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I am not really a fan of cleanses, detoxes and definitely not diets. When you think of a traditional cleanse, you think of restricting yourself, juice fasting and calorie-counting, all of which I don’t believe in. I’m a HUGE advocate for treating yourself, and firmly believe that Healthy Chicks Eat Burgers Too.
I also don’t feel that a 7-day or 14-day juice fast can “fix” your body (like a magic pill) and erase years of pizza parties, wine binges and sitting on the couch only to go back to your old habits once the cleanse is over. It’s a lifestyle, and like anything making changes to your diet takes time and commitment.
That said, I am a believer in doing a whole-foods based cleanse with the goal of resetting your body and getting you back on the right track (vs. healing you and erasing years of “bad decisions.”)
In the past few months, I got married, enjoyed a two-week honeymoon in Hawaii, forged through some busy times at work, and survived the holiday season. Needless to say, my body was feeling a little blah.
This is the very reason I decided to give Clean Slate: A Cookbook and Guide… Read More!
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Last week I wrote about gratitude — on appreciating others and what you have. Isn’t it such a joy to be grateful for others and in turn give them that joy?
Today, I want to take a step back and focus on how we give to ourselves. Earlier today when talking with a dear friend, she said something that really struck me. “I think we tend to just give to other people and don’t take time for ourselves.” BINGO. She hit the nail on the head.
I give my energy to friends + family (because I love them).
I give my all in my job, and go above and beyond to get things done.
I give my time to other people…a lot.
I give handmade gifts + presents + treats.
I give myself…with no expectation of anything in return.
But the question is, what am I giving to myself? As we enter 2015 — a brand new year of exciting, magical things– one of my intentions is to GIVE MORE to me.This means spending more time doing the things I love, you know “me things.”
I’m a hard worker and tend to give 110% of myself to … Read More!
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As the holiday season unwinds, I realize I have many gifts to be thankful for — both the physical and the little blessings that are only felt by the heart. But perhaps the greatest gift of all is that of gratitude.
It’s a gift for yourself, and no one can take that away from you.
When you’re feeling particularly low, down or lonely, gratitude may be one of the only things that can pick you right back up. It’s like a gentle nudge of affection, telling you “Hey, it’s all going to be OK.” And with the snap of a finger, your day can take a complete 180 with the simple expression of gratitude. It’s that powerful.
Gratitude forces you to shift your perspective, to stop, pause and appreciate what it is you have to be thankful for. It helps you open up your eyes and honor the present. It fills you up with love. It gives you hope even when hope seems far away.
So as 2014 comes to an end, I’d like to take a moment and reflect upon what it is I have to be grateful for this year, and I urge you to do the same!… Read More!
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It’s the most wonderful time of the year…but why aren’t you feeling in the holiday spirit?
Are you feeling stressed out to the max?
Hung-up about your body?
Are you finding yourself ordering takeout 5 days of the week?
Milking that snooze button a little more than you should?
Skipping the gym…because PJs just seem a little more enticing?
I’ve got a secret for you: you’re not alone.
There’s been a lot of talk lately on feeling those winter blues (er, pre-winter blues to be exact).
So I’ve been busy brewing up a fun, interactive wellness challenge for y’all! That’s right, the 21-Day Winter Blues “Get Healthy + Happy” Wellness Challenge: Ring in the holiday season feeling happy, sexy and confident in your own skin!*
The challenge will begin on Monday, December 1st (right after Thanksgiving weekend), and includes:
- Daily dose of positivity sent straight to your email (even better than your morning latte!) with clear action-steps to implement right away for the 21 days.
- Access to private Facebook group to hold one another accountable – I’m a firm believer that the main reason we don’t follow through is because we
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Are you feeling a little off,
Down in the dumps?,
Don’t worry, my darling. It seems like you just may be dealing with a little case of the cold-weather, pre-winter blues. And I’m totally with you on this one!
As I hiked through the pouring rain in 40-degree weather the other evening, carrying multiple tote bags for a work function, a part of me just wanted to break down and cry. Mind you, that morning I had an argument — er, disagreement — over my recent health insurance bills and then had to trek an hour out of my way because I left some items for my event in the hubby’s car. Did I mention I spilt dressing on my favorite jeans?
It was pretty much the epitome of one of those days. You know the type.
So I reached out to twitter world, asking for favorite ways to perk up on those gooey, rainy, less than perfect days.
I loved all of the suggestions, from curling up with a hot cup o’ coffee + macaroons to squeezing in a sweat session at the gym. Here are some of my personal favorites:
1. Curl up with a magazine or … Read More!
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I’ve been a bit MIA on the blog-front lately, but I promise it’s in good reason.
Three weeks ago I married the love of my life, and can honestly say without thinking twice that it was by far the best day of my life.
Really, I couldn’t think of a single day that even comes close — it was special, unique, full of love and downright a good time (our friends and family know how to party!) In one word it was simply magical.
Leading up to the wedding, we heard endless words of advice from friends and family (all in good nature!)
You’re not going to eat, so be sure to eat something at the cocktail hour before you go out.
Remember to step away and take it all in; it’s going to be a blur.
It’s going to fly by, enjoy it!
It’s impossible to get to every table… unless you want to miss dinner!
All of this was great, first-hand expert advice from fellow married couples, but the moment I walked into the church in my all-lace dress and grabbed onto my dads arm for dear life, all of it went out the window.

I was about … Read More!
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Good morning ladies, hope you’re all having a great week! (Can you believe it’s already Thursday?) Time is sure flying by for me lately. Not only am I getting married in 29 days (eek!) but I’ve also been busier than ever with work and did I mention I’m training for a half marathon?
Some may call me crazy to run a half marathon just 12 days before my wedding, but honestly for me running is one of my favorite ways to de-stress and spend time with myself + for myself. So I signed up for the Newport Half Marathon held on October 12th, and haven’t looked back since.
Aside from having the proper fuel, upbeat music and a whole lot o’ stamina (especially for those long runs), having the right workout attire makes a huge difference too! I’m a firm believer that if you feel comfortable and fabulous in what you’re wearing, you’ll have a better day, and well a better run too.
That’s why I was ecstatic when City Sports kindly offered to send me some items from their new fall fitness collection for me to try out. It could not have come at a better time…smack dab in … Read More!
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Last Sunday, I was invited by the lovely folks at Chestnut Hill Square to participate in a complimentary “Bridal Bliss Day in the Square.” What’s that you ask? To sum it up it’s essentially a full day of pampering…just for me. Oh, and did I mention I got to bring a friend too? Needless to say, it took me about half a second to say YES.
Seeing as though my wedding is now officially next month (eek!), it couldn’t have come at a better time. And I knew just the gal to ask to tag along: my best friend (since first grade!) + bridesmaid Morgan.
We started our day with an afternoon spin session at SoulCycle Chestnut Hill.

I have been a few times so far, and I have to say there isn’t really a workout quite like it. It’s the perfect blend of sweat, inspiration and all around fun! The classes are held in a dark, candle-lit room with the beats bumpin’ and all of the instructors have this incredible, positive energy.
I was psyched to find out that one of my favorite instructors Erin L would be teaching the class — I couldn’t wait for my friend … Read More!