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You know those moments when just the right thing comes along at just the right time? It’s as if it was planned that way on purpose, like a little special hug from the Universe. It usually sneaks up on you during one of those “off days,” rough patches or time of grieving. All of the sudden, a little pick-me-up sort of falls into your lap out of no where.
To be honest with you, I’m still feeling a bit off in coping with Monday’s events, and have been having a hard time writing let alone feeling myself. I just keep replaying the day over and over again up to the moment of the attack, thinking “What if it were me?” However, I’ve certainly been finding love & joy in everything around me to not only help myself cope, but also those around me. To help our city heal.
You see, when you look for love it’s everywhere, really. You can find love in things as small as your morning cappuccino or as large as an entire community coming together to pray & heal.
Love is in the eyes of your barista, your lover, the stranger on the street. In … Read More!
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This was the one photo I snapped during yesterday’s Boston Marathon.
It’s one of my favorite days in the city, a day that makes me proud to be a Bostonian, a day that makes me contemplate to run a Marathon one day myself. And for the past 4 years, I have gathered with friends and loved ones to watch at my go-to spot: the Finish Line. This year was extra-special as one of my friends was running her very first 26.2.
The Finish Line is a place you see strength, love, dedication, power, and victory. A place where families and loved ones come together to celebrate. A place where runners have their moment. A place where I always find myself tearing up seeing the faces of pure accomplishment.
Unfortunately, yesterday’s tears were tears of sadness, not joy; hugs of fear not celebration. As you can see in the above photo, I was right at mile 26 when the first bomb went off. Like most, I was startled at first but thought it may be a cannon or a celebratory gun shot. When the second bomb went off less than a block from where I was standing, I knew I … Read More!
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The Boy & I have been trying to severely cut back and/or eliminate both gluten and dairy from our diets. While gluten is something I’ve learned to eliminate over the years (due to personal digestion issues and bloating), I occasionally indulge in a tasty snack or fresh-baked slice of bread made with real ingredients. I know my limits, and I’ve pretty much learned to live without it. I guess I’m lucky because I’ve never really had a sweet tooth so fresh bread is really my only temptation.
However, dairy is a completely different beast. You see, I love cheese. Nothing beats a slice of fresh mozzarella, hard cheese paired with fruit, or local feta from the farmer’s market. That being said, this past year I’ve also come to the conclusion that my love for cheese may have some sort of connection to my skin issues. So I’ve been trying to cut back as much as I can to experiment. Again, this is just my own personal experiment and I’m not saying everyone should give up dairy for clear skin. After all, we are all different and what works for one may not work for another (see: bio-individuality).
I’m … Read More!
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Good afternoon ladies! Hope you are all having a sun-shiny day, despite the rain and dreary weather in Boston. I guess we can’t complain much after having 2 beautiful days in a row. I honestly can’t get enough of this sunshine!
For those of you participating in my “Get Happy & Healthy” Wellness Challenge, I am so impressed by all your hard work, dedication and creativity. From squeezing in that extra “me time” to enjoy your breakfast mindfully (and listen to the birds chirping) to trying a brand new green (like broccoli rabe or mustard greens!), each and every step you take—both big and small—is one step closer to a happier, healthier you. Keep up the super work!
OK, on to another week of Healthy Chicks in the Community! This week I am so thrilled to introduce you to Jenn, a real women who shines confidence, health, strength and inspiration. After all, she wasn’t named one of BostInno’s 50 on Fire for nothing. I’ve had the pleasure of sitting down with Jenn in person and took her Pilates Bootcamp Class (which you can read about in my newsletter here) and can tell you this woman is the … Read More!
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Last week, I was chatting on the phone with my grandmother while cooking dinner in our teeny-tiny kitchen. When she asked me what I was doing, I caught myself going there to that negative place we all know. And so I began complaining. “Well you know I’m cooking in my awful kitchen and it’s stressing me out. I just can’t stand our apartment. If only we had a bigger kitchen – a bigger apartment for that matter – so I could cook a nice meal for myself and actually enjoy doing it.”
When she asked where The Boy was, I told her he was in the other room waiting for me, and then I lit up. There was a complete shift in my mindset. “You know, I really am lucky to have him.” After all, not only does he cook (and do the dishes) but he loves me despite our tiny apartment…through the good times and the bad.
Then my grandmother said something to me that really struck me. “You don’t know just how lucky you are. He’s a catch. And as for the apartment, it’s just perfect for now. You have enough.” She then went on to … Read More!
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Good afternoon, ladies! Today I wanted to touch base on a topic that’s often not discussed in the health & wellness community: mindfulness. For those of you who are participating in my 7-Day “Get Happy & Healthy” Wellness Challenge, you should have already seen in your inbox that today’s challenge has to do with eating mindfully.
What the heck does mindfulness have to do with healthy living, you ask? Well it’s a whole lot more than one may think! It’s also a topic that I hold very close to my heart, as it’s one of the major steps that helped me get over diet-obsessed living once and for all.
You see, in college I ate (and lived, for that matter) completely mindlessly. I scarfed down food as quickly as I could so I wouldn’t have to deal with the guilt, and I rushed through all my meals like it was one big race. I was an emotional eater and an impulse eater at that, eating what would make me “feel better” (or so I thought) and then dealing with the guilt of the aftermath.
This then lead to extreme restriction, dieting and poor body image which, if you … Read More!
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Good evening, ladies! I’m off for a weekend getaway at our family’s condo in N.H (a.k.a our vacation home), a time for relaxing, kicking back and living the laid back mountain life. Gotta love escaping the city every now and then! While I’ll likely be unplugging for most of the weekend, I wanted to share some of my latest freelance writing pieces with you all. Hopefully you’ll find a little inspiration!
Happy reading!
“Eating with the Seasons: 6 Foods to Nourish Your Body This Spring,” SpaFinder
“Spring Cleaning Dos & Don’ts: De-Cluttering Your Home, Kitchen, Body & Mind for the New Season,” Spa Finder
“Your Best Breakfast: 7 Steps to a More Mindful Breakfast,” SpaFinder
“Paleo Power: 5 Tips for Healthy Eating From ‘It Starts With Food‘,” SpaFinder
“Overcoming the Scale Obsession; Listening to Your Body,” Share It Fitness
“Let’s Get Real (About Our Food),” Share It Fitness
“Are You Being Honest with Yourself?,” Boston Fitness Magazine
“8 Healthy Spring Snacks + Superfoods for Active People,” Eastern Mountain Sports
… Read More!
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Good evening ladies! Hope you all had a nice day. I’m feeling real good as I just got home from a sweaty spin class/ meeting with the ever-so-energetic Ali Balsassare at Equinox. I’m beginning to love evening exercises more than I thought, though I’m still a morning person at heart.
Alright, let’s get to it; it’s time for another week of Healthy Chicks in the Community. Remember how last week I mentioned that Jess had an equally awesome twin sister? Well, I thought it’d be fitting to feature her amazing twin (in fact, they are actually triplets) on the blog this week. I’m thrilled to introduce you to the Jolene, whose writing literally gives me chills, or makes me tear up every. single. time. By the way, she truly has one of the most beautiful love stories I’ve ever witnessed. I’ll let Jo take it from here…

NAME/AGE: Jolene Bonina, age: 33
BLOG/TWITTER (If Applicable): Blog: Determined To Be: Twitter: jobo_determined
CURRENT CITY: Andover, Mass.
PHOTO TAKEN: This is one of my favorite pics with M (it’s a toss up, location takes the cake on this one!), in our favorite town in Sonoma County – Healdsburg. It’s … Read More!