Back Into Running: New Balance Fresh Foam 980 Review + Giveaway

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It’s no secret that it’s been a really rough winter for us New Englanders; I honestly don’t remember a time with this much snow in years! That being said, I still love to stay active & keep my body moving through yoga, spinning, zumba and various indoor group fitness classes.

Unfortunately because of the temps, I’ve let one of my all-time favorite workouts fall by the wayside: running. And try as I might to fall in love with the treadmill, it’s just not really my thing.

I need the outdoors. The fresh air. The people. The nature. The sunshine. And I know outdoor winter running is possible with proper gear and all, but I just wasn’t doing it.

So when the lovely folks at New Balance sent me a pair of their brand new Fresh Foam 980 running shoes, I took it as a sign to go back to my running roots & get back into it. (This was also around the same time as Chestnut Hill True Runner’s “Ladies’ Night Out,” where I bought a new running headband, socks and some other apparel.) Running Rachel was about to make a comeback!

I was super excited when the sneakers arrived … Read More!

A Pact to Myself: On Living More

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As you may have noticed, I’ve been a bit quiet on the blog lately. No, it’s not because I’ve forgotten about you all nor love you any less; rather it has to do with a little pact I made with myself a few weeks ago to LIVE more.

Don’t get me wrong – I adore blogging & most definitely feel ALIVE & vibrant when I am writing (more on that in a bit). But there’s a fine line between pleasure writing and the feeling of HAVING to write, and I’ve been working on defining that line and setting some boundaries.

I’ve been thinking a lot about this pact to live MORE, and I think it goes back to my initial 2014 intention of making an impact. In order to truly make my mark, I need to stop trying so hard and start living…more.

Living more means stepping back and allowing life to happen, without focusing so much on the how’s, the what’s and the to dos.

Living more means taking … Read More!

Do Good, Feel Good: A Lesson in Spreading The Love For a Better You

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Are you stuck in a rut?

Feeling a little “blah” from the frigid weather?

Feeling like straight up crap?

Heck, I totally was all of the above last week. I think I cried approximately 3 times, and I was completely “on edge” about everything.

I was under a lot of stress.

I was sad.

I was “busy.”

I ordered take-out food…like twice.

I avoided workouts like the plague.

I was kinda sorta putting myself last.

At first I tried to hold these feelings within & pretend everything was all hunky dory. You know, because I am “supposed” to be positive 24/7, and I inspire others to put themselves FIRST and to treat their bodies with love.

What kind of leader am I to “screw up?”

Then I remembered that I am a teacher, an inspirer and a motivator and that all great teachers are not perfect. I am not perfect, but I am ME and I am REAL and that’s what makes me a great teacher.

I can relate…to you. Oh, and just a quick FYI there is no such thing as screwing up or being “bad” anyway, and it is never too late to start over. We … Read More!


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I’ve seen people tackle goal-setting in many different ways. Some write down very clear, concise goals and others (like myself) enjoy setting intentions.

This year, I have been thinking long & hard about what I want 2014 to be for me, and what kind of legacy I’d like to leave behind. Who do I want to be this year? What kinds of things do I want to accomplish, and more importantly why?

It got me thinking all the goals I have set for myself over the years (both dreamy + extravagant and simple), and what those goals mean to me. Sure, goals are a great tool for getting sh*t done, but lately I’ve been wanting to go deeper.

I think it’s important to reflect upon WHY you set those goals for yourself in the first place, and what the meaning is behind those goals.

Then there are also those goals you’ve had forever…that you’ve failed to meet. WHY did you set this goal in the first place, and what is holding you back from achieving it? And just as importantly, is it even something that you really desire? These are the questions I’ve been asking myself…and am now … Read More!

attention boston salad-lovers & flywheel enthusiasts: announcing #flyforsweetgreen

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Attention Boston ladies, if you love salads & you love a good ol’ sweat session, this contest is for you! On Thursday, January 30th two of my favorite Boston hot-spots, sweetgreen + flywheel, are joining together for the promotion of a lifetime.

Take a class at Flywheel Boston + grab a meal at sweetgreen back bay on Jan 30th, and you’ll be entered to win a fabulous swag-filled prize pack including flywheel classes, credit to sweetgreen, goodies to encourage your healthy lifestyle & more!

To enter, you must “check in” on Facebook to both Flywheel & sweetgreen Boston and use hashtag #flyforsweetgreen

Not sure how to “check in?” Follow these simple instructions:

1. On your News Feed, tap Check In (You must “like” flywheel boston + sweetgreen to check in) Search for sweetgreen back bay & Flywheel Boston in the search bar.

2. Write a status update, tag friends or add a photo (Be sure to use hashtag #flyforsweetgreen )


Rachel… Read More!

My Letter To The Woman Behind Me In Aisle #5 (And My Defense of Real Food)

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Yesterday, while grocery shopping, I couldn’t help but check out the grocery cart of the woman behind me. I am oddly overly interested in what other people are buying at the supermarket, as I imagine some women are interested in what others are buying at the mall. What can I say? I love food.

Anyway, back to the point. I was shocked to find that this woman’s cart wasn’t filled with food at all. Rather it was filled with fake “food-like” products.

5 packs of sugar-free Crystal Light.

a box of splenda.

1 tub fat-free yogurt (or was it go-gurt?)

2 bottles of diet cream soda

A few packages of diet “low cal” microwavable meals

Zero real food.

Mind you, this woman was overweight and judging by her diet-filled cart was likely trying to lose weight by the good ol’ tactic: cutting back on calories. She looked sad, fatigued and downright exhausted.

First of all, I wanted to give her a hug. And tell her it was going to be OK and that she is beautiful & enough. (Seriously, it’s incredible how so many women just need that boost of confidence).

At the same time, I wanted to smack … Read More!

Healthy Habits: Why Eating More Can Actually Help You Reach Your Weight Loss Goals

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[smile! no you don’t have to give up your fave foods to lose weight!]

Usually one of the first steps people take when trying to lose weight and create healthy changes is eliminate “bad” foods or eat less. Cut out chocolate. Eat less meat. Give up soda for good. Skip lunch.

Heck, during my years of dieting (when I was eating diet, low calorie crap mind you) a nutritionist actually told me to eat less calories. “Calories in, calories out!” she cheerfully shouted, something I will never, ever forget. In reality, if she actually looked at what I was eating, simply “Eat more real food” would have done the trick.

It saddens me to see so many young women going on super-restrictive diets in order to get that dream body and feel better about themselves. I’m telling you right now: deprivation & cutting back is not the answer.

For one, I don’t believe in “bad” foods. Food is food & it doesn’t have a feeling attached to it – it either nourishes your body or doesn’t but that doesn’t make it “bad.” Secondly, when we deprive ourselves we typically want more of said food in which we either ignore … Read More!

20 Ways to Conquer The Winter Blues

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Winter blues got you down? Between colds & flu to Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD), sometimes you just want to curl up in a dark hole (your bed) and throw yourself a pity party. If feeling bummed out is becoming your daily norm, don’t you fear! You just need some good ol’ fashioned pick-me-ups to get  you back on your Winter A-Game ASAP.

Here are 20 ways to snap out of the winter blues starting right now!

1. Get some sunshine (or a Vitamin D supplement): Yes, it’s true – sunshine really does make you happy! Even though it’s cold out, make it a point to get outside every day so you can soak up some happiness for yourself. Also, check in with your doctor regarding your Vitamin D levels; many of us fellow north-easterners struggle with low levels throughout the winter which can contribute to the sluggishness and general “blah” feeling.

2. Take a Cat Nap: Naps aren’t just for tots, after all! Our bodies need more rest and warmth during the winter, so there’s definitely no shame in taking an afternoon cap nat, that is if it’s not at your office desk! Aim to get enough sleep … Read More!