ol’ Connecticut for the rehearsal dinner to begin the festivities tonight! (They are getting a pizza truck tonight…how cool?!)

Anyway, it’s time to bring you this week’s feature for Healthy Chicks in the Community! I am overjoyed to introduce you to one of my oldest friends Eliza…who goes by Liza but some — including me — call her Lizey 😉

I met Liza way back during the days of our pool club & swim team. She was a super-fast freestyler and absolutely gorgeous…and I thought she was super cool (and still do)! We were obsessed with random dance parties, The Back Street Boys, at-home karaoke, late-night sleepovers, oh and of course BOYS.

While much has changed since our childhood years, our friendship still remains the same! Liza is always one of those friends I can go months (or even a year!) without seeing, and we pick up like it was just yesterday. I truly admire her bubbly glowing personality…she’s simply a fun-loving gal you always want to be around! I’ll let you meet her … Read More!

I Dare You To: Create Your Healthy Avatar, Get Organized & Keep Your Heart Healthy!

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Why hello there, Healthy Chicks…hope you’re all off to a wonderful week! I just got back from a week-long vacation to sunny San Diego with my dad. We had an absolute blast downing fish tacos, enjoying the 0% humidity 80-degree weather, taking in the scenic beach views, and enjoying the occasional margarita 😉

But the #1 thing I loved about San Diego was how health-conscious the community is! Everywhere we went, there were dozens of people biking, walking, running, roller-blading or swimming…and everyone seemed so alive & full of life. I also loved the fact that there were TONS of healthy cafes, juice bars and clean dinner options! It made sticking to my healthy habits on vacay super easy.

Speaking of health, I’ve got some fun news for you guys…

Remember the other month when I dared you to improve your skin health for summer? Thanks for all who participated for a chance to win big prizes!

Didn’t get the chance to submit your dares? No worries! I’ve partnered up with UnitedHealthcare’s “We Dare You to Share” campaign again to bring you a whole new round of dares for the month of September.

Each month, they post … Read More!

Is it fall yet? {2 Recipes to Get You in the Spirit}

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Is it fall yet?

Seriously, I’m so ready.

With this 90+ degree heat wave in Boston, I’ve been daydreaming about boots + leggings, pumpkin (everything) and crisp afternoon strolls in the park.

Unfortunately, my daydreaming isn’t making the season change any faster, so I decided to bring fall to me! Try these 2 pumpkin-themed recipes for a little taste of fall in your summer home.

Autumn Rosemary Pumpkin Hummus

  • 1 clove garlic
  • 2 TB olive oil
  • 1 can chickpeas, drained and rinsed
  • ½ c. pumpkin puree (unsweetened)
  • dash of maple syrup
  • 1 tsp. fresh rosemary (finely chopped)
  • 1 tsp. cumin
  • 1 tsp. pumpkin pie spice
  • pinch of sea salt
  1. Blend all ingredients except rosemary in food processor until smooth.
  2. Stir in the rosemary, and add any additional spices or salt to taste.

Serve with warm pita bread, apple or pear slices, crackers, carrots or other fave veggies!

Pumpkin Pie + Dark Chocolate Energy Balls

  • 12 Medjool dates, pitted
  • 1/2 c. raw pecans
  • 1/3 c. pumpkin puree
  • 1/4 c. unsweetened coconut flakes (+ another ¼ c. for rolling)
  • 2 tsp. vanilla extract
  • 1 tsp. pumpkin pie spice
  • 1/2 tsp cinnamon
  • ¼ c. chia seeds
  • dash of raw honey or maple syrup,
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Healthy Chicks in the Community: A Fabulous, Cycling, Froyo-Loving Trendy Trainer

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Happy Friday, ladies! I’m currently writing to you from the lovely San Diego. My dad & I left our spouses at home for a little R & R on the beach. We’ve been loving our morning runs (training for Reach the Beach!), sea breeze with zero humidity, and fish tacos for days (with a side of margaritas!)

Anyway, it’s time to bring you this week’s Healthy Chicks in the Community! I couldn’t be more thrilled to introduce you to the lovely Caroline Earle, the beautiful blogger behind Trendy Trainer. I met Caroline a couple years ago through work and always being invited to the same fitness blogger events. I was instantly wowed by her glowing, bubbly personality and positive attitude. I’m telling you, this gal is ON FIRE! She’s also one of the most genuine people I’ve ever met, totally speaking from the heart and walking the walk. Not to mention she’s drop dead gorgeous (from the inside out!) I’ll let you meet her for yourself!

NAME/AGE: Caroline Earle, 28

BLOG/TWITTER: The Trendy Trainer / @trendytrainer

CURRENT CITY: Somerville, MA

PHOTO TAKEN: Cohasset, MA / June 2015 (cred: Lucie Wicker Photography | Makeup by Laura Mucci)


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Stepping Outside My Comfort Zone: I’m Running New Balance’s Reach the Beach Relay!

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The past couple of months, I’ve been working on stepping outside my comfort zone in all aspects of my life.

I took part in a 5-day meditation course where I didn’t know a single sole.

I took some risks with my career….and wasn’t afraid to speak my mind.

I hosted my third New Balance Girls Night Out event in June, where I spoke in front of 75+ women.

I said no when something didn’t feel right.

And I said yes to running Reach the Beach on September 18th.

Yup, you heard that right!

What is Reach the Beach, you ask?

It’s a 200-mile relay race, starting in the Bretton Woods ski area and ending at Hampton Beach. A traditional team is made up of 12 runners, where each teammate runs 3 legs of the relay.

The funny part is my dad has been running this race for years, and I’ve just never mustered up the courage to try it myself. But what better time than now?

I won’t lie; when New Balance first approached me about this exciting opportunity, a part of me wanted to say “No.” “I’m too busy.” “Maybe next year.” “I’m not quite ready.”

But I … Read More!