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On most days, I wake up craving something warm like hearty oatmeal, eggs and avocado on toast or a good ol’ fashioned veggie omelet. Being a Vata body type, I naturally crave warm meals. But lately, most likely due to the change of seasons, my body has been asking for a little something greener and cooler; that is, a green smoothie of course.
Although to tell you the truth, I still enjoyed an egg sandwich on a gluten free english muffin about 2 hours later because that’s what I wanted…that’s what I needed. Dare to dig deep and listen to YOUR body.
Egg sandwich or not, this green smoothie totally kicked off my day on a fresh, healthy note! Enjoy this minty concoction on those mornings you want to refresh and reset, or as an afternoon treat. Go ahead…get a little minty.

Get Minty Green Smoothie for Healthy Chicks
In the Mix:
- 1 c. coconut milk (you can also use almond milk or water)
- large handful kale, organic
- 2 stalks celery, organic
- 1/4 c. cucumber, organic
- 1 medium banana
- 1/4 c. frozen pineapple
- 1 TB ground flax or hemp seed* (I used both)
- 3 organic mint leaves, fresh
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Happy April friends! Hope you’re all off on a great start to your month. On the first of the month, I always head straight over to Susan Miller Astrology, as her monthly horoscope forecasts are always spot on for me. I’m telling you…it’s wild!
I know it’s April Fool’s Day and all, but I’ve got nothin’ but love for you over here on Healthy Chicks today. If you’re suffering from those painful Monday Blues (or are still recovering from a prank-gone-wrong) I’ve got 8 things that should bring a smile to your face!
1. It’s officially flip-flop season: I live in these little gems, and have all colors from black to pink to flower-patterned. Any temp over 50 degrees is flip-flop worthy to me. I wear them to yoga, around the house, grocery shopping and even on lunch breaks. Seriously jeans (or yoga pants), a tee and some cute flops are my spring “thing.”

2. Iced Coffee: I’ve cut waayyyyy back on the caffeine, but nothing beats an iced coffee with a dash of almond or coconut milk. I shall enjoy these on days I want a cool little treat and absolutely can’t wait. While The Boy is … Read More!
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Good afternoon ladies and welcome to this week’s feature for Friday Flashbacks, where I share with you personal life lessons from my past.
Do you remember in highschool when everyone would drive the same car, wear the same clothes and eat the same lunch because it was cool? It was “the thing” to do/eat/drink/be. I swear my lunch table was like an ad for Abercombie & Fitch (and bagels with cream cheese).
I remember one day, one of the girls in our class plucked her eyebrows super thin, and then everyone started doing it including myself. Soon it was trending like wildfire. Only problem was it completely backfired and I ended up over-plucking to the extent where I just looked plain scary. Not to mention the fact that I used to pile on two pounds of makeup…because that’s what all the girls were doing after all.
This continued in college with oversized designer sunglasses, blonde highlights, fad diets and Vera Bradley bags. Whatever was “in” at the moment all the girls would buy, making us look and act like one big clone. There was the day Junior year of college where a chunk of the girls were doing the … Read More!
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Good morning to all you beautiful Healthy Chicks out there! I’m off to a great start to the day, as The Boy made me a super veggie-packed frittata (while I was still sleeping) and I’m off to meet a friend for life chats at one of my favorite organic cafes, Life Alive. (Fitting, huh?) I’m also going to get my Downward Dog on tonight with one of my best friends at Back Bay Yoga. We’re taking Lynne’s Vinyasa Flow with Live Music: Flute & Guitar.
I’m so excited for a zen, thought-provoking me kinda day. Those are the best after all, don’t ya think? And even if your schedule’s packed to the brim, you can still try to squeeze in little things throughout the day just for Y-O-U. Take time for yourself, ladies, even though it’s hard to remember at times (trust me, I know…I sometimes put “me” on the back burner too).
Anyway, ‘nough about me. Today I’m here to bring you this week’s feature for Healthy Chicks in the Community. I am extra giddy about today’s spotlight, as she’s actually one of the first bloggers I “met.” (We actually have plans to meet FOR … Read More!
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I heart running. I love how it enables me to let go and simply be. I love how it challenges me yet comforts me at the same time. I love how it makes me sweat unlike no other form of exercise. I love how it empowers me to feel strong, beautiful and sexy (on the inside). And most of all, I love the way it makes me feel (inside and out).
From half marathons to casual strolls on the river, running and I have a very special relationship and have been together through thick and thin. As you can see, I’m pretty darn obsessed with running and all of its hidden benefits (ahem, it’s more than just burning off that piece of cake).
Since the weather finally hit 50-degress in Boston (and the snow started to melt) I figured it was finally time to join in for City Sports Back Bay’s Run Club. Plus, I was even more ecstatic to join as City Sports hooked me up with their sweet CS by City Sports gear, a new women’s line specially designed for both comfort and attraction.
I loved all the options, and find it nice to know you … Read More!
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Sometimes we need a hug, sometimes we need mental clarity, and sometimes we just need a good healthy dose of inspiration! While I can’t technically give you all a hug (though I totally would if I could…e-hug?) I’ve got just the Spotify playlist for you that should clear your mind and ignite your creativity.
As someone who is constantly thinking (and writing) music is a great way for me to unwind, let loose and allow my thoughts to form naturally. Whether I’m writing at a local coffee shop, brainstorming in my bedroom or attempting to reach a deep meditation, music is always a blessing. I hope you enjoy this ultra-inspiring, thought-provoking playlist, including 10 hits that have been on my radar lately!

What do you do to clear your mind and ignite your creative juices? What are your go-to tracks or artists?

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I am not a vegan, nor am I a “meat-eater.” I am not Paleo, Macrobiotic or Carb-Free. While I try to eat gluten and dairy-free most of the time based on experience with my own body, sometimes I “give in” and want a piece of good-quality sourdough bread or cheese from the local farmer’s market. (Um, the cheese thing happens more than sometimes.) I avoid red meat for the most part, but I won’t say no to a good-quality, organic grass-fed burger every now and then…when I’m in the mood that is. My body knows what it can handle, and I listen to it 99% of the time.
The thing is, I don’t like to define myself, or my diet. I like to think of food as food, and load up on as much food that makes me feel good inside, reducing those things that make me feel not-so-good. It’s as simple as that. As you learn to listen to your body and treat it with lots of love, you’ll come to realize your own recipe for happiness and contentment in your body.
One of the many things that make my body feel really darn good is loading up … Read More!
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If you’re new to my blog, each and every Friday I post a Friday Flashback, taking you on a journey back into my past life. Why? Well, because I’ve been there and can totally relate to body image issues, dieting struggles and all the other things in between.
This week, I want to touch upon how we treat our bodies. During my prime time of diet-obsessed living and calorie counting, I completely disrespected my body.
I filled up on toxic, chemicalized “diet” foods that promised to make me skinny (at least, according to all the magazines and advertisements) and ate or drank my feelings away. I abused myself in the mirror (telling myself I am fat, I am not pretty enough, I am not good enough) and abused myself in the gym by overworking it and forcing myself to exercise (even when I didn’t want to or when my body was saying “No! Enough!”) I listened to what the number on the scale said, instead of what my body was telling me loud and clear.
I remember being so hungry: for real food, for love, for the answers. Unfortunately, I was starving myself by loading up on … Read More!