I’ve Been There: A Flashback On Why I Quit Dieting & Started Living Once and For All

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[May ’09 – counting calories & deprivation]    [Summer ’12 – living my life – happy & carefree!]

note: I was not my heaviest here but still unhappy

One of the reasons I decided to pursue a career in holistic health counseling is because I’ve been there.

There as in a place where I tried everything (I mean everything!) to make my body change when it wouldn’t budge. There as in frantically adding up my calories for the day during Psychology class, while pretending to take notes. There as in canceling Mexican night with my girlfriends because I feared a margarita and quesadilla would make me fatter. There as in feeling like a little kid on Christmas every time the scale went down a pound, while feeling like I wanted to crawl in a hole and die every time it went up .2 pounds.

There as in hooking up with boys to make me feel better about myself and my body, and feeling I wasn’t skinny enough, pretty enough or good enough. There as in calling a pile of rice cakes with fat-free peanut butter “dinner.” There as in having a mental breakdown every time I ate something “bad”  … Read More!

Healthy Chicks in the Community Week 4: A Motivated Mom on the Move

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Good afternoon ladies, and welcome to week 4 of Healthy Chicks in the Community. This week’s spotlight is a pay-it-forward, soup-loving mother of two, who also happens to be my beautiful cousin! I’ll let Marissa take it from here…

NAME/AGE: Marissa, 36

CURRENT CITY: East Hampton, CT

PHOTO TAKEN: At an art party for my daughter, Jaelyn.

WHAT YOU DO FOR WORK: For my career, I am a School Based Occupational Therapist working with children in regular and special education to be able to reach their full potential in school. In my private life, I am a mother of 2 young children which is another job altogether. Of course, both of these lines of work give me skills to use in the other job, so I am lucky in that respect!

NUMBER ONE PASSION: This is a tough one. Being a mom definitely takes priority so, as many other mothers know, passions and hobbies can easily be forgotten or lost along the way. I would have to say, at the heart of almost everything I do, is a passion to make a better world for my children and those around me. I am a firm believer in “paying it … Read More!

Getting After My Intentions: Published Health & Wellness Articles Around the Web

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Good evening lovely ladies…hope you’re all warm & cozy! I’m currently at Starbucks cozied up with a cup of hot Earl Grey with a steamed soy topper. It’s my new favorite post-noon drink!

Today I wanted to dive a little deeper into the topic of intentions, also known as dream-catching or envisioning exactly what you want and then GOING AFTER IT.

One of my personal goals for 2013 is to take bigger risks business-wise (i.e. don’t let fear hold me back from asking what I want). I know that I am talented, passionate and have what it takes, however sometimes I let that little voice inside my head take over and pull me  back.

Well, they’ll be no more of that in 2013! While I think it’s normal (and necessary) to go through a certain amount of self-doubt, I also think it’s important to recognize that many of these things we tell ourselves aren’t true. They are just little lies we tell ourselves to keep us safe and protect ourselves from danger i.e. rejection, failure, etc.

I have my mentor Coach Jenn Lee (for lighting a fire under my butt) along with  Gabrielle Bernstein (and her book May Cause Read More!

Healthy Shopping: A Sneak Peak Inside My Grocery Cart & Kitchen Shelves

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I don’t usually post grocery lists on my blog because:

a. I don’t like to obsess too much over the what (what foods are the “best”) but rather like to focus on the why (listening to your body & finding the foods that make you feel your best self)

b. My grocery lists change every week as The Boy and I both love experimenting in the kitchen

c. Grocery lists usually bore me. I’m more of a spontaneous, buy what’s in season, analyze the sales, grab-and-go kind of gal. Don’t get me wrong: I love lists and think they definitely have their place, but I don’t typically go by a list when it comes to grocery shopping. I also don’t like following recipes to a T either…where’s the fun in that?

BUT, BUT BUT… today I am going to be posting my grocery list for the week because:

a. The Boy is gone for  a week and a half and I totally had too much fun doing some Single Girl Shopping tonight! (Is that normal?) I loved those days when everything in the fridge was mine and I knew exactly what was running out (no more eggs?) and what … Read More!

Dancing Deer Gourmet Baked Goods: A Valentine’s Day Giveaway

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Can you believe Valentine’s Day is just around the corner? Whether you love or hate Cupid’s (and Hallmark’s) favorite holiday, we can all appreciate the tasty sweet treats that come with it!

But let’s be honest: these “treats” typically don’t treat our bodies very well. From sugar-packed candy hearts to artificially-flavored chocolates, it can can pretty scary out there in that red, white & pink world!

That’s why I am super excited to introduce you to Dancing Deer, a gourmet baked goods company that doesn’t sacrifice taste for high-quality, natural ingredients. In fact, all of their products are baked from scratch, using all-natural, Kosher ingredients without any artificial preservatives. Now that’s my kind of baking: homemade, pure, simple and delicious! (Plus, I’m not very handy when it comes to baked goods, so it’s nice knowing there’s feel-good companies out there you can trust!)

And in honor of the upcoming holiday, Dancing Deer creates a series of Valentine’s Day packages including their Be My Valentine Gift Medley, which they were kind enough to send me the other day. I must say: I was elated when the doorbell rang to find a special V-Day package just for me! I Mean, … Read More!

Healthy Chicks in The Community Week 3: Words of Wisdom from Casablanca, Morocco

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This week’s Healthy Chick in the Community is studying in Casablanca, Morocco, is a family girl at heart and loves baguettes. I’ll let Melissa take it from here!

NAME/AGE: Melissa Mitchem, 24.

BLOG/TWITTER (If Applicable): N/A

CURRENT CITY: Casablanca, Morocco

PHOTO TAKEN: December 2012 with my nephew

WHAT YOU DO FOR WORK: In terms of life goals, I’m working towards getting a PhD in Education by first teaching for a few years. In terms of fitness/health goals, I’m working on maintaining a balanced, protein-rich diet as a vegetarian and keeping up with my 5-6 day-a-week workouts (usually running, using an elliptical, or yoga).

NUMBER ONE PASSION: This is a tie- my family and education. I love my family so much, but we all live in very different parts of the world. It’s simply the best when we all get together for a holiday or vacation. As for education, I have always loved learning and teaching and envision a perfect society as one with highly educated citizens.

I FEEL MY HEALTHIEST SELF WHEN I AM: in my daily routine of work, exercise, and diet and have a low level of stress.


Today’s Healthy ChickLit: On Self Care & My Spotify Relaxation Mix

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Are you taking care of yourself?

Have you checked in lately regarding how much time you set aside for self care? When I was studying to become a Holistic Health Coach at the Institute for Integrative Nutrition, self care was one of the first topics we discussed. Yes, even before we went into the nitty gritty details of nutrition, fitness and more.

What’s self care, you ask? To me, it means taking the time to do “me” things that are good for your body, mind and spirit. Because, as I’ve said over and over again if you’re not happy & healthy on the inside, you are definitely not going to be happy & healthy on the outside. It’s just how it works!

Lately, I’ve noticed I’ve been putting my self care somewhat on the back burner. Between the change in seasons, a new job, starting my own business, and meeting with clients life can get pretty hectic at times (which I know you can all relate). While it’s easy to put yourself last during these crazy phases, it’s actually during these times more that ever that you need to recognize what you are doing, and take care of yourself Read More!

The Clean Plates Cookbook Giveaway on SpaFinder

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If you read my post a few weeks ago, you already know how passionate I am about the Clean Plates movement, including their latest book: The Clean Plates Cookbook.

Now I’ve got some exciting news for you, especially for those of you who missed my newsletter on Monday. (P.S. you can subscribe to the right; it’s 100% free!) Anyway, back to the exciting news. SpaFinder is giving away a copy of The Clean Plates Cookbook to one lucky reader.

Simply head on over and check out my latest article “Giveaway! The Clean Plates Cookbook: Clean, Delicious Eating for Vegans & Omnivores Alike,” then leave a comment on their Facebook page stating what clean eating means to you.  The contest will run until Friday, January 25th so be sure to get your entry in before then!

Now for a little Q & A! What’s one must-have clean food you keep in your house? Read More!