Are you listening?

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Are you listening…

to your body?

your mind?

your gut instinct?

your significant other when sitting across the table at dinner?

to yourself?

As much as I’d like to think I’m a good listener, if I’m being completely honest with you this is definitely one area of my life that could use some major work.

For one, there’s the addiction that I have to my iPhone. (It’s bad, like really bad) For some reason, I constantly feel the need to check work emails (even on the weekends and past 9 o’clock), browse twitter and check to see if my latest insta post got any likes + comments. Meanwhile, my husband will be trying to have a meaningful conversation with me but I’m failing to listen, to really be there for him. Even though I’m not doing it intentionally, it doesn’t feel good inside. And thus this is something I want to STOP DOING NOW.

Then there’s the whole listening to your body. This is something I preach often on the blog, and feel that the majority of the time I practice. But I am human too (and by no means perfect!), and sometimes I let this slide…

…Like in the … Read More!

what’s your love language?

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Good afternoon, lovelies! Hope you all had a glorious, love-filled Valentine’s Day. Stuffed teddy bears, candy hearts and expensive dinners aside, I hope you were able to feel the love in some way or another.

Speaking of love, I recently started “reading” (well, listening) to The 5 Love Languages on Audible as recommended by a friend. Sure I’ve taken the test in the past to discover my love language (which I found fascinating!) but wanted to dig a little deeper and see what the book was all about.

I must say, I’m 8 chapters in and can’t put the book down take my headphones off! It’s no wonder I was always so fascinated with Psychology and relationships throughout highschool and college. Perhaps that’s why I started off as a relationship blogger…which I’m so glad I put in the past (that’s a whole ‘nother story for another time!)

So what’s this whole love language thing about, anyway? Written by relationship counselor Dr. Gary Chapman, the book discusses how we communicate through 5 primary love languages: words of affirmation, quality time, acts of service, gifts and physical touch.

The catch is that we all have different love languages, meaning what works for … Read More!

My Journey Through Overcoming Food Fear

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I spent a large portion of my life — that is, the majority of my upper teens and early twenties — hating food.

It’s not that I didn’t like the taste of food; now that I loved. That certainly wasn’t the problem.

It’s that I hated the way food made me fat (or so I thought.) Regardless, it made me feel fat and for that reason alone I grew to despise it.

Even worse than hating food was that I was well aware of this “issue” of mine, and wanted so badly to be normal like the rest of my friends. I was ashamed of myself and my weird ways with food.

I’ll never forget that feeling of watching my beautiful + lively college roommates enjoy pizza, pasta and beer without a care in the world, as I’d sit there starving myself. Literally. “Thanks, but I already ate dinner,” or “I’m stuffed,” I’d lie to myself (and my friends) and I sat there salivating watching them eat, feeling 100% empty.

Whether I ate a spoonful of peanut butter, some rice cakes, roasted chicken or a half of a bagel, I was left feeling guilty; it was … Read More!

Find an exercise that makes you shine: A Fab Fitness Giveaway with Women’s iLab

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As you know, I’m a firm believer that in order to thoroughly enjoy fitness + discover your personal path to wellness, you must find an exercise that makes you shine. In other words, the goal is to find something that you love + look forward to instead of something you feel you “have” to do.

After all, there’s nothing worse than painfully dragging your butt to the gym for a treadmill run just because you “need to work out.” Where’s the fun in that?

Over the past few years, I’ve been fortunate enough to discover several exercises that makes me shine and feel my best self including running, yoga and barre. These are the exercises that make you sweat, feel sexy, and leave feeling totally OK with the fact that you just spent $20+ to get your downward dog on. These are the exercises that leave you wanting more.

One of my true loves — which has always been there for me through thick and thin — is spinning. There’s nothing like a good, sweaty ride that gets my blood flowing + heart pumping!

Living in Boston, I’ve been blessed to experiment with many different spin studios – – seriously … Read More!

Are you a dream chaser?

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Are you a dream chaser?

Do you vision-board your life over and over again?

Are you constantly thinking how you can be better, faster, stronger, always thinking you need to do more?

Do you strive for this ideal version of yourself, yet never feel quite satisfied?

Now let me ask you this: do you ever feel downright tired?

I know because I’ve totally  been there. I used to be THE dream-chaser. (And it’s not like there is anything terribly wrong with being a dreamer by the way) That’s not what I’m saying at all. It’s when you are so busy chasing your dreams, that you lose sight of the present and the beauty that is. That’s where the problem is.

There comes a time when you just need to stop (chasing/striving/running) and start living and breathing in the moment. You see, when you stop trying so darn hard to get EXACTLY WHAT YOU WANT and just trust + believe, the universe can finally start working on your side. It’s as if you unblock this sticky fog (smog?) that’s been suffocating you, and finally allow yourself to see things as they really are.

Sure trusting in the universe … Read More!

Clean Slate + Review of Thirst Juice Co.

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I am not really a fan of cleanses, detoxes and definitely not diets. When you think of a traditional cleanse, you think of restricting yourself, juice fasting and calorie-counting, all of which I don’t believe in. I’m a HUGE advocate for treating yourself, and firmly believe that Healthy Chicks Eat Burgers Too.

I also don’t feel that a 7-day or 14-day juice fast can “fix” your body (like a magic pill) and erase years of pizza parties, wine binges and sitting on the couch only to go back to your old habits once the cleanse is over. It’s a lifestyle, and like anything making changes to your diet takes time and commitment.

That said, I am a believer in doing a whole-foods based cleanse with the goal of resetting your body and getting you back on the right track (vs. healing you and erasing years of “bad decisions.”)

In the past few months, I got married, enjoyed a two-week honeymoon in Hawaii, forged through some busy times at work, and survived the holiday season. Needless to say, my body was feeling a little blah.

This is the very reason I decided to give Clean Slate: A Cookbook and GuideRead More!

A shift in energy: do you give to yourself?

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Last week I wrote about gratitude — on appreciating others and what you have. Isn’t it such a joy to be grateful for others and in turn give them that joy?

Today, I want to take a step back and focus on how we give to ourselves. Earlier today when talking with a dear friend, she said something that really struck me. “I think we tend to just give to other people and don’t take time for ourselves.” BINGO. She hit the nail on the head.

I give my energy to friends + family (because I love them).

I give my all in my job, and go above and beyond to get things done.

I give my time to other people…a lot.

I give handmade gifts + presents + treats.

I give myself…with no expectation of anything in return.

But the question is, what am I giving to myself? As we enter 2015 — a brand new year of exciting, magical things– one of my intentions is to GIVE MORE to me.This means spending more time doing the things I love, you know “me things.”

I’m a hard worker and tend to give 110% of myself to … Read More!

Gratitude + Thanks: Reflections on 2014

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As the holiday season unwinds, I realize I have many gifts to be thankful for — both the physical and the little blessings that are only felt by the heart. But perhaps the greatest gift of all is that of gratitude.

It’s a gift for yourself, and no one can take that away from you.

When you’re feeling particularly low, down or lonely, gratitude may be one of the only things that can pick you right back up. It’s like a gentle nudge of affection, telling you “Hey, it’s all going to be OK.” And with the snap of a finger, your day can take a complete 180 with the simple expression of gratitude. It’s that powerful.

Gratitude forces you to shift your perspective, to stop, pause and appreciate what it is you have to be thankful for. It helps you open up your eyes and honor the present. It fills you up with love. It gives you hope even when hope seems far away.

So as 2014 comes to an end, I’d like to take a moment and reflect upon what it is I have to be grateful for this year, and I urge you to do the same!… Read More!