Healthy Chicks in the Community: A Crafty Compostable Cooking Artist

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Good evening Healthy Chicks, and Happy Spring! If you haven’t already, I encourage you to check out yesterday’s post on all my current fave things, a special edition for the new season. Oh, and be sure to enter my Hurraw! Balm giveaway, which ends tomorrow evening. In the meantime, I’ve got this week’s feature on Healthy Chicks in the Community: a compostable cooking artist who is just as creative in the kitchen as she is outside of it. I’ll let Meg take it from here!

NAME/AGE: Meghan Kathleen Pacificus Kelly aka Meg Kelly aka The Compost Cook

BLOG/TWITTER (If Applicable):, @thecompostcook ….follow me for recipes, quotes and daily musings:)


PHOTO TAKEN: Sipping on my lemon, cayenne, matcha and ginger drink. Can you say superfood junkie?

WHAT YOU DO FOR WORK: Copy and Content Intern at Gojee (, a food and fashion website. I was a fan of the website before my internship and reached out to them when I moved to the city about a possible internship and have loved every second. When I’m not interning, I am at my art studio in DUMBO, Brooklyn, as part of the … Read More!

These are a Few of My Favorite Things: Fitness, Food, Fashion & More {Spring Edition}

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Good afternoon, Healthy Chicks and Happy Spring to you! Even though it may not feel like it, especially with the snow/ice on the ground for fellow Bostonians, today officially marks the first day of the season (and yes, I’m wearing winter boots).

I love the beginning of the season, as it’s a chance to start fresh, get rid of the not-so-good in your life and boost up the really good, juicy stuff. And I especially adore spring because it means warm weather, chirping birds and flip-flop season is near. Plus, spring is a great time to clean up your diet and get clear about your health goals. (If you need help in this area, that’s where I come in!)  After all, lots of lively fruits & veggies come into season around this time like leafy greens and zesty citrus fruits.

For me, I’m going to dedicate this time for spring-cleaning, far beyond just my closet and drawers. While my wardrobe definitely needs to be cleaned out, I’m going to focus on de-cluttering my mind too by getting organized! I also want to continue to work on unplugging, as being hooked to my laptop and phone all day … Read More!

City Sports Chestnut Hill Grand Opening Party

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This past Saturday, I was invited to celebrate City Sports’ grand opening at their new Chestnut Hill location, which also happens to be City Sports’ 30th Anniversary month. (Happy Birthday City Sports!)

While the party didn’t officially start until 10 a.m., I got there at 9 a.m. for a private media event beforehand. I coincidentally ran into another blogger friend on the way there (the adorable, super-fit Jess from Little Miss Runshine), so we walked to City Sports together. We were shocked upon arriving, as the line was already down the sidewalk! Apparently, some had been standing out in the cold for hours.

After all, the first 100 customers were to receive a City Sports goodie bag filled with giftcards and sweet giveaways from City Sports and Nike. Plus, one lucky duck would find the grand prize in their bag: a free pair of shoes each month for the entire year! (I’d take that over the Golden Ticket any day.) Oh yea, and did I mention former New England Patriot Matt Light would be making a special appearance? I don’t blame these City Sports fanatics one bit for getting up early for the event; heck I’d do … Read More!

Hurraw!: An Eco-Friendly Lip Balm Giveaway

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As you know, I am a sucker for all-natural (preferably organic) beauty products, from store-bought natural cosmetics to DIY body scrubs and facial moisturizers. That being said, I also love a product that actually works.

Well, Hurraw! Balm lip balms are the best of both worlds, providing an eco-friendly product that delivers smooth, tasty kissable lips. Ever since The Boy stuffed a three-pack in my stocking for Christmas two years ago, I’ve been 100% hooked. I rarely use any different brands, and I never leave the house without my balm.

Not only are they made with vegan, raw, organic, non-toxic, fair trade ingredients (like coconut oil, jojoba oil, cacao butter and natural fruit oils), but the 20+ flavors are far from boring and make you want to lick your lips all day long. Some of my favorites are Chocolate (made with real cocoa), Black Cherry and Almond.

And now I’ve got some new favorites, since Hurraw! Balm just introduced their new line of Ayurvedic-based balms for each Dosha: Vata, Pitta & Kapha.

For those of you who aren’t familiar with the Ayurvedic approach, it’s a traditional Indian alternative
“medicine” that focuses on one’s lifestyle and unique … Read More!

Be Green: St Patty’s Festivities Plus Buckwheat Veggie Pasta with Pesto & Chicken Sausage

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Good afternoon ladies! Hope you all had an amazing weekend, and a happy & green St. Patty’s Day. I spent the weekend catching up with old friends, eating good food, wining, and roaming the packed streets in South Boston. (I even got to catch some of the parade this year!)

[Ladies’ night apps: green grapes, herbed goat cheese, When Pigs Fly sourdough]

[The Boy & I]                                                             [best friends]

While I didn’t get around to Green Eggs ‘n’ Ham or dying our milk green (boo to artificial coloring), I did make a delicious green pesto pasta the other night that I’ve been dying to share with you ladies. Even better, it’s both gluten and dairy-free!

Buckwheat Veggie Pasta with Pesto & Chicken Sausage (Dairy & Gluten-free)

Makes 4 large servings

  • 8 oz. bag of buckwheat pasta
  • 2 links all-natural chicken sausage, sliced into thin circles (We used garlic-flavored)
  • 1 c. frozen green peas
  • Half a bag frozen spinach
  • 2 c. frozen broccoli
  • 1 yellow onion, diced
  • 2 cloves garlic, crushed
  • 2 TB cold-pressed coconut oil (for cooking)
  • salt, pepper & seaweed gomasio to taste

For pesto:

  • About 2 c. fresh basil leaves
  • 1/2 c. chopped walnuts
  • 3/4 c. extra-virgin olive oil
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Friday Flashbacks: Bring Your Inner Sexy Out

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Growing up I didn’t pay too much attention to my looks, that is until I started dieting and well, my looks quickly became everything. I was consumed by my weight and how others, especially men, perceived me. Once I started getting attention from the guys, I became obsessed with my looks, in particular appearing “sexy.”

I remember one day quite vividly while loading on makeup for a friend’s graduation party, my sister (who was always the sportier one in the family) looked at me and said, “You changed.” I naturally got defensive, and she continued with “It’s great you’re getting all this attention and all, but all you care about is your looks.”  While I refused to admit it at the time, she was absolutely 100% right. Spot on.

And then there was college. Getting ready for a night out to the frat house was an event in itself. I’d change my outfit at least ten times, load layers of makeup over my face (including a dash of bronzer on my chest one of my best friends swore created the allusion of “cleavage”), and strive to wear the tightest or shortest thing I could possibly find paired with the highest … Read More!

Healthy Chicks in the Community: An Almost Thirty, Quinoa-Loving New Mom

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Good evening ladies! Hope you all had a great day, and are now taking some time to shut down and relax. You deserve it, after all. Be sure to check out my post from earlier today recapping a fun sports bra fitting event I attended last night at New Balance. But tonight I’m here to bring you this week’s feature for Healthy Chicks in the Community, who’s actually a cousin of The Boy, and someone I admire greatly for her dedication to inner happiness and wellness. I’ll let Marybeth take it from here…

NAME/AGE: Marybeth Ferreira… Soon to be 30 🙂

CURRENT CITY: outside of Worcester

WHAT YOU DO FOR WORK: Outpatient Mental Health Clinician, specializing in children and adults with developmental and intellectual disabilities

NUMBER ONE PASSION: Do I have to choose one? 🙂

I FEEL MY HEALTHIEST SELF WHEN I AM: Active, eating well, GETTING ENOUGH SLEEP, and finding balance in all of my roles

BUT I AM ALSO A REAL GIRL & SOMETIMES: I like to bake fresh homemade chocolate chip cookies and sample the batter!… and skip parts of workouts I don’t prefer… on occasion

TOP THREE KITCHEN STAPLES: olive oil, quinoa, and organic chicken … Read More!

Bra Fitting for a Cause with New Balance in Boston’s Back Bay

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Good afternoon ladies! Hope you’re all off to a healthy, happy Thursday. Random question for you: Do you know your ideal sports bra size? If you’re not quite sure how to answer the question, I was right there with you. Plus, apparently 70% of women don’t know their appropriate bra size!

So when I was invited to New Balance’s Bra Fitting for a Cause yesterday evening, I was quite intrigued. To celebrate the launch of their new NBPSYCHE Sports Bra Collection, New Balance hosted an event at their Boylston St. store, offering free bra fittings to attendees. Plus, for every woman who got fitted, they donated $10 to MA’s Susan G. Komen for the Cure.

Upon arriving, I was given a ticket with a number to hold my place in line. (It also doubled as a raffle ticket!) As I waited for my “bra consultation,” I sipped on some white wine, nibbled on a couple apps (I really liked the mini crostini with goat cheese and eggplant) and mingled with some of the other ladies.

While waiting (and snapping pics) I also ran into two other lovely bloggers: Elizabeth from On Tap for Today and Tina from Carrots Read More!