I’ve Been There: A Flashback On Why I Quit Dieting & Started Living Once and For All
[May ’09 – counting calories & deprivation] [Summer ’12 – living my life – happy & carefree!]
note: I was not my heaviest here but still unhappy
One of the reasons I decided to pursue a career in holistic health counseling is because I’ve been there.
There as in a place where I tried everything (I mean everything!) to make my body change when it wouldn’t budge. There as in frantically adding up my calories for the day during Psychology class, while pretending to take notes. There as in canceling Mexican night with my girlfriends because I feared a margarita and quesadilla would make me fatter. There as in feeling like a little kid on Christmas every time the scale went down a pound, while feeling like I wanted to crawl in a hole and die every time it went up .2 pounds.
There as in hooking up with boys to make me feel better about myself and my body, and feeling I wasn’t skinny enough, pretty enough or good enough. There as in calling a pile of rice cakes with fat-free peanut butter “dinner.” There as in having a mental breakdown every time I ate something “bad” … Read More!