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I was just having coffee with a lovely woman in the Boston wellness industry, and we got to talking about social media distractions and all of the “stuff” out there (the good and the bad). She actually recently chose to hide the Facebook feed on her iPhone for this very reason. It’s just too much sometimes.
Ironically, this seems to be a popular topic of late. In fact, the other night when out with friends one of them mentioned how he limits what he shares/how much time he spends on Facebook. “Sometimes it just seems like a space for a bunch of people to show off!” one friend exclaimed.
I totally got what he was saying. From time to time, it can seem a bit too much “Look at me!” and not enough real, genuine, raw honest truth.
And trust me, I too have been guilty as charged. It makes you question, “Why am I sharing this?” “What purpose does this serve?” Is it inspiring others or is it just plain self-obsessed, superficial, information overload?
It brings me back to that quote I shared with you all a few months ago regarding comparing your lows (or behind the scenes) with … Read More!
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Last week, there was a lot of exercise talk floating around the blogosphere and inter-webs. Am I getting enough exercise? How much should I be exercising based on how much I’m eating? Do I need more exercise in order to lose weight? If I miss a workout this week will I destroy my progress?
These are the types of questions and conversations that come up be it talking to friends or browsing through articles online. And while physical exercise does play a huge role in our overall wellness, I think we often forget about the other kind of exercise…the one that comes from within.
If not more important, just as important as physical exercise is taking time for yourself, better known as self-care. After all, if you’re running around like one big burnt-out hot mess, no amount of barre classes, running or dead-lifts is going to do you any good. While it’s great to stay busy, our bodies need that personal time to recharge, re-fuel and recover.
When we think of exercise we often think of the physical body, but what about your inside…your soul? That’s where the real transformation occurs.
Next time you find yourself stressing out … Read More!
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Do you ever wonder if you made the right choice, if you did in fact choose the correct path in life, if all will be a-OK?
Quite often we spend far too much time focusing on the past, or — the opposite — fretting about the future. We get so caught up in the “what ifs,” the “shoulds” and the “buts” that we lose site of the right here, right now.
Don’t get me wrong, it’s not easy to focus on the now but I’ll tell ya what: it’s a heck of a lot less stressful.
I’ve been hearing a lot of conversations lately about choosing the right path or following ones heart, weighing the pros and cons and going back and forth between various scenarios. Be it from relationships to career to spirituality, one thing is sure: this topic is a hot one.
But what if we simply paused for a moment and instead repeated this mantra: “Where I am is exactly where I need to be.” Now how does that feel?
In a life that throws you loops and turns, grand surprises and heartbreak, one can never know if we’re doing it right…all the darn … Read More!
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This past Tuesday, I helped host the third (and final!) GNO Celebration in Boston this summer as part of New Balance’s Girls Night Out Campaign.

The theme this time around was Self Expression: Freedom to Be Fit. You can read all about my thoughts on self-expression in my blog post over here. I think this was my favorite themes yet as I’m all about encouraging women to express themselves (be it through fitness or creativity) while discovering what works for YOU and your body. After all, what works for me may not work for you or your best friend (which I’m sure you’ve heard me mention before on the blog).

In honor of the theme, each woman was able to choose their own workout for the evening: an outdoor spin with Flywheel, a signature bootcamp with Equinox or a fun 3-mile run. I helped organize and plan the 3-mile fun run (using the GNO Meetup tool), which we dubbed “Freedom Fighters Fun Run Plus.” The run was definitely hot (in the low 90s) but our group had a blast cheering one another on and stopping along the way for pics!

After sweating it out, … Read More!
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Last week, I celebrated my 27th birthday on Fourth of July weekend. It was quiet + simple yet I could feel the massive love pouring over me from friends and family.
Each year, I enjoy taking some time to reflect on the previous year and set some personal intentions for the year ahead.
This year, I was feeling rather blessed on how far I’ve come in life + love + all the other bittersweet moments. So I’ve decided to share with you — my readers, my friends — 27 things I’ve discovered by my 27th birthday. Enjoy!
1. to love your body, you must first love yourself.
2. giving and receiving go hand and hand. give often + receive with open arms (yes, it’s OK to say “thank you” when someone tells you that you look pretty today)
3. perhaps the most precious time of all is the time you spend for yourself + by yourself.
4. true love really does exist, you just need to be patient for your *moment*
5. plans, goals and vision boards are great but in the end your life is going to look much different than you had envisioned and that’s OK. in fact, … Read More!
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Remember when last week I mentioned I’d announce the next GNO event on the blog soon? Well, my friends, I don’t break my promises.
And since I consider you officially in my social bubble of girlfriends, I wanted to give you the insider scoop. Registration for the third Boston New Balance GNO event goes live tomorrow, Monday the 7th, and ladies you won’t want to miss out. (You can scoop up your free tiks here starting tomorrow!)
The event will be held on Tuesday July 22, and is once again held at the New Balance Experience Store on Boylston St. The theme this time around? Self-Expression!
Festivities include choosing your own workout that fits your personality including a spin at Flywheel, signature Equinox class, or pre-mapped-out run utilizing the GNO Meetup app. Plus there will be music, healthy apps and cocktails to keep the party going afterward!
And if you’ve attended any of the past GNO Celebrations or read my review, you can bet New Balance has a few sweet surprises up their sleeves (like the premium gift bags each lady will take away at the end of the evening!)
If you’re itching to squeeze in … Read More!
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This past Thursday night, I was lucky enough to be the blog hostess/MC for New Balance’s second GNO celebration in Boston.
The theme of the action-packed evening was “Excellent is Strong” and the New Balance team did an incredible job bringing that to life.
New Balance is on a mission to re-define the meaning of girls night, and a part of that is hosting these kick-ass celebrations in various cities in order to bring girls together for fitness, food and fun. I was so honored to be a part of the evening, as one of my #1 passions is inspiring women to do more connecting & cheering one another on (vs. judging & comparing).
I arrived to the New Balance Boston Experience Store (right on Boylston St) early to get my bearings & walk through the Run of Show with the PR team so there were no surprises. Once the ladies began arriving, they got their wrist band (labeled with group number) & enjoyed some wholesome granola bars & water to energize and hydrate.
After settling in, all of the ladies set out for their workout portion of the evening: 3 different bootcamp-style circuits (one in … Read More!
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I had a major ah-hah moment the other day. It hit me as I was soaking up some sunshine waiting for the t, completely out of the blue.
I’m on this planet to inspire other women – to connect, to treat their bodies with love, to SUPPORT one another, to live a healthy, happy, juicy (not perfect) lifestyle!
Now let me explain…
You see, a few years ago I struggled majorly with finding my true purpose. I kept asking myself, what the heck am I going to do with my life? I had the passion for certain but didn’t really know how to make use of it.
I worked more part time and full time jobs than any gal I know – from barista to freelancer to event planning to copy editor to fancy spas. Still searching and searching to find my WHY. I’m a certified health coach. I’m a writer. I’m a journalism grad. I’m a sister. I’m a dream-catcher. I’m a cancer. I’m a hard, determined worker.
But I still felt something was missing despite my experience, skills and degrees.
When I finally stopped searching and began to just live my passions out loud, follow my heart … Read More!