A Surprise Discovery: My Vision Board from Teenage Times

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This afternoon, while flipping through some old books, I discovered a little folded up piece of white-lined paper. When I began to open it, I got shivers because I immediately knew what it was: My “Vision Board” from when I was 19 or 20. While it was five or six years ago, I still remember quite vividly writing out my first ever Vision Board (which I titled My Visionary Board) while spending some QT on Fisher’s Island with my family.

If you can’t see it well, I’ll paint you a little picture for you:

Top Left: Photos of magazines, books, money, pens and paper with my name written in the byline of said books/magazines

Top Right: Me behind a table that says “Health Co.” I wrote above “Office in Boston.”

Middle: Me with Tall, Handsome Stranger with the words “happy & loving” over myself and “funny, handsome, sweet & spontaneous” over tall man

Bottom Left: Photo of me in a pony tail running with a water bottle, in which I wrote “Me at 140 lbs. calm, happy, healthy & in shape.”

Bottom Right: Photo of me with an apple, banana and women around me with the words “helping Read More!

My Super-sized Vision Board: Relationship, Career, Personal & Financial Success

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Remember when I told you guys I made a vision board with The Boy last month? Well, I decided to revamp it completely! You see, my first vision board was on a scrap piece of white-lined paper and it didn’t give me enough room to really express every little thing I want in life. Plus, with all the focus lately on my new health counseling business Zesty Living, I’ve been thinking a lot about goals and what I want for myself.

That’s when the vision board construction went down. For the past few days, I’ve been tearing witty words, motivating pictures, and inspirational phrases out of magazines, as well as surfing the web for ideas.

Voilà! This is the result:

I decided to break it down into sections: career, relationship, and personal well-being.


  • Create and sell some sort of wellness product, be it inspirational greeting cards, all-natural body scrubs or innovative spice blends!
  • Be financially stable, with a comfortable salary that I can support myself with & not have to cringe every time I “treat” myself to something nice
  • Have a successful, positive, buzzing health counseling business a la Zesty Living with 1-on-1 coaching, group workshops, and (HOPERFULLY)
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