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As I mentioned in yesterday’s newsletter I’ve been doing a lot of soul-searching lately in order to explore my spirituality (especially when it comes to those old money fears that tend to creep up every so often).
I was recently recommended the book “Leveraging the Universe” by Mike Dooley and since I’m always up for a good read I ordered it on Amazon right away. I’ve been reading a few pages every day before bed/whenever I get some down time so I can truly savor it without rushing through.
This morning at the coffee shop I read through the chapter on “Charting your course” and the author had us answer the question, “What do I want?” Not what should you want. Not what should you do. Not what should you be when you grow up. Just what you want / what you truly want to do. Pure and simple.
I honestly had never thought of that question in such a simple way. Instead, I always clog it up with dozens of questions like “But how will I get there?” “But what do you mean?” “Like in real life or fantasy life?” “By when?” In reality, when you push … Read More!
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I was recently approached by one of the lovely gals from Chunks of Energy to see if I’d be interested in sampling their products. I’m always up for trying new healthy foods on the market, so of course I said yes!
One bite of the rich, tasty chunk of heaven and I was sold! Made with nutritious ingredients your body knows & can trust, Chunks of Energy makes healthy snacking delicious, fun and convenient. Even better, most of their products are raw, vegan & organic, and made with very little sodium and fat.
I especially like that the company uses superfoods, like cacao, goji berries and spirulina, to add an extra boost to the already healthified bites! My all-time favorite? The Raw Cacao Gogi which, not surprisingly, is also their best seller!
While I could rave about these delicious bite-size chunks of goodness all day long, I figured I’d go directly to the source for expert advice and insights. The other day, I spoke with the Founder Michael to get the 411 on how the company transpired, the health benefits of superfoods, and his personal philosophy for living & being well.
Not only is he knowledgeable about nutrition, but he’s … Read More!
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As you know, I’m a huge advocate for taking simple, small steps toward living a healthier lifestyle. (There isn’t anything wrong with taking baby steps. In fact, I encourage it!) I’m especially a fan when there’s sweet prizes involved! That’s why UnitedHealthCare’s new Source4Women campaign–“We Dare You”— totally caught my eye.
Every month, from now until January 2014, the team will be crafting a new challenge, “daring” participants to share a related photo of how they’re staying healthy. While their initiative launched in July, this month’s dare is to “Add More Fruits and Vegetables to Your Diet.”
To enter the challenge (and get your chance to win a brand new KitchenAid Mixer), all you need to do is share a photo of a fruit or veggie you’ve added to your diet! Did I enter too? You bet I did! I shared a pic of my favorite summer vegetable of late…

You guessed it…KALE!
This crisp leafy green is a nutritional powerhouse! It’s packed with disease-fighting antioxidants, Vitamins A, C & K, fiber and iron. Leafy greens like kale have also been known to naturally reduce inflammation, act as a decongestant, boost heart health, and detox the body. Talk … Read More!
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You’ve heard me say it before and I’ll say it again: self-care is essential for living a well-rounded, healthy lifestyle. When we put ourself on the back burner, suddenly little pieces of our life begin to fall apart: our relationship, our job stress, our social life, our bank account. Sound familiar? Everything and I mean everything is related and you know what they say: How we do one thing is how we do everything.
Fortunately, making time for yourself is one thing that’s actually under our control. Here are 10 little ways to make more time for YOU starting now:
1. Develop a morning wellness ritual and actually stick to it. This is your sacred time to be alone with yourself and your thoughts.
2. Buy a giant calendar and start scheduling time in the day for “me time” or down time. Suddenly that jam-packed schedule full of appointments, errands and chaos doesn’t seem so daunting anymore, now does it?
3. Repeat this affirmation: “I have all the time in the world to do the things I love. I am in control.”
4. Make yourself a priority by saying “No” to people when you truly don’t want to do something. … Read More!
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As you know by now, I spent years bashing and hating on my body. I’m talking total mean girl. Ironically enough, it was during the times I was most strict on myself, counting calories, exercising twice a day to burn off indulgences, and eating food that tasted like cardboard that I hated my body most.
I would tell myself horrible things when I looked in the mirror like:
I am not good enough.
I will never be thin enough.
My friends are more beautiful than I am.
I need to cut back more in order to lose the weight.
My thighs are fat.
I am a failure for “over-indulging” last night.
If I lose more weight, maybe then I can finally get a boyfriend.
In due time, I began to believe these horrible thoughts. They became a part of who I was. That’s the funny thing about our mind; it’s a powerful, powerful tool and we must be careful what we tell ourselves (especially when it’s hurtful).
Practicing positive affirmations can be an amazing way to turn negative thoughts into loving thoughts as you make the transition over to self-love! And no, they don’t need to be reserved … Read More!
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Good morning, ladies! Hope you are all having a fabulous week. If you missed my updates yesterday, I encourage you to check it out so you can see what’s been going on over at Healthy Chicks!
Anyway, it’s Thursday and that means it’s time for another week of Healthy Chicks in the Community, where I spotlight a different woman each week who embodies what it means to be truly healthy (on the inside & out). I have to admit, I have been slacking lately and haven’t been keeping up with my weekly features. That being said, I couldn’t be more excited to bring it back with one of the most inspirational bloggers and woman I know.
I discovered this lovely lady, the one and only Heather Waxman, around Christmastime and have been hooked ever since. She has a way about her writing that makes you feel comforted, stretched and as if you’re not alone in this sometimes crazy world. As I read through Heather’s posts (which generally focus on spirituality, life lessons and meditation), I’m constantly nodding in approval, thinking “I could totally be this girl’s best friend.” She just gets you. I can honestly say that she … Read More!
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I know people say this all the time, but holy cow summer really is flying by! In the past month, I’ve turned 26, helped launch sweetgreen’s opening in Boston, celebrated my dad’s retirement (and my sister’s graduation), hiked up Welch & Dickey Mountains, ventured to Cape Cod for my college roomie’s Bachelorette, launched some fabulous new health coaching programs, took a impromptu trip to Fisher’s Island to visit my grandparents (and ate lots of tasty seafood), all while growing my business and writing my butt off each & every day.
Work hard, play hard baby! Whew, it’s time to catch my breath.
Here are some upcoming happenings going on over at Healthy Chicks:
Swimwear Tips & Body Image Talk at Cerulean Blu: I was asked to speak at Blog & Tweet Boston’s next event, hosted by the lovely co-founders Jen and Kerrie. The event is to be held at Cerulean Blu Swim & Resort Wear Boutique located right off Newbury St. in the Back Bay. I’ll be there talking body image & confidence tips to rock your swimsuit fearlessly, and you’ll also get to learn which bathing suits are best for you (all while munching on healthy … Read More!