A Happiness Project {In words}

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Remember when 100+ days ago I posted about my decision to start the 100 Happy Days Challenge? Well, I am proud to announce that this Monday I celebrated my 100-day mark, and I must say the whole experience was quite enlightening.

When I began this challenge back in the beginning of March, it was freezing cold in Boston, I was stressed with work, and I was struggling to find true happiness.

What this challenge made me realize is that happiness is all around us every day – be it from a hot cup of coffee, a lucky penny, or a magic moment – and sometimes you just need to shift your perspective a tad to see it.

Happiness is not something you have or don’t have; there isn’t such thing as “happy people” or “unhappy people.” Rather, I believe it’s something you choose to see…every day.

So in light of the end of my happiness journey (which is just the beginning really), I wanted to share the little moments that made my 100 happy day cut. Since I’ve already shared through photos here on instragram,  now I choose to share through words. My favorite form of art.

1. … Read More!

New Balance Boston Girls Night Out June 26: Excellent is Strong

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Note: This event is now full. Please stay tuned for updates regarding additional spaces.

Remember last month when I posted about New Balance’s Girls Night Out campaign? If you missed the post, no worries you can catch it here! In short, New Balance is working to redefine the meaning of “girls night,” focusing on empowering women through fitness, socializing and simply having a good time.

And I am absolutely thrilled to announce that I’m going to be playing a part in hosting the upcoming “GNO Celebration” in Boston this month (and in July, more on that later)!

The Details

The big event will be held on Thursday, June 26th at 6 p.m and it’s 100% free of charge. Participants will meet at the New Balance Experience Store (located at 583 Boylston St in Copley Square) and then take off for a bootcamp-style workout with New Balance Fitness Ambassador Holly Perkins.

After the workout, we’ll all come together for the ultimate girls night fully stocked with appetizers, cocktails, music by BrekOne and swag bags.  Oh, and did I mention SHAPE Magazine’s fitness editor Laurel Leicht will be their sharing insights on what makes her strong?

Excellent is Strong

Speaking … Read More!

Why Happiness is a Choice: Do More of The Things You Love + Always Choose Happy

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Last week, I was hard at work as I looked out the window at the sun blazing down from the sky. Little tots were walking around with lemonades + ice cream, women were sporting their new bright-colored lulu tanks with yoga mats in hand free as a bird, and I was cranking out emails and phone calls.

I’m not going to lie: I definitely let that ugly jealousy get to me. “Well, that must be nice,” I thought to myself as I stubbornly continued with my work. It got to me. Hard.

I then took a deep breath, and had a moment. Why was I  judging these fine folks who were simply enjoying their perfectly sunny afternoon (as they should be)? I was essentially throwing myself a pity party because poor me was stuck inside…working.

Then it hit me. I wasn’t frustrated with them, I was frustrated with myself.

And since this was a personal matter, I decided to take it into my own hands. You see, it’s easy to compare and judge and wish things were different in your life. But just as easy is taking a step back and DOING SOMETHING ABOUT IT.

You are the driver of … Read More!

Life Updates: Spring/Summer 2014 Edition

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Good morning lovely ladies, hope you are enjoying all of this sunshine! I’ve been a busy bee lately and it sure has been a while since I’ve given you some serious life updates so I figured you were due for a lil recap on this Healthy Chick. Hope you enjoy and know that while I may no longer blog every day, I’m still always here to connect + answer and questions you may have!

{Wedding Planning}

Wedding planning is in full gear! Save the dates have gone out, our venue has been booked for October (our reception is held in an old rustic barn in CT) and all of our vendors have been secured. I’ve also found the most perfect plum shoes to match my bridesmaids dresses to wear on our wedding day! Oh, and my first dress fitting was last month which put me at ease after a little freak out I had that my dress was “too big!” Man, those seamstresses are amazing at their jobs. Now it’s onto the little details like finding a pretty headband, creating our invites, and collecting decor for the big day. Oh, and choosing our HONEYMOON DESTINATION!!

Speaking of weddings, J and … Read More!

Monday Inspiration: Spring Clean Your Life

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When you think of spring cleaning what’s the first thing that comes to mind? For some of you it may be cleaning out your closet, or perhaps dusting all the nooks ‘n’ crannies in your apartment. For others, you may think of cleansing, dieting or losing weight to get in shape for summer.

This season, I’m challenging you to to rethink the term “spring cleaning,” broadening it to include all aspects of your life: mind, body and soul. Here are some super simple tips to get started right now.

1. Drink more water. Period. Start your morning off with a cup of warm water + the juice of half a lemon, and hydrate yourself throughout the day. Currently, I’ve been loving Essentia Water, which is purified & enhanced with electrolytes with a pH of 9.5 to promote an alkaline environment. Learn more here.

2. Eat Clean(er). OK, OK, you’ve been hearing the whole “eat clean” thing everywhere lately, but what the heck does that mean and where do you even begin? Eating clean is easier said than done, until you get invited to 2 weddings in a row, and your co-workers burger starts staring at you during … Read More!

Are you trying too hard to be superwoman?

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Do you strive to be a real life version of Superwoman? I don’t blame you; I mean she is pretty darn badass. Why wouldn’t we all want to be just like her?

Oh, that’s right, she’s a fictional character. She has special, magic superpowers. She isn’t real.

If you find yourself suffering from “Superwoman Syndrome” trying to do it all (all of the time), it may be time to take a deep breath, and a step back.

I know I had to the other day. I found that I was putting far too much pressure on myself with work. Old habits were coming back, where I was telling myself things like “You’re not good enough.” “You must keep working harder if you want to be appreciated,” “Saying no makes you weak.”

I know now that’s all a bunch of hogwash, but at the time it felt real and I felt the need to over-deliver, over-achieve, and in turn over-work. I got a big hard dose of reality when I broke down one night, realizing it had been weeks since I had some solid “me time” nor time with my man (the future hubby).

As this time, I reached to … Read More!

New Balance Kicks Off Healthy Girls Night Out Campaign: Light Up the Night with NB Boston

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If you know me well, you know I love a good, solid girls night out. There’s nothing like getting all dolled up, sipping cocktails or going out dancing (er, trying to dance) with your favorite gal pals.

Mix in a sweaty run + healthy apps + being surrounded by empowering women? Um, I’m sold.

You heard me right. This week, MA-based company New Balance launched their very own Girls Night Out campaign, bringing a refreshing new meaning to “Girls Night.” In their own words, “Less primping, more pavement pounding. Lipstick’s optional, footwear’s not.”

By signing up online you are given all the tools needed to plan your perfect “Girls Night Out” no matter where you live, or who you run with. Map your routes based on fave running hot spots, get alerts on other sweet runs going on in your area, and even share upcoming runs with your lady friends! Because, I mean c’mon, running & sweating is always better with your best friend followed by a solid catch-up sesh.

Oh, and it gets even better! This one-of-a-kind brand is actually hosting a series of special, 100% FREE “GNO Celebrations” in cities near you including our very own Beantown!

Next … Read More!

An Assignment for YOU: How to De-Stress Your To-Do List For a More Productive Day

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To do-lists are great. I won’t lie: I love them.

Grocery lists.

Getting-ready-for-vacation lists.

Wedding lists.

Office lists.

Life lists.

There’s something about checking something off that list – be it asparagus, buying my veil (yippee!), or hitting that deadline – that feels so rewarding.

But do your to-do lists ever 100%, completely stress you out? OK, I won’t lie (really, this time). What I meant to say is I love them most of the time. Waking up to a to-do list a mile long (with 5 different colored pens screaming at you!) can be a little scary. OK, a lot scary.

In comes the HAPPY to-do list. In the morning as you sip your cup o’ tea (or coffee) or whatever feel-good beverage you so choose, take some time to write down all your “stuff” you need to get done for the day, you know, your typical “to dos.” Then after you get it all out (the good, the bad & the ugly) write down 2 to 3 things you’re going to do for yourself. A-hah, there’s a catch!

Just as rewarding as crossing all the things off your to-do list, is the ever so satisfying feeling in knowing … Read More!