Health Boosting, Anti-Inflammatory Green Smoothie {Recipe}

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Good morning Healthy Chickies, and Happy Day-Before-New-Year’s-Eve. Since I’m still getting over some sniffles from the holidays, I’ve been trying to eat (and drink) with my health in mind, paying extra attention to the foods that are going to fill me up and make me feel strong & healthy.

This morning, I whipped up a health-boosting green smoothie in the Vitamix, carefully choosing ingredients that’d work on my side as I knock this cold to the ground.

Hope you enjoy!

Health Boosting, Anti-Inflammatory Green Smoothie

Serves 2

  • About 1 c. unsweetened coconut or almond milk
  • 3 large handfulls baby spinach (fill to about 3/4 of the blender): high in vitamin K and A & rich in cancer-fighting antioxidants
  • 3 carrots – rich in antioxidants like Beta Carotene
  • 3 celery stalks high in vitamin A & C, boost immune system and have been used to help lower blood pressure
  • 2 cloves garlic – antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, antibiotic, anti-infection…need i go on?
  • juice of 1 small lemon – strengthen immunity, cleanse the stomach & liver, fabulous detox to name a few
  • 1 large apple – good amount of soluble fiber and have also been known to reduce LDL (“bad cholesterol”)
  • 1
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Healthy ChickLit: Just Move

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Today’s ChickLit: Take time every day to MOVE, even if it’s just taking your dog for a brisk winter walk or dancing in your PJs.

We all know exercise is good for our health, and can help reduce the risk of developing heart disease and other serious health concerns. However, to me, exercise is much more than that.

It’s about movement, clarity, motivation and feel-good energy (you know, that thing called endorphins). While usually I like to sleep in on Saturdays, today I woke up (sorta) early for an a.m. Hatha yoga class at my local gym.

Not only did it feel good to stretch, strengthen and challenge my body, but it gave me an incredible rush of energy and “happy hormones.”

So even if you don’t have time to run 7 miles or take part in a kickboxing class, make time for something, anything that’s going to get you moving.

As we like to say over at FitFluential: #MOVE #GETAFTERIT

How can you make more time to move? If you need a little boost to get started, check out my “From Oy Vey to OK in 30 Days” Health Coaching Program, individually catered to Y-O-U. I work Read More!

Letting Go of Negative Energy

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I’m a firm believer in horoscopes, karma, fortunes and having faith in general. That’s why I get giddy every time I unwrap a yogi tea bag before brewing. If you’re not familiar with yogi tea, each and every tea bag has some words of wisdom, a fortune if you will.

And this morning my fortune read: Empty yourself and let the universe fill you.

I must admit, I had to think about this one for a bit to see what this message truly meant for me, for my lifestyle. Empty myself and let the universe fill me?

For me, it means to empty yourself from all those negative thoughts that hold you back and bring you down, and let the universe fill you up with positive, feel-good energy. After all, if you put good energy out there, the universe will be on your side.

I think a lot of us struggle with negative, glass-is-half-empty thoughts every now and then. One way to “shush” these thoughts is by practicing positive affirmations on a daily basis, something I try to instill in my clients during my health coaching program.

The practice of positive affirmations is simply telling yourself positive, pick-me-up things, … Read More!

Healthy ChickLit: On Dealing with Dieter’s Guilt

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Today’s Lit: Remember that every day is a new day. So, you ate one too many brownies or “cheated” on your diet. You didn’t ruin anything. Instead of beating yourself up with guilt, start again tomorrow!

I can’t tell you how many times I’ve heard a woman say, “Well, I ate crap today, so I might as well forget it!” or “Guess I’ll wait ’til next week to start that ‘going to the gym’ plan since I didn’t work out today anyway,” or even “I ate pizza last night and now am on a major guilt trip.”

I’m here to tell you it’s NOT TOO LATE. Remind yourself that tomorrow is a new day. As a matter of fact, you can choose to start your day over any time you like!

So, you ate one too many brownies, overdid it with the Peppermint Martinis, or “cheated” on your diet. NEWSFLASH: You didn’t ruin anything!

Instead of beating yourself up with guilt, start again tomorrow…

If you’re looking to let go of that guilt and make 2013 about you, check out my “From Oy Vey to OK in 30 Days” premiere Health Coaching Program. I’ll teach you how to Read More!

Healthy Chick’s: Holiday Dos & Don’ts {Newsletter}

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Healthy Chick’s Energy Trail Mix:

7 Cost-Free Ways to Live a Happier, Simpler Lifestyle:

Practicing Gratitude:

Health Coaching Services:

Want more quick, healthy tips? Simply enter your email below!

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Healthy Chick’s Healthy Holiday Tips {vid}

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A Lesson in Customer Service: The Power of Being Nice

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My first job was a barista at Panera Bread when I as 16 years old. I took the job so that I could save enough money to go on a school trip to Mexico with my Spanish class. While I didn’t particularly love working at Panera (angry customers who NEED THEIR COFFEE NOW, Witch-like boss, and scattered management system), I still took it very seriously and went into each shift with a positive outlook.

There were days when I’d rather crawl in a hole and hide than be serving Asiago bagels all day with my Scary Boss on my back, but I always remembered to do one thing: SMILE at customers. Even on those days where things weren’t going so well in my personal life, I made sure to bring my A-Game to work especially for the customers.

I’d sneak broken chocolate chip cookies to little kids, smile at strangers and entertain people as they talked about their days. I knew every single thing about every single cookie, bread, and coffee and soon become a customer favorite, having to turn down tips because we weren’t “allowed to accept them.”

Why did I do this all? Well, for one it was … Read More!

Healthy ChickLits, Coaching Programs & More

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Good morning lovelies! I wanted to let you in on a few new things going on over here at Healthy Chicks. Ever since I’ve met with the ever-so-fabulous Coach Jenn Lee last week, I’ve been busy making changes in the business realm of my life.

The great news? I’m going to be doing a LOT more over here on Healthy Chicks, as this is my baby and my #1 brand after all. Jenn helped me realize that, being a creative like I am, I was trying to do too many things at once in effect feeling overwhelmed and not getting clear, concise results.

Here are a few new features:

Healthy ChickLits: Every day, I post daily “Healthy ChickLits” on my Facebook and Twitter channels. These are little feel-good words of wisdom in a sentence or two to make you feel motivated and good inside! Today’s pick? A reminder for us all – Love yourself every day! Follow along on my social media channels to see more of this!

Health Coaching: Many of us may know that I am also a Certified Health Coach, but have been working mostly under my other business Zesty Living. I realized that Zesty Living, while … Read More!