Cool Down Your Body This Summer & Eat Seasonally

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Now that it’s summertime, the weather is hot and most likely so are you. And I’m not talking about how you look in that LBD of yours. I’m talking about your body internally (and externally) feeling overheated.

When our bodies are taking on too much heat, it comes out in different ways for different people. Symptoms may include feeling irritable and angry, increased stressed, breaking out in peculiar rashes and itchiness, or having digestion issues.

These could all be signs that your body needs to cool down – literally! One of my favorite ways to cool down during these humid, summer months is by incorporating seasonal cooling foods and drinks. After all, Mother Nature created these foods for a reason, so let’s take advantage of what’s in season to best heal our bodies!

Here are some of my favorite cooling remedies to incorporate into the diet:

  • Fresh berries like blueberries, strawberries and blackberries
  • Avocados
  • Cucumbers
  • Green Leafy Vegetables like Kale, Spinach & mixed greens
  • Melons (including Watermelon, Honeydew and Cantaloupe)
  • Summer squash
  • Coconut, coconut milk and coconut water
  • Fennel
  • Peppermint tea
  • Citrus fruits like lemon and limes
  • Chilled water with fresh mint

Incorporate these techniques into your lifestyle:

  • Yoga
  • Meditation
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The Flying Trapeze & Conquering Your Fears

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Last night, I was lucky enough to listen to an extremely empowering lecture by Joshua Rosenthal, the Founder and Director of Institute for Integrative Nutrition (where I will graduate from in a couple short months!)

I don’t know if it’s just me, but I feel like every time I am going through a certain internal battle or issue, the perfect lecture comes along like it’s speaking specifically to me. This particular discussion was on fear. Fear of change. Fear of growing. Fear of trying something new. Fear of the future. Fear of the unknown. Fear of being in that “transition phase,” as Joshua calls that place of uncertainty.

If any of you have ever ended a relationship or a friendship you knew deep down in your heart wasn’t working, or left a career you weren’t fulfilled in/ that you weren’t passionate about, or even took a risk to go after something you truly believed in, you know how scary that in-between phase can be. “Will I ever be successful?” “Am I ever going to find love again?” “How am I going to make enough money to support myself?”

And 9 times out of 10, everything sorts itself … Read More!

Happy Summer: 5 Little Ways to Improve Your Health Now

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[summertime and the livin’s easy…]

June 20th officially marks the first day of summer, which at temperatures hitting the mid-90s today makes perfect sense. I don’t know about you but it seems as though life is moving at 1,000 mph, and that in the blink of an eye we went from fireside cuddling and cocoa to lemonade stands, summer ales and BBQs.

As I mentioned in my June Newsletter for Zesty Living (feel free to subscribe to receive my FREE newsletter each month if you haven’t already), for me summer is the perfect time to check in with myself and the life I am living. When you think about it, we are already half-way through 2012, so it makes sense to look back, reflect and re-access those goals you set for yourselves.

If you know me well, you know I’m not a huge fan of quick fixes, New Year’s resolutions or rigorous D-I-E-T-S, but rather making little everyday changes that lead to big results. After all, I know just as much as anyone that if you TELL someone to change their ways or beliefs, they’re most likely going to rebel by doing that something even more. That’s why diets … Read More!

Get Real (About Food) Wellness Workshop Recap

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Yesterday evening, I hosted my very first Zesty Living wellness workshop, Get Real (About Food) for a small group of ladies at Oficio on Newbury Street.

While I was slightly nervous during the week leading up to the event, everything went as smooth as can be and I’ve never felt more confident in the work I am doing and growing my  business. I truly feel I have finally found my calling, and am doing the work I feel most passionate about. It also didn’t hurt that I had the support of my wonderful friends and my sister, who captured pictures and videos (and helped me lug all of my heavy bags!).

While you can read a bit more about the event description here, I wanted to share a few highlights from the evening with you.

As attendees trickled in, I had appetizers on the table to snack on like Mediterranean Snacks lentil crackers, Trader Joe’s Roasted Seaweed Snacks, organic sliced celery & carrots, and artichoke hummus.

To break the ice, everyone went around the room to share their #1 guilty pleasure or greatest health concern, which ranged from late-night pizza to Mike’s Pastry’s Amaretto cannoli.  I then shared my … Read More!

Boston Organics Food Festival Recap

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Last weekend I was lucky enough to attend the Boston Organics Food Festival in celebration of their 10-year anniversary delivering fresh, organic food to your doorstep. Even though it was pouring rain, my sister, a few friends and I bundled up in raincoats and made the 35-minute walk from the North End all the way to the company’s warehouse in Charlestown, MA because we knew it’d be totally worth it.

If you’ve been reading my blog, you know that I’m a huge fan of buying fresh, organic produce as often as I can and that I myself am a loyal customer of Boston Organics (currently taking a break for the summertime) as it pretty much saved my life during the cold, winter months and beyond. I admire their dedication to making organic food more available, especially for folks like myself who live in areas where organic food isn’t as common (particularly in the winter)…unless I want trek t 1.5 miles in the snow to Whole Foods.

As we walked into the warehouse to sign in for the event, soggy feet, wet hair and all, we were greeted by the friendliest staff who immediately told us, “Grab a Plate!” When I … Read More!

How to Make it Happen (and Get What You Want in Life)

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[Now is the time to stand up on your two feet and make things happen]

Good aftenoon chickies!  Sorry I haven’t posted in quite some time, but I’ve been super busy living the life, which is what it’s all about after all right? From working (and attending) some pretty amazing events like the Top Chef Tour of Boston and the Boston Organics Food Festival (recap on the blog coming soon!) to writing and publishing my little heart away, growing my business and planning my first workshop, I’ve been one busy lady.

Now that summer is just around the corner, I’m dedicating these next few months to making it happen. More specifically, that is putting my “wants”, “needs” and dreams into effect.

Last night while at the Dave Mathews Band concert with The Boy, the lyrics to one of their new songs Gaucho really struck a chord with me:

“We gotta do much more than believe if we really wanna change things
We gotta do much more than believe if we wanna see the world change…

I know its hard to imagine

But we could do anything

Under the stars.”

I know it’s easier said than done, but what I … Read More!

Cook Something New: Healthy Sesame Soba Noodles from Tosca Reno’s Eat Clean Diet

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As you know, I’m a big fan of experimenting with new recipes in the kitchen, whether it be trying something new (like at-home sushi) or simply learning how to cook something in a different way by substituting ingredients.

Last week, I decided to take on both of those tasks by making something I’ve never attempted before, that is Asian Soba Sesame Noodles, and adjusting it based on my individual needs.

I followed a recipe from Tosca Reno’s The Eat Clean Diet Recharged! book, with a few simple adjustments and additions of my own. The recipe included a creative blend of delicious, lively ingredients like whole grain soba noodles, agave nectar, all natural almond butter, low-sodium tamari and more.

Instead of using the toasted sesame seeds as suggested, I kicked it up a notch by using Eden Food’s Seaweed Gomasio with Organic Whole Sesame Seeds, Sea salt and Sea Vegetables (Organic Dulse, Nori and Kombu) for a nutritional boost. I also added in some chicken leftover from a homemade Chicken Marsala my mother had made earlier in the week. I’d also recommend adding shrimp, fish, tofu, tempeh or extra veggies to make the meal a little more substantial.

I love … Read More!

Boston Wellness Workshop Reminder: Get Real (About Food)

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Good afternoon, and Happy Memorial weekend! I hope you are all out enjoying this beautiful weather, BBQing, beaching and sipping on refreshing, summery drinks.

Attention Boston friends & readers: I just wanted to remind you that I’ll be hosting an interactive workshop called Get Real (About Food) for my business Zesty Living at Oficio on Newbury Street on Thursday, June 14th. You can read more details below, and purchase your “Early Bird” tickets here on Eventbrite. It’ll be a wonderful night of networking, socializing, learning and eating delectable (healthy) treats. Yes, I’ll even feed you!

Special Bonus: To all my blog readers and friends of readers, you can use promo code blogperk for $2 off your ticket!

Happy weekend,

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