Monday Inspiration: Fill Up with Love
What lights you up? What are the things that make you feel complete, like you are living according to your truest self?… Read More!
raising kind & healthy peeps through movement, meals & mindfulness
What lights you up? What are the things that make you feel complete, like you are living according to your truest self?… Read More!
Today during a business meeting at lunchtime, we got to talking about one of my favorite topics: food. More specifically the behavior in which we consume our food.
The gentleman I was speaking to commented on the importance of quality food, and just as importantly MINDFULNESS. He had recently hit a weight loss plateau, and instead of going into Diet-Crazy-Juice-Fasting-Panic-Mode he made one simple change: the WAY he ate at the table.
“I just started doing more of this,” as he flipped his iPhone upside down, “and less of this.” (gesturing eating quickly while texting) And guess what? He realized his food now tastes better, he feels more satisfied, lunch leaves him REFRESHED versus bogged down, oh and as an added perk: he lost the weight!
This immediately took me right back to my college days, as I’d stand in my kitchen late at night frantically shoving spoonfuls of low fat peanut butter and leftovers down my throat. The days I’d eat 5,000 rice cakes and never feel full, and the days I’d chug coffee with artificial sweeteners and sugar-free chocolate while making a tight deadline. I was one hot mess.
The minute I decided to actually eat my food … Read More!
Good evening ladies, and welcome back to another week of Healthy Chicks in the Community! I am super pumped to share this week’s chick with you, as she’s one of the most genuine, real gals I know.
When I met Cara for the first time, she was decked out in the cutest lulu yoga outfit, smiling from ear to ear as she made her way around the room to greet the follow yogis. I immediately thought, “I want to be friends with this girl!” Since then we’ve become good friends, bonding over yoga, salads and good laughs. The best part about her is she’s just a real, no-BS gal next door (or shall I say Yogi Next Door). What you see is what you get, and I absolutely love that about her! I’ll let Cara take it from here…
NAME/AGE: Cara Gilman, 29
BLOG/TWITTER (If Applicable):Blog: @runneromie
PHOTO TAKEN: Lululemon Photoshoot at the Alden Castle in Brookline
WHAT YOU DO FOR WORK: I’m a full time yoga and cycle teacher. I teach at Back Bay Yoga, JP Centre Yoga, Sports Club LA and Sweat and Soul Yoga. I’m also an ambassador … Read More!
As you know by now, fall is my absolute favorite season. But what’s even better is Boston in the fall. And this year, the city’s got a whole bunch of fitness activities lined up to get you in tiptop shape for the holiday season! Burn of those cider donuts, candy corns and pumpkin spice lattes, de-stress from the workweek and let out your inner kid this Halloween with these fun (and sweaty) workouts in & around Boston!
Halloween Zumba with Ali B 10/25, 6:30 p.m.: Join fitness rockstar Ali Baldassare for a Zumba party like no other! Come by yourself, or bring your friends and get ready to rock out to Halloween faves including Thriller. This free event will be held at Beacon Hill Athletic Club on Atlantic Ave. Free More Info
Ultimate Bootcamp Trick Or Treat Workout 10/26, 9:00 a.m.: During this super-sweaty 75-minute workout, you’ll sprint, squat and burn those Halloween treats off, and have fun doing it! Costumes are encouraged (there’s even a prize for the best-dressed), and participants will receive special treats like gift cards and swag throughout. $25, Registration Required More Info
TFW Boston x sweetgreen Fitness Club Crawl 10/26, 12:00 p.m.: Unleash your … Read More!
Good morning ladies! Now I know it’s been a while since I’ve posted a feature for Healthy Chicks in the Community, but I’m excited to get it going again this week with a very special lady.
As a past client of mine, this Healthy Chick always wows me with her strength, guts and drive to go after what she wants. Not only did she just start her own biz, but she also works full time at Harvard Business School. Talk about gettin’ stuff done! I’ll let Erica take it from here…I’m sure you’ll fall in love with her mission as I have.
[second to the right]
Name/Age: Erica Zendell, 23
Blog/Twitter:, @ezendell
Current City: Boston, MA
Photo: I traveled to China on a recent work trip and met the lovely founders of the organization ‘Gluten-free Shanghai,’ whose resources made my time in a land of soy sauce and wheat buns so much easier!
What I do for work: I am balancing work as a research associate at Harvard Business School and starting a healthy snack food business, Zen Cookery!
Number one passion: Building my business, which seeks to help those with special diets in their desire to feel … Read More!
Oh, jealousy. As much as we try to avoid it, sometimes it creeps up when we least expect it. And no matter what, it’s always downright ugly.
For some reason, jealousy always reminds me of Ursula in The Little Mermaid. Envious of Arial, the evil sea witch attempts to steal Arial’s voice & transform into a beautiful human being in order to win over Prince Eric. And while Ursula manages to pull it off for some time, eventually her true colors shine through. In the end, jealously never wins.
They say imitation is the sincerest form of flattery, but when it stems from jealousy, comparison and negative thinking, it aint pretty.
A few months ago, one of my clients shared a quote with me that really stuck:
“The reason we struggle with insecurity is because we compare our behind-the-scenes with everyone else’s highlight reel.” —Steve Furtick
After all, we truly don’t know their story; we have no clue what’s going on behind the scenes. And while we all struggle with insecurities and “off days” from time to time, the absolute worst thing you can do is compare your lows to someone else’s highs. Trust me, I’ve definitely been there and … Read More!
If you don’t already know by now, I am a huge fan of eating with the seasons, that is as nature intended us to. When we eat foods that are naturally harvested that season it supports our body, and creates a sense of balance (mind, body & soul!).
Fall is one of my favorite times of year to play with seasonal food since everything is just so darn tasty! Here are 5 of my favorites to experiment with right now:
Pears: Add them into a salad with goat cheese, dip ’em in almond butter, chop them up into yogurt or oatmeal or eat as is. This crisp & slightly sweet fruit is perfect for autumn dining.
Make it: Asian Pear & Arugula Salad with Goat Cheese, Food & Wine
Fall Squashes: Fall squashes like butternut and spaghetti squash are my all-time favorites! Both sweet and savory, these gems are sure to satisfy your seasonal cravings. Roast ’em up with oil, salt & pepper, or tantalize your sweet tooth by adding maple syrup, cinnamon and nutmeg. Hosting pasta night at your place? Turn it into a “Spaghetti Squash” party instead for a healthier remake.
Make it: Spaghetti Squash Lasagna, … Read More!
For those of you who don’t yet know, yesterday something incredibly magical and life-changing happened for me: The Boy & I got engaged. And for those of you who don’t know, The Boy’s real name? Jason. Let’s call him “J.”
And now for the million-dollar question, How did he do it? Well ladies (and gents), I’m about to tell you…
On Friday evening we were out in Rockport celebrating our beautiful friends Ross and Megan’s wedding. While we were dancing (and perhaps after a tad too much wine), J asked me if I’d like to go for a run with him in the morning on the Charles before we took off for his mother’s 60th birthday celebration.
I immediately laughed at him and teased him for suddenly showing such interest in exercise. While he most definitely works out from time to time, usually I’m the one pushing we go on runs together more often. He snapped back at me that it’s only going to be fall for so long and we should take advantage of the weather while we can. So I agreed.
The next morning I woke up exhausted and somewhat hungover. J was no longer in bed, so … Read More!