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What do you think about when you hear that word? More importantly, how does it make you feel?
In all honestly, summer actually used to bring quite a bit of anxiety for me. I absolutely hated my body, and slipping into a bikini was my absolute worst nightmare. (Thank goodness for baggy shorts + towels!)
I’d pass on invites to cocktail hours and Mexican night because I was afraid I’d gain weight, and I’d weigh myself up to 3 times a day just hoping the number on the scale would go down.
Only problem was no matter how many times I pinched my thigh fat, kicked the scale, or started yet another diet, my weight stayed the same (or went up!) and my confidence always went down, down, down. So much for the season of love, beach parties and summer fun!
Sound familiar? Oh trust me, I’ve been there girlfriend.
But is this really the way you want to feel? Didn’t think so. While for the most part I’ve overcome these body woes, they can still creep up when least expected. Fortunately, I’ve now learned how to tackle these feelings like champ (instead of let them eat away … Read More!
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If you’ve been reading the blog for a while, you probably recall my involvement last summer in New Balance’s Girls Night Out campaign, a night for women to socialize, sweat and have fun with their girlfriends! Last Thursday, I had the opportunity to return as a host for June’s GNO event, and I couldn’t have been more honored to dive in.
We all met at the New Balance Boston Experience Store in Back Bay to kick off the evening, and were served Essentia Water (thank goodness, it was a hot one!) and delish homemade granola bars upon our arrival.

[eek, that’s my name on there, minus the extra “R” ;)]
When I got there, I was immediately greeted by the lovely staff at Regan and New Balance, and then head straight to the back to get my TribeTats on before the girls arrived. I was super thrilled to have them as one of the sponsors, as I absolutely LOVE what their company is all about — self-expression + empowerment, baby! While all the tats were super cute (decisions, decisions!), I decided on the gold feather as they’ve always been super meaningful in my life. To me, they symbolize strength and … Read More!
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Lazy mornings are the best kind of mornings, aren’t they? There’s nothing like starting the day with some incense, journaling and self-care to really set your mindset for the day.
Don’t get me wrong, there’s a time and a place for buzzing mornings too — long runs, brunch with your girlfriends, a 45-minute spin sesh — but lazy mornings have a special place in my heart lately.
And on said mornings, my body really doesn’t feel like cooking one bit. Even the thought of turning on the stove and having to clean the dishes just makes me cringe. That’s where the Vitamix + green smoothies come in to save the day! I’m a “whatever is in the fridge” kind of girl when it comes to recipes, and this simplified banana smoothie did just the trick.
Lazy Ladies Banana Green Smoothie
What Ya Need:
- 1 frozen banana
- large handful leafy greens (kale or spinach — the more the merrier!)
- ~ 3/4 c. almond milk; add more or less based on desired consistency
- 1 scoop of all-natural peanut butter
- 1 tsp. raw cacao powder
Blend together in Vitamix or powerful blender, and enjoy chilled! (Note: If you do not have frozen bananas … Read More!
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Flashback to about one month ago. I had just landed a promotion at work for my dream company, and was living the high-life — traveling from Boston to New York City to Connecticut back to Boston to DC. “We’re so proud of you!” everyone around me exclaimed. My life was in fast-pace and I was riding the wave…it felt a little crazy but I liked it. I felt recognized, important, like I was growing.
Until it didn’t really feel all that good anymore. The first time I felt things were off was on my plane ride home from Washington DC after I fully accepted this new position. I had this intense, anxious pit in my stomach but couldn’t really pinpoint what was going on. And so I ignored it. “You’re fine… you’re just nervous. It’s natural to be a little nervous,” I told myself. I closed my eyes and shut it out…and landed back to Boston feeling back to myself (well, at least for a bit).
A few days later, I was setting my career goals for the next month, quarter and year and that familiar feeling came back…this time much more fierce than before. As I looked at … Read More!
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Boston ladies, summer is here (well almost) and it’s time to embrace the beauty of the season! And what screams summer like cocktails, bumpin’ beats, movement, and spending the night mingling + laughing with your best gal pals?
Fortunately you can do all of that and more at Boston’s next New Balance Girls Night Out event! Find all the important deets below. Oh, and did I mention I’ll be hosting again? 😉
WHO: You! Grab your best gal pals or show up solo to make some new friends for summer…is there really a better way to kick off the season? I’ll be the host of the evening — you can find me all mic’d up likely wearing my NB fresh foams! And New Balance Ambassador + bad-ass Sarah Kusch will be leading you in a booty + arm workout like no other. Get ready to sweat!
WHAT: The theme of the night is “Booty + Arm Ready.” Don’t worry, you don’t need to be a fitness model or have arms sculpted like the celebs to join in on the fun. In fact, it’s quite the contrary! To me, “booty + arm ready” has much more to do with your … Read More!
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Do you believe that you have to work 60-70+ hours a week, buy all the nice things and have a steady job with a salary (and benefits!) to be fully happy? Got the whole work hard, live hard thing a bit backwards? Feel like you always need to do more, more more?
I sure did. I thought that if I worked really hard, made good money and got a “real job” I’d be all set for life.
Only problem? I was listening to everyone else, except the most important person: myself. Rather than listen to my heart & keep the whole “In think I can” mentality, I allowed others to constantly tell me I “can’t,” I’m crazy and that my big dream, entrepreneurial ways are “not the way to make money.”
But is there more to life than that? I have a tiny voice is my head saying there is… and I’m willing to take the risk and get super vulnerable to find out.
The other week, I gave my notice at my “real” big girl job (with salary and benefits and the whole sha-bang!) to pursue my dreams in working for myself again. The thing is: I loved my … Read More!
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I have a confession to make: I worry a lot.
Like a lot, a lot.
As an empathetic, emotional cancer-the-crab, I have this innate sense of concern for myself + others that’s pretty darn hard to shake. It’s not necessarily a bad thing (I think everyone in my family including my husband to some extent appreciates the constant reminders to drive slow during a snow storm and call me immediately upon their return. Well, maybe.) Regardless, it is a part of who I am.
Of all the worries in the world, the one that sticks with me most is fear of the future. I can’t help but wonder, “Are we all going to make it through this crazy, beautiful, fabulous life OK?” And in a world of constant surprises + wonderings, it drives me absolutely mad to NOT KNOW EXACTLY WHAT IS GOING TO HAPPEN NEXT. If only I had a crystal ball…
Is this rational? Probably not. But it is who I am, and I’m learning to embrace that.
When I went to an energy reading a few weeks ago, the therapist said something that really stuck with me: “You have a fear associated to there being no real … Read More!
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When I first graduated college, my dream was to become a big-shot NYC magazine editor. I envisioned myself running around on assignments, traveling and living the highlife. I also remember being super envious of my friends who scored jobs where they could travel. Visiting different cities? Spending the night in swanky hotel rooms? Room service? I wanted a piece of that glamorous life.
Needless to say, little-old-me took a different path, and in doing so my old aspirations began to shift. And while I do have to travel from time-to-time for work, I quickly realized how not-so-glamourous the whole 24/7 travel thing can be. Along with room service + first class seating also comes added pressure, lack of sleep, and the struggles of finding something healthy to eat on-the-go. Not to mention, traveling can also be downright stressful.
Do wellness + traveling really go hand-in-hand?
Maybe not traditionally, but over the years I’ve gathered little tips ‘n’ tricks to bring back that “glamour” (+fun!) to traveling once again, while still making healthy choices to boot. After all, there’s no reason to compromise your own wellbeing for flying points — so why not do both. With Fit2Fly week approaching (more … Read More!