A Lesson On Getting Out of Your Own Head

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Yesterday during my extra-sweaty yoga class at Sweat & Soul Yoga the teacher said something that really stood out to me. She had mentioned that most of the time we’re in our own head (very me-me-me!) and sometimes that can be hard to snap out of.

While it’s important to put ourselves first most of the time (and make our general wellbeing a top priority) sometimes we become too involved with ourselves.

An example the teacher gave during yoga was when you may think you’re all fine & dandy until someone cuts you off on the highway and suddenly it’s a full fledged road rage fest with lots of swearing & middle fingering. Not so fine & dandy after all, now are we?

Essentially getting out of your own head is realizing we’re all in this together. We all go through shitty days and we all have lucky, on-fire kinda days. We all suffer and we all feel love. We all get really angry, and we all know what it’s like to feel a sense of peace & calm. Essentially we’re all one…in this crazy beautiful world together…as equals.

Last week, I was on the train and it came to … Read More!

Event Recap: Yoga at Fenway Park & New Balance’s Anue Fall Yoga Collection

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I’ve done hot yoga, Vinyasa, Slow Flow, Pranavayu and Bikram. I’ve been taken into deep 20-minute meditations and I’ve also had my ass kicked. I’ve done yoga at the beach, in the dead of winter and in the grass outside. But this past Monday, I took my yoga practice to a totally different level…or shall I say league.

On Monday evening, I was lucky enough to get my flow on right in Fenway Park, the home of the Red Sox! Sponsored by Equinox and Anue by New Balance, “FenwaYoga” was created to raise money for the Red Sox Foundation’s two main programs: the Scholars Program and RBI Youth Baseball & Softball.

I sported my brand new blue Temple Keyhole tank and black Spee capris, finished off with a super cozy heather tunic all from New Balance’s Anue fall yoga collection to stay warm and cozy throughout the evening.

I’m so glad I bundled up because it was definitely a chilly one…but that’s OK because we were doing yoga in Fenway Park.

Class started sharply at 6 p.m. on the warning track, just as the sun was going down.

It was lead by Boston’s beloved “Om Gal” … Read More!

Cruising On The Odyssey for Wine, Chocolate & Brunch with Blog & Tweet Boston

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Last Sunday, I was invited by Jen from Blog & Tweet Boston to attend one of Odyssey Boston’s Champagne & Chocolate Brunch Cruises. All I needed to hear was that there’d be complimentary brunch (including wine & beer) and I was sold. I decided to bring The Boy for my “Plus 1” seeing as though the past two cruises we’ve tried to go on were poured out. Hey, three times a charm, right?

When we woke up to 70-degree sunny weather in Boston, I knew we were in for a treat! The two-hour cruise took off from Rowes Wharf right outside the Boston Harbor Hotel, where all the cruisers congregated beforehand.

[happy campers!]

We boarded the boat about 45-minutes early, and went straight to the bar for our first complimentary drink. I went with a glass of white wine, and then hiked up to the top deck to soak up some extra sun.

Funny fact: There was actually a wedding reception aboard celebrating, so we tried to stay out of their way as much as possible!

After a little sunshine, we joined the rest of the bloggers downstairs for a brunch buffet. There was such a wonderful display of … Read More!

The Beauty of Being Imperfect

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The other day, one of my clients asked me if I ever slip. “You know, do you ever cheat? Mess up? Eat emotionally? Are you ever bad?” First and foremost, I don’t believe in being “bad” but I totally knew what she was getting at.

The truth? Of course I do! The #1 thing I want you all to know is that I am by no means perfect, nor do I preach anyone should strive to be perfect. In fact, I don’t really believe in perfection. To me, true beauty lies in our imperfections.

In college, I thought being bad was skipping the gym, eating a slice of pizza, cheating on my diet, going over 1,200 calories, drinking too many margaritas, and having too much fun. Because of this, I’d punish my self by over-exercising, starving myself (followed by bingeing), trying a new diet, cutting back even more on calories, and staying in when all my best friends were out living their fabulous, young lives.

Does that sound like perfect to you? Hell no! To me, someone who lives a fun, free, balanced life full of imperfections is much more beautiful.

So you want the truth on my totally perfectly … Read More!

Coming Soon…Healthy Chicks First Ever Live Group Program in Brookline!

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Ladies, I’ve got an announcement to make! You know that I LOVE LOVE LOVE connecting with inspiring, amazing women each and every day. I feel like women thrive when they come together in a group setting to support one another!

That’s why I’m super excited to announce that this fall Healthy Chicks is launching its first ever LIVE group program “Ditch Dieting, Fall in Love with Yourself LIVE.”

This brand new 90-day program starts on Wednesday 10/9 and will be held in Brookline, MA.

During the 3 months, you will learn how to…

*Reach your personal happy weight (without dieting or giving up chocolate & wine)

*Eat the foods that are most nourishing for yourbody

*Treat your body with LOVE

*Quit counting calories for good

*Take care of yourself from the inside & out without burnout

*Deal with guilt, over-eating & late-night binges like a rockstar

*Get to the root of your cravings so you can cope with them head on!

*Go by how you FEEL (vs. what the scale says)

*Take the stress out of cooking, eating & dining out for good!

*Re-ignite your passions & feel your very best version of yourself!

As a valued group

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Sunday Inspiration: What Lights You Up?

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100% Unplugged: 4 Reasons to Shut Down & Enjoy Your Life Now

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Good evening lovely ladies! Sorry If I may have been a bit MIA lately, but that’s because I just got back from a two-night camping excursion by the water in Gloucester, MA. And I went the entire camping trip unplugged. You heard that right: no laptop, phone, emails, texting, tweeting or anything of the like. I was 100% completely unplugged.

I won’t lie: the unplugging wasn’t necessarily by choice at first. While I had purposefully left my Mac back at home to take a mini break from work stuff, I had not planned for my phone to die on me during the first hour of our trip.

And although I felt a little naked without my phone the first couple hours, suddenly it felt refreshing…enlightening almost. Ahh…so this is what it feels like to be fully & completely disconnected. Damn did it feel good.

But why should unplugging be reserved for camping trips, quiet time and “No Signal” zones? Here are 4 reasons to unplug, shut down and enjoy your life starting now (no matter what situation you’re in):

1. You are Able to Be More Present With Your Loved Ones: When you’re constantly plugged in, you aren’t giving your … Read More!

OMBE Review: An Eco-Friendly, Integrative Spa Retreat in Boston’s Back Bay

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Last week, I was lucky enough to book my first ever massage at OMBE Integrative Health Center. I had been to OMBE a few times before for special events, but this was the first time I was there for ME & only me.

Upon walking in, you’re immediately taken into a state of pure bliss. The lights are dimmed, the decor is hip, and the ambience is relaxing yet welcoming. Even their couches are comfortable and inviting! Unlike other spas & salons that can be uninviting, loud and uncomfy, OMBE sets you up for a true spa retreat right off the bat.

I also adore that this holistic center walks the talk by keeping it “green.” Not only do they offer earth-friendly health & beauty products with their brand new Eco-Beauty Bar, but they also offer environmentally-friendly products and services (all they way down to their Pilates mats!) Now that’s staying true to their company values!

And even more impressive than the studio itself is the incredible staff and services OMBE offers. From acupuncture to naturopathy, yoga to Pilates, this holistic wellness studio truly has it all. While I’ll likely be back to experience different … Read More!