A Surprise Discovery: My Vision Board from Teenage Times

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This afternoon, while flipping through some old books, I discovered a little folded up piece of white-lined paper. When I began to open it, I got shivers because I immediately knew what it was: My “Vision Board” from when I was 19 or 20. While it was five or six years ago, I still remember quite vividly writing out my first ever Vision Board (which I titled My Visionary Board) while spending some QT on Fisher’s Island with my family.

If you can’t see it well, I’ll paint you a little picture for you:

Top Left: Photos of magazines, books, money, pens and paper with my name written in the byline of said books/magazines

Top Right: Me behind a table that says “Health Co.” I wrote above “Office in Boston.”

Middle: Me with Tall, Handsome Stranger with the words “happy & loving” over myself and “funny, handsome, sweet & spontaneous” over tall man

Bottom Left: Photo of me in a pony tail running with a water bottle, in which I wrote “Me at 140 lbs. calm, happy, healthy & in shape.”

Bottom Right: Photo of me with an apple, banana and women around me with the words “helping Read More!

Newsletter: A Day in the Life of a Healthy Chick

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Happy Tuesday ladies! I wanted to give you all a little friendly reminder that I send out my weekly newsletter “A Day in the Life of a Healthy Chick” every Monday. This week I discuss your relationship with food, natural aphrodisiacs, homemade V-Day goodies & more. If you’d like to get on my list, simply enter you email below! If you sign up this week, you’ll also receive this Monday’s newsletter, so you won’t miss out on anything! xoxo

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Wild Mushroom & Sweet Potato Coconut Soup (Dairy & Gluten Free)

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I have an over-the-top crush on soup. From thick stews and chowders to broth-based and bisques, soups make my heart melt.

There’s noting like coming home to a hot bowl of soup in the winter, especially when it’s homemade. It brings me back to childhood when I’d rush into the house from the bus stop to the heavenly aroma of parsley, dill and colorful vegetables. This meant my mom’s homemade Chicken Noodle Soup was about to be served!

Unfortunately, most soups and stews found at the store or restaurant are loaded with cream, sugar, sodium and other additives to enhance the flavor. But for me, the natural ingredients in soup create enough flavor as they are.

Last week, I was itching for a hearty bowl of soup, but not necessarily the heavy ingredients that come with it. Therefore, I browsed through some recipes for a little inspiration and decided to create my own thai-style coconut mushroom soup with sweet potatoes. If you know me, I’m not a huge fan of recipes because I enjoy experimenting in the kitchen and playing with flavors! (I apologize in advance for my rookie recipe-writing skills since I rarely go by the exact tablespoon, cup … Read More!

Sneak Peak Inside My Kitchen Pantry: NuttZo Omega 3 Seven Nut & Seed Butter

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Good afternoon lovely ladies and Happy Sunday! Hope you all stayed warm & safe during the Blizzard. As for me, I escaped to our condo in Waterville Valley, N.H with the family for a weekend of snowshoeing, card-playing, unplugging and wining & dining.

New Hampshire is one of my favorite places to unplug, relax and simply appreciate the beauty in nature. I also love spending quality time with my family and The Boy without any distractions from the outside world. Oh, and one of our favorite activities: eating good food. Last night, I enjoyed Salmon Oscar-style from the Woodstock Inn Brewery, which was topped with asparagus and a decadent Béarnaise sauce, served with mashed butternut squash and steamed broccoli. I have no words!

NuttZo: A Jar Full of Love

Speaking of good food, I’ve totally been loving NuttZo, an Omega-3 packed Seven Nut & Seed butter. If you didn’t already know, I’m totally nuts about nuts, nut butters and seeds for that matter (love my flax!) So when I received a jar of NuttZo  to sample myself, I was ecstatic to try a new brand of one of my favorite “condiments.” There’s no better time than Valentine’s … Read More!

10 Takeaways From My Day Trip to Kripalu Center For Yoga & Health

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On this past Wednesday morning, I woke up to my alarm at 5:45 a.m. as happy as a clam. That is, because I was headed off to the mountains to embark on a journey to Kripalu Center for Yoga and Health in the Berkshires.

If you haven’t heard of Kripalu, it’s quite difficult to put into words but I’ll try. It’s pretty much a hidden escape in the middle of the mountains filled with lots of yoga, meditation, wellness workshops/lectures, nutritious food, spa treatments, and R & R. Pretty much my Happy Place to a T.

My aunt had introduced me years ago, when we took a trip with my sister and mom after I graduated from college. But my aunt and I were back again for round two, this time being much different as I now have a greater appreciation for good food and wellness for the mind, body and soul, which are both important themes at Kripalu. As we drove up through the beautiful mountains, I was just itching to fuel my body with flavorsome meals, and soak up all the information I could in one day!

Upon checking in, the receptionist kindly reminded us that, … Read More!

Healthy Chicks in the Community Week 5: A Traveling, Twenty-Something Librarian

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Good afternoon ladies! Sorry I’ve been M.I.A the past couple of days. I’ve been super busy working and living, including my day trip yesterday to Kripalu Center for Yoga and Health. It was truly one of the greatest experiences I’ve had in a long time, and I can’t wait to update you on everything I ate, learned and did!

In the meantime, I’ve got this week’s spotlight on Healthy Chicks in the Community for you, a twenty-something who loves her veggies, traveling and lazy days spent watching New Girl. She’s also a past client of mine, who increased her energy, and reached her goal of running a Half Marathon while working with me! How amazing is that? I’ll let Courtney take it from here…

NAME/AGE: Courtney, 26

BLOG (If Applicable): http://wanderlusting02.wordpress.com/

CURRENT CITY: Casablanca, Morocco

PHOTO TAKEN: Hiking in Costa Rica

WHAT YOU DO FOR WORK: I’m the elementary school librarian at the Casablanca American School in Morocco. I basically get kids excited to read books and learn!

NUMBER ONE PASSION: Traveling. I am so lucky to be living in a country that is exotic AND close to Europe.  My next trip is … Read More!

Feeling Bloated? Make a Post Superbowl Party Green Smoothie

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Indulge a little much during yesterday’s Superbowl partying? First of all know that It’s OK because Healthy Chicks Eat Burgers Too (and chicken wings, pizza, nachos, you name it.)

At our house there was a lot of chicken wings, beef stew, greasy Chinese, chips, beer and wine to name a few. Fortunately, I made a healthy Kale & Avocado salad to add a little green balance, but only a few people ate it (ha!) I guess the other stuff looked a little more appealing on Game Day…

If you’re feeling a little bloated from all that excess sodium and greasy food, you can start fresh today because “Tomorrow is a New Day” after all.  One of my favorite ways to refresh is by chugging a ton of water, and my favorite way: green smoothies! I made this for my mom and I this morning (I took a trip to visit the ‘rents for a few days), and she absolutely loved it! I’d have to agree.

Post Superbowl Party Green Smoothie for 2

In the Mix:

  • 1 c. unsweetened almond milk
  • 2 large carrots
  • 3 celery stalks
  • small handful parsley
  • large handful of each spinach, mixed greens and kale
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A Vlog: Healthy Chicks Eat Burgers Too (Or Insert Your #1 Indulgence)

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Happy Superbowl Sunday ladies! Today’s post is a Vlog (my second Vlog EVER actually) because I wanted to share with you something that I get questions about all the time: how to handle “over-indulging” without all the guilt that comes with it, or feeling like you “ruined everything.”

I was inspired to create a Vlog after chatting over coffee yesterday with the lovely Cait from Cait Plus Ate at Daybreak. (Side Note: If you don’t know Cait already, you should totally check out her blog especially if you are a fellow foodie or live in the New England area.) She just did her first Vlog (and totally rocked it) and she gave me the courage to give it another shot!

After all, I am very passionate about this topic and want to reach as many readers (or shall I say viewers) as possible. Plus, I feel much more confident this time around, judging by my last video where I was a tad nervous.

OK, 1, 2, 3…ACTION!

What are your favorite indulgences? Do you let guilt get the best of you? Read More!