6 Ways to Increase Your Energy Through Food

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Today we’re going to discuss something some of us have, many of us want more of, and all of us need: ENERGY.

Have you ever observed children running around, who seem to have all the energy and life in the world and wonder, “How can I get some of that?” On the other hand, so very often we see business professionals completely drained by the stresses of the workday, mom’s suffering from extreme fatigue, and college students relying on energy drinks to keep them “going.”

What gives? How can we get our energy levels back up in order to feel healthy and alive again?

While there are a number of reasons for low energy levels (including emotional, mental, physical and chemical stress), today I’d like to focus on one of my favorite topics: food. More specifically, I’m going to show you how you can increase your energy levels almost instantly through your diet!

  1. Avoid or limit your intake in processed foods, caffeinated beverages, artificial sweeteners, sugary treats and heavy red meats, all of which can drain your energy if consumed in excess. Remember, you don’t need to change your diet overnight as it’s all about baby steps. Try
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What I’m Loving This Week: Taste Nirvana, Holiday Nails, NatureBox & More

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Good morning Healthy Chickies! Hope you’re all having a wonderful week so far, and enjoying this odd warm-ish weather in the Boston area. Lately, I’ve been experimenting with lots of new recipes, products and ideas. Here’s what I’m lovin’ this week:

1. Taste Nirvana Coconut Water: My friend Kelley introduced me to this coconut water last night at Barrington Coffee Roasting Company, and claimed it was “the best coconut water in the world.” I have to give it to her; she was indeed right. It tasted smooth, savory and sweet all at once and I found myself begging for more when I took my last sip. I love that it’s bottled in a glass container, and that the coconuts are sourced from the famous Thailand plantations. Definitely adding this to my favorites.

2. New Business Cards: I ordered new business cards a couple weeks ago on VistaPrint because I wanted to create something unique that screams “Rachel.” Since I love writing and feel-good quotes/inspirations, I decided to make a mini collage of words that describe me and my business Zesty Living on the back, as opposed to the typical blank backside. Check ’em out.

3. Festive Holiday Read More!

11 Insightful Takeaways from the Massachusetts Conference for Women

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Yesterday, I was fortunate enough to attend the Massachusetts Conference for Women at the Boston Convention Center, in a space filled with 8,000 inspiring women, thanks to my blogging partnership with Harvard Pilgrim’s “Count Us In” initiative. This enabled me to simply enjoy the day, take notes and breathe everything in.

My day started at 8 a.m. when I arrived for registration, coffee and continental breakfast, followed by keynote speakers including Dr. Brené Brown, and the fascinating spiritual guru Deepak Chopra.

Then, it was  a morning of action-packed learning including Personal Development Sessions “Five Seconds to a Healthier and Happier You” with relationship expert/bestselling author Mel Robbins, and “Using Your Professional Skills to Make a Difference” with panelists Renee Connolly (VP of EMD Serono and Board Member of Mass Conference for Women), Charley Johnson (president of Pay it Forward Foundation), Sharon Reilly (founder of Women’s Lunch Place) and Doreen Rigby (Executive VP of Global Operations, State Street Corporation).

During our lovely lunch (fresh salad with toppings like feta, chicken, olives, peppers, tomatoes and mini carrot cake muffins/truffles for dessert) we heard from a number powerful women including Ariana Huffington (President of the Huffington Post Media Group), Emmy and … Read More!

7 Cost-Free Ways to Lead a Happier, Simpler Lifestyle

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Every day, there’s usually something that stresses you out, be it the kids, money or your monotonous job. During the holiday season, it seems this stress goes completely haywire, creating Scrooges and Grinches left and right.

Yesterday, while having lunch at the Prudential Center, I noticed hundreds of businessmen, mothers, and sales clerks running around like a bunch of chickens with their heads cut off.

What is going on?

At a time where money, family and stress tend to get the best of us, let’s all take a step back and remember what the holiday season is all about. Here are 7 simply ways you can lead a happier, simpler lifestyle right now and get this…they are absolutely free (or at least cost less than your Starbuck’s latte).

1. Skip the workout you’re totally dreading, and instead go on a winter stroll with a loved one. Along the way, you can window shop, browse some new restaurants in the neighborhood and spend some quality time together. You’ll sweat it out, get some fresh air and simply feel better overall.

2. Save some money, and make homemade gifts for friends and family this year. Not only will your wallet be happier, … Read More!

Christmas in Boston + a Red, White & Green Salad

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It’s officially Christmas season in Boston. Faneuil Hall is decked out with their giant Christmas tree, streets are filled with holiday cheer and all the malls are dressed up for the holidays. Besides the fact that it’s in the high 50s today, it’s beginning to look a lot like Christmas.

This is always my favorite time of the year, mostly because of spending time with family and loved ones. After all, that’s what Christmas is all about to me: love & cheer. Of course, I enjoy watching Fox Family’s 25 Days of Christmas and playing holiday tunes, but it’s that feeling that really gets me.

In honor of the holidays, I whipped up this delicious Red, White & Green Salad for lunch the other day.

In the mix:

  • baby kale
  • red pepper
  • cucumber
  • green onions
  • feta cheese
  • sun-dried tomatoes
  • pumpkin seeds
  • olive oil
  • lemon juice
  • salt & pepper

Happy December! What’s your favorite thing about the holiday season? P.S. This is the last week to sign up for my Healthy Holiday Crash Course! Read More!


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Last night, I was reading the latest issue of Boston’s Natural Awakenings magazine and stumbled upon this quote by author Melody Beattie: “Gratitude unlocks the fullness of life. It turns what we have into enough, and more. It turns denial into acceptance, chaos to order, confusion to clarity. It can turn a meal into a feast, a house into a home, a stranger into a friend.”

What a beautiful reminder to be thankful for what we have, and stretch yourself to find the beauty in the little things. I think we can all work on finding a little more gratitude, no matter what the circumstance.

This past week, I had been bumming out about money. While it would have been pretty sweet to have won the powerball, I reminded myself that money does not buy love. It does not bring happiness, peace or even success. It’s just a thing.

While there are many wealthy people out there who are successful and brilliant, there are an equal number of people who are are living by the week who are just as successful and brilliant.

So today, I want to express my gratitude for those things … Read More!

Happy Holidays: Introducing Zesty Living’s Healthy Holiday Crash Course

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The weather outside is frightful and the fire is so delightful, but for some reason your holiday season is turning out to be complete chaos. From running around like a chicken with your head cut off to find the perfect gifts for your kids to the temptation and guilt that comes from work cocktail parties, you’re likely feeling completely out of control, and you’re not alone.

Survive the holiday season without gaining a muffin top (and completely losing your mind) with Zesty Living’Healthy Holiday Crash Course.The course begins the first week of December, as I hold your hand and coach you throughout the holiday season.

Your December Holiday Crash Course includes:

  • One initial 30-minute power session to discuss your goals, dietary restrictions, and health concerns with simple tips to get you started right away (Over the phone)
  • Weekly emails every Monday (4 total) with recipes, tips, handouts and articles to keep you on track
  • A healthy holiday shopping list to jumpstart your success!
  • Unlimited email support to guide you along the way
  • One 60-minute phone session upon completion of course to discuss improvements, Q & A, and anything on your mind!
  • BONUS: FREE one-hour healthy shopping tour
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WellnessFX: Healthy Insights, Healthy Body, Healthy Mind

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[“You Can Only Improve What You Measure”]

WellnessFX: What It’s All About

As you all know, I try to maintain a healthy lifestyle, both taking care of myself on the inside and out. I’ve always been a firm believer that what’s going on inside is just as (or even more) important than what’s happening on the outside. That’s why many people are sick or facing health roadblocks and may not even know it because they feel perfectly “fine,” or at least what they think is “fine.”

When I was introduced to WellnessFX, a web-based platform designed to produce deep insights into the state of your health all through a blood test, I knew it was up my alley. Who knew you could learn so much about what’s going on inside your body all through a few drops of blood? Pretty interesting, huh?

The Prep Work

First, I visited the WellnessFX website (which couldn’t be easier to navigate) and signed up for their Baseline Package. This option included:

  • A blood draw at a lab near you
  • 20-minute health consultation with practitioner of choice
  • Personalized lab results loaded into your WellnessFX dashboard
  • Satisfaction guaranteed (now that’s service with a smile!)

Since … Read More!