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Quinoa and I have quite the love affair. I discovered this grain-like seed a few years ago when I was dealing with gluten issues and haven’t looked back since.
I typically enjoy quinoa at least twice a week and unsurprisingly, it’s quickly become one of my favorite kitchen staples. Really, I never go without it. In fact, we have three bags of it in our cupboards now. (Hey, you never know when you’ll need it!)
Quickie Quinoa Facts
- While many refer to quinoa as a grain based on the similarities, quinoa is in fact a seed.
- It’s 100% gluten free, making it a great choice for someone with Celiac’s or a gluten sensitivity, or for those who don’t digest gluten-heavy grains very well. As an added benefit, it’s also very easy for most to digest!
- It cooks up in about 15 minutes, making it my favorite go-to when I “don’t have time” to cook as opposed to other grains like rice that can take up to an hour to prep
- Quinoa is a complete protein, making it superb for endurance & energy!
- High in B vitamins, iron and potassium to name a few
- It’s always good to rinse quinoa thoroughly
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As hard as it may be to do so, I think it’s vital to focus on the feel-goods in your life every day. At the beginning and the end of the day, I try to find a few things that I’m thankful for or blessed to have. They can be the little things, like being able to run 3 miles bundled up in the cold (even when you’d rather stay in bed) or the big things: the life-changing things.
Often this comes up during health coaching, when women feel as though they aren’t “enough” or could be doing “better.” I try to re-shift their thoughts and remind them of all the wonderful achievements they already have, to focus on all of the good (that you showed up for yoga, your glorious family, the home-cooked, nutritious meal you made for your boyfriend) and let go of all of the “bad” (that you skipped the gym, that your thighs are too big, that you didn’t get what you wanted.)
Things I am thankful right now:
–That my dad survived a bad car crash the other night on the highway, even though the car was totaled: He spun out on ice … Read More!
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As I’ve mentioned before here on Healthy Chicks (and as I’m sure you can tell by the badge on the right), I am a proud FitFluential Ambassador. If you haven’t checked out the FitFluential community before, which was founded by Fitness Rockstar Kelly Olexa, I strongly suggest you do so over here.
While FitFluential is packed with an amazing group of like-minded enthusiasts sharing their passion for wellness every hour on the hour, today I wanted to share with you what “FitFluential” means to me. More specifically, my very own definition of living a “healthy lifestyle.”
Discovering an Exercise Routine that Makes you Shine

[Move100 Campaign; Photo Cred:]
Just like there is no Perfect Man for every woman, there is no perfect exercise that works for everyone. In fact, I don’t believe in rules or perfection at all.
Some live for CrossFit and Pilates, while others feel their best by doing yoga and running. Some spin 6 days a week, while others enjoy being one with nature and going for long hikes with loved ones.
The point is, it’s not going to work for you unless you enjoy it. Find the exercises that make you … Read More!
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Do you ever obsess over numbers and hours, in turn forgetting about YOU? I used to weigh myself every day and not feel “worthy” unless I sweat it out for 2 hours at the gym. Now instead, I ask myself “What makes me FEEL my ultimate best?” “What makes me shine?” … Read More!
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Yesterday, I was sitting at the coffee shop listening to Ingrid Michaelson, writing my little heart away and catching up on some work. I was feeling good…I was in a happy place.
However, I’m the first to admit that things aren’t always happy, sparkling and wonderful. While I like to think of myself as a very positive person (in fact my friend Meg referred to me as Her Sunshine) I too go through struggles, or “rough patches” I like to call them. In fact, I’ve been going through one of those rough patches for the past couple weeks and most of that comes from doubt.
I don’t like the Rachel I am when I’m negative and doubtful, but I’m also beginning to recognize that it’s OK to have bad days and not be sun-shiny, happy ALL. THE. TIME.
That’s why when the beautiful Heather* over at For the Love of Kale recommended the book May Cause Miracles: A Guidebook of Subtle Shifts for Radical Change and Unlimited Happiness by spiritual guru Gabrielle Bernstein, I jumped right on board. (*Note: Heather is also hosting a book club over on her blog if you’d like to jump in too!) I … Read More!
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Today’s ChickLit: YOU are in charge of your destiny. Choose to live the way you want to live, create the things you want to create, and make way for the 2013 of your dreams.
I think it’s safe to say that 2012 had its fair share of ups and downs for me. Some ups include getting my first client, moving in with my wonderful boyfriend, and choosing a career path that fills me up inside with fiery passion. Some downs include suffering from financial insecurities, struggling to help my boyfriend’s beautiful mother treat her Early Onset Alzheimer’s Disease, and going through some personal hardships.
I’m happy to end 2012, and start on a fresh slate this 2013, setting intentions for myself that will help make 2013 the best one yet. It will be a year of dreaming big, doing things that scare me and finding financial security & success.
Today, I spent a good amount of time talking with The Boy about our intentions, and what we want for ourselves as the New Year begins. While chatting over a cup of good coffee & scrambled eggs with lots green veggies (one of our fave breakfasts) I realized something: we are … Read More!
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Good afternoon ladies, and Happy New Year’s Eve! I hope you all have a magical evening celebrating life, and everything positive that happened for you this past year, while also celebrating the year to come. If you haven’t already done so, you can read my newsletter on setting intentions for yourself in 2013 over here.
Clean Plates Cookbook: Background
OK, ‘nough about me. It’s time for a book review of Clean Plates Cookbook, written by Nutritional Consultant and Founder of Clean Plates Jared Koch with Cookbook Author Jill Silverman Hough.
I was particularly excited to read this book, as Jared Koch is not only a fellow graduate of IIN but he’s also someone whom I admire greatly for his success as an entrepreneur in the wellness field.
One of the main concepts that shines throughout the book is something we learned at Institute for Integrative Nutrition: bio-individuality, or that one way of eating doesn’t work for everyone. While vegan dining may suit your best friend, you may thrive on high-quality, organic meats. Simply put, we choose what to put inside our bodies to make us feel our ultimate best. Jared explains this process further in Chapter 2.… Read More!
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Hey ladies, check out my latest newsletter to find out how setting intentions this New Year’s can give you the life you want for yourself.
If you’re not already signed up for my FREE newsletter service with healthy tips, recipes & lotsa love, I suggest you do so below:

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