FALLing in Love with Gevalia Coffee & Teas {Review}

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Last week, the wonderful folks at Gevalia sent me a complimentary package of up to $30 worth of hand-picked gourmet coffee and teas. Naturally, I took my time because if you know me well I am sort of a coffee and tea fanatic. (Really, you should see the entire corner of our new kitchen dedicated solely to coffee and tea!) Plus, nothing says fall like cozying up with a hot cup of tea or coffee.

After browsing through their website, I decided on four delectable blends and I must say, I am falling in love already (shhh don’t tell The Boy!).

Ancient Cherry Tea: I had never tried cherry tea before, so I was especially excited about this one. Plus, The Boy is a big cherry lover, so I figured this would be a good match. Combining sweet cherry infusions with notes of green tea, this blend is perfectly sweet as it. Enjoy with some apple slices or grapes for an afternoon treat.

Honey Ginseng Mint Tea: This herbal tea is the perfect post-dinner tummy tamer. Cooling ginseng and peppermint combine with warming ginger and honey to relax the mind and soothe the soul. Add a dash … Read More!


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This morning, I set my alarm clock for 6:15 a.m. so that I could squeeze in a training run before work/the Big Move.

As usual, I was inclined to hit “snooze” and simply go back to bed. However, I decided to call The Boy for a second opinion. He had been up since 5:30 a.m. to pick up the Uhaul for our move, so I knew he’d pick up.

Our convo went a bit like this:

Me: Hi Jay, I woke up to run but I kind of want to go back to bed. I’m beat. (groggy, manly half asleep voice)

The Boy: Well, you know you won’t want to run tomorrow, especially after moving all day. Right?

Me: Hmm…yea I guess you’re right.

The Boy: Plus, you always feel better after you run. Why don’t you just do it?

That right there was all I needed to hear. He was right. I do always feel better after a run, no matter how I’m feeling at the time. Running makes me feel empowered, energized, alive. It allows me to think, breathe and spend some quality time alone with my thoughts.

After I hung up the phone, I immediately threw on … Read More!

Be Imperfect: Stop, Slow Down & Breathe

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You know when you get so caught up in life that you forget to just pause and breathe? Well, I was having one of those weeks. In between training for a half marathon, working, starting my own business, planning for my event tonight and MOVING (tomorrow!) things got a little crazy, needless to say.

So yesterday I decided to break my perfect go-go-go routine and simply be, imperfect that is.

Instead of forcing myself to go a training run when my body was saying “please, no!”I packed. A lot. I cleaned the entire kitchen, put stuff into storage and got my room ready for the move out. Cleaning and packing felt surprisingly refreshing.

Instead of working another three hours on blog/business stuff, I treated myself to a massage from Exhale Spa. I don’t remember the last time I felt so relaxed. I literally melted into the massage table.

Instead of rehearsing for my event (even when I know I do best when I act naturally and don’t plan), I decided to be BAD and go shopping for a dress for a friend’s wedding this weekend. I got the most adorable purple dress that I feel like a Pretty Princess … Read More!

Cleansing Eats: Foods to Increase During a Detox

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I get a lot of questions about dieting, cleansing and detoxing. While I think it’s important to cleanse your system out once in a while with a planned detox diet, you can incorporate cleansing foods every day of the week, no matter what type of diet you’re following.

Here are some of my favorite cleansing foods. Get ready to stock your fridge and cabinets!

Garlic: Garlic has natural antibiotic properties, making the perfect solution for pesty colds and allergies. Go with fresh garlic, and crush it into your salad dressings, pasta dishes, sauteed veggies and more.

Leafy Greens: Leafy greens like kale, spinach and collards are packed with antioxidants that help cleanse the body of harmful toxins.

Beans and Legumes: These protein-packed babies are loaded with fiber to keep you fuller, longer. They can also aid in lowering cholesterol and maintaining proper blood sugar levels.

Citrus: Lemons, limes and grapefruit boost the immune system with their high content of Vitamin C. They also aid in the detoxification process! Try squeezing fresh juice into your water, or incorporating into your homemade salad dressings.

Seaweed: Seaweed aids in removing toxins from the body like heavy metals. They’re also packed with beneficial minerals.  … Read More!

Need a Mental Vacation? Here’s 7 Things to Do Take Your Mind off Life

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Everyone talks about a vacation as some grand escape to the Caribbean islands or taking two weeks off of work to travel. However, while that’s one way to look at a vacation physically, sometimes we just need a mental “vacation,” you know a mini break from life.

If you feel like your mind is spinning in a million directions, you most likely could use a little time off. Here’s how:

1. Hop on the Fifty Shades bandwagon and indulge. You won’t regret it, but when you’re staying up past midnight waiting for the next steamy encounter, don’t say I didn’t warn you.

2. Take a mini vacation close to home, but far enough away that you won’t bump into anyone you know. For me, Cape Cod was the perfect fit. I took off for four days with my family, and wasted my days away at the beach, sipping red wine and treating myself to lobster rolls, clam strips and chowdah.

3. Turn off all forms of technology for an entire day. Yes, that means no twitter, no facebook, no iPhone, no text messaging, and no reading celebrity gossip online. When you unplug for a bit, you may find clarity … Read More!

Pinpointing Your Goals & August Newsletter

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The other day, I ran into a friend on the street, and we caught up for a few minutes. As we both updated each other on our entrepreneurial lifestyles, we got into a discussion on our goals and to-dos.

In just a few minutes, we realized we both shared something in common: too many goals, thoughts and ideas! I’ve always been the type of many ideas, creativity one of my greatest strengths. I’d lead the creative projects at work, write my little heart away, and buckle down the big plans for the weekend.

While being creative is a strength in my book, it’s also one of my greatest weaknesses. Not creativity in itself, but more so the fact that I have a hard time focusing on just one thing.

I want to publish a book, travel the world, get certified in some sort of group fitness activity (kickboxing? yoga?), take cooking classes, hit my salary goals, start a group health counseling program, build a business with The Boy, get published in a women’s health magazine, start writing wellness newsletters for corporations; the list goes on and on.

As we discussed our endless “to-dos” my friend suggested writing everything … Read More!

A Year’s Reflection on my Experience at the Institute for Integrative Nutrition

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This week, I received a special package in the mail: my certificate from the American Association of Drugless Practitioners that states that I’ve met the requirements to be a Certified Health Practitioner. Yes, I am finally officially official, and boy does it feel good. It seems like just yesterday that I enrolled at the Institute for Integrative Nutrition to begin my journey to become a health coach, and now I’m finally there.

Here are some highlights from the year:

September 2011: I began my classes at IIN, and became amazed by the weekly lectures. I also attended IIN’s Fall conference, where I met a group of like-minded students and inspiring speakers like Deepak Chopra and founder Joshua Rosenthal himself. I also shared my first “I love you” with The Boy, something neither of us had ever said to anyone before.

October 2011: I completed my second half marathon in Newport, RI, which I will also be taking part in this year. I felt strong, powerful and inspired, and also broke my PR by five minutes!

November 2011: I celebrated one year with The Boy in the lovely Waterville Valley, NH. Everything was perfect, and I couldn’t be more … Read More!

A Discussion on Happiness, Faith and Positive Thinking

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Yesterday afternoon I met with some fellow Institute for Integrative Nutrition graduates to talk about our business goals, achievements, concerns and inspirations. On my way to the meeting, a little old man stopped me in my path. He said, “Hey! You’re going to make it.” I replied back with a confused look and a “huh?” Then he said, “Wherever you’re going, you are going to make it.”

That right there gave me the chills, as I took it as he meant that I’d make it in life, in love, in my business. I couldn’t help but think he was sent to tell me that, like an angel of sorts.

When I brought up my story at the meeting, all of the ladies agreed that an angel was sent to deliver that message, that I am going to make it, that in fact I already am making it and may not even realize that now.

After a couple hours of chatting, snacking and discussing our dreams and goals, we ended the meeting with some Law of Attraction cards and my favorite part: a meditation. Anne, the woman who guided the meditation, had us breathe out all of those doubts/fears/setbacks and … Read More!