Healthy Chicks in the Community: A Passionate, Curly Haired, Kick-It Goddess

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Happy Friday, ladies! This week has been a whirlwind for me, as lots of positive things begin to flow into my life. For one, myself and my friend Kelley launched Soul Sisters last night, with a fabulous kickoff party at Athleta Newbury St.! More to come soon, but we’re going to be hosting outdoor monthly retreats to escape the city, connect with other women, and re-ignite your inner passion & soul’s truth! I’m thinking this New Moon came at a good time for me, and can’t wait to see what’s in store!

Anyway, onto this week’s spotlight on Healthy Chicks in the Community (a weekly series that celebrates fabulous women in the community)! This Friday, I am extremely honored and excited to feature the lovely Eliza a.k.a. Kick It By Eliza. This woman truly embodies beauty on the inside & out, and I’ve always admired the way she carries herself with such confidence & grace. She may be small, but she’s fierce, passionate and knows how to get after it! I’m positive this lil curly-haired ball of energy will go far in life with her entrepreneurial ways. Ok…I’ll let Eliza take it, er Kick It, from here!

NAME/AGE: … Read More!

We Dare You to Share {Summer Skin Health}

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Good afternoon, Healthy Chicks! Hope you’re all off to a great week. Today, I’m discussing something rather important on the blog, that is summer skin health.

You may not know this about me, but last year right around my wedding I had to get 3 suspicious moles removed (all around my legs — upper thigh, calf, and ankle.) Fortunately, they came back A-OK, although one of them had a few abnormal cells and needs to be monitored.

Now, I’ve always been one to wear sunscreen (at the beach at least!) but this scare has definitely made me hyper-aware of taking care of my skin. Skin cancer is serious stuff, and not something I personally want to mess with.

That’s why I’m thrilled to partner with UnitedHealthcare for their July We Dare You to Share campaign. Each month, they post 3 new dares on their website, encouraging folks to take simple, small steps to living a healthier lifestyle. After all, wellness is not a marathon and it’s the baby steps that truly count in the long run!

This month’s theme is all about SKIN HEALTH, which I couldn’t be more thrilled about! The 3 dares include posting a photo of you … Read More!

I’m a work in progress + It’s OK (Scenes Behind My Instagram Account)

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I think there’s a major misconception that the things in which we read/see/experience online are a clear & accurate depiction of real life.

Sometimes we get into the mindset that all the fabulous foodies, fit friends, cool creatives, and gorgeous gurus are living the dream and we’re left “behind” in a little hole. Stuck. Alone. #Failure

Have you ever felt that way?

Oh boy can I ever relate! One of my #1 intentions for “28” is to let go of the comparisons to other women, recognizing that their successes and strengths in no way makes me weaker. I’m working on it. I’m a work in progress.

And just as I compare myself to others sometimes, I recognize that as a blogger and social media addict I too can come across as having that “perfect” life when in reality it couldn’t be farther from the truth.

I am not perfect. In fact, I am far from perfect and have absolutely no desire in being perfect.

I get you. I feel you. I am a lot like you, and I am also so very different from you. (And that’s what makes it beautiful.)

In the spirit of keeping it real, today I … Read More!

Healthy Chicks in the Community: A Volunteering, Strawberry Cream Cheese-Loving, Soul Seeker

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Good afternoon friends, and happy Friday! I am so thrilled to bring back one of my favorite Healthy Chicks traditions: Healthy Chicks in the Community. If you’re new over here, each and every week I would spotlight a fabulous gal via a mini interview here on the blog.

To bring it back with a bang, I can’t think of a more perfect woman to feature. When I first met Kelsey, I was immediately drawn to her infectious, glowing personality and genuine care for other people’s wellbeing. She’s one of those selfless souls that has the biggest heart, and you can feel that energy just by being around her. (The girl literally radiates positive energy!) Go ahead, see for yourself…

NAME/AGE: Kelsey Margaret O’Neil, 22

BLOG/TWITTER Website: Twitter/Instagram: @Kekeoneil


PHOTO TAKEN: In Jaipur India, by Helena Monterio

WHAT YOU DO FOR WORK: I recently graduated from Boston University, and am looking to move to Southeast Asia (hopefully Kathmandu, Nepal) to work in humanitarian aid/disaster relief in September!

NUMBER ONE PASSION: This may sound cliché, but I love volunteering and helping those in need in developing countries, whether it be at orphanages in India or Leprosy … Read More!

Birthday Intentions for 28

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This past Sunday, I turned 28 years old. I enjoyed my day to the fullest, complete with some window shopping in Saratoga Springs, purchasing two new crystals, and spending the evening relaxing at a charming, utterly relaxing B & B (topped off with a lakeside Italian dinner with the hubby). All in all, I’d say it was a pretty darn fabulous birthday.

Each and every year, certain feelings come up for me around my big day: a mix of anxiety, wonder and inspiration. I find that birthdays are the perfect time to celebrate what’s going really well in your life, and re-evaluate the things that aren’t really working anymore. You know, the “stuff” that no longer serves you, that you’d prefer to leave behind in your past.

It’s funny how much changes over the years; our outlook on life shifts and our wants & needs evolve. When I turned 5, all I wanted was the best Barbie doll — the one with the prettiest hair and accessories. At my 11th birthday party, I desired to be popular and invite all the “cool kids” in class, gossiping with my girlfriends all afternoon long. Life was carefree.

At 16, I remember … Read More!

How to say no with Grace + Confidence

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It’s such a simple word, yet many of us have such a hard time actually saying it.

For years, I struggled with being able to say no to other people. As an ambitious, people pleaser, I thought yes was what they wanted to hear, and I pretty much banned the word “no” from my vocabulary.


I wanted people to like me. I was scared what would happen if I actually turned somebody down. I didn’t want to come across as rude. So I forged on with years of saying yes to everything that came my way.

Yes, I can make that deadline.

Yes, I’ll be there.

Yes, I can absolutely do that for you.

Yes, I have time. Of course I have time for you!

Yes, I would love to.

Yes. Yes. Yes.

I said yes to just about everyone and everything that came my way…expect for one important person, the most important person: myself. After years and years of not truly valuing myself, I mustered up enough courage to finally start practicing this whole “no” thing. Heck, I’ve seen others do it before…it’s time I may as well try myself!

I didn’t just say “no” to anything … Read More!

Shake Up Your Fitness Routine this Summer at Chestnut Hill’s The Street (+ A Giveaway)

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You know I love a good sweat sesh just as much as the next girl. And with my recent departure from the corporate world, budgeting in the Bean has been my saving grace (in all aspects of my life.) From lifestyle to fitness to grocery shopping, I’m all about keeping my bills low while living it up (even if this means walking to my favorite coffee shop instead of taking the T to enjoy my java!)

So when I found out that The Street in Chestnut Hill was starting up a free summer fitness series, I was sold in a hot second. All summer long, The Street will host complimentary workouts on the green, ranging from yoga to bootcamp. (Fun fact: they’ll even be offering baby bootcamp for you mommas!) And I’m all about shaking it up…variety is the spice of life after all!

If this sounds up your alley (which I’m sure it does!) you’ll want to save the date for THIS Saturday morning June 27th for Street Sweat x Lexi’s Clean Kitchen.

Come get your sweat on from 10:30-11:30am with MOVE Fitness, then join other wellness-nuts for an after party at lululemon athletica. You’ll sample … Read More!

Listening to Your Body + SUP Yoga

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What does listening to your body mean to you?

To me, listening to your body is getting to a place where you can surrender to the “should’s” and let it be. It’s doing what feels right for you, even if it’s not the “right” answer. It’s trusting in yourself to take risks, move in ways you didn’t think you could and quieting any negative thoughts your ego may be shouting at you.

Listening to your  body surely is a process and certainly not something that one can ‘master” overnight. In fact, I think it’s all one big journey we’re constantly learning + growing upon.

Last weekend, I was given the opportunity to try Stand Up Paddle-boarding (SUP) Yoga for the first time with my rockin’ aunt Tiggy on Fisher’s Island. (You can read more about it here via her article on MindBodyGreen)

As someone who has never even stepped foot on an SUP, quite frankly doing yoga on top of that kind of scared the crap out of me. My ego was questioning this big-time…

What if I fall off?

What if I can’t find my balance?

What if I fail miserably?

What if you downright suck at it?

To … Read More!