Quotable Sunday: Release That Inspiration

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[via my fortune cookie from Billy Tse’s last week]

I’m really not a fan of the actual fortune cookie (tastes like sweet cardboard to me), but I am always a sucker for the secret message within.

This particular fortune really stuck with me, as I have many ideas for my business rolling around my head at the moment. Each and every day, I feel even more inspired about everything I’m learning at IIN, my growing practice as a health counselor, and the wonderful people I meet along the way.

I am truly blessed to be living the life I want to be living for myself (rather than have to be living), even if that means taking some risks and not always being certain of the “what if?” But I guess that’s all part of the journey, right?

If you’re feeling inspired by a particular something or someone, then by all means go out and live that inspiration while it’s on fire. What are you waiting for? As my fortune says, it’s time to “go deep.”

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First 10K=a SUCCESS: 10 Inspirations for Your First Race

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So I completed my first 10K this morning. Yup, the girl who couldn’t even run two miles a few years ago, cried in the middle of a 5K once and has never ran more than five miles ran an entire 6.2 miles today! The best part? I couldn’t have felt more alive, energized and motivated during the race, and feel absolutely amazing now! (Well…my legs could use some hardcore hot tub time, but other than that life is good) Oh and I beat my goal time of 60 minutes…59:34 baby! Anyway, I know first-time races can be a little scary, intimidating and a heck of a lot of work, so I put together a little list of inspirations to get you through your next race. Whether it’s your first 5K, your first 10K or your very first run EVER, these little mental motivations got me through the race today and hopefully work for you too: 

1. “I’m going to pace myself and go at a rate I feel comfortable with and know that I can maintain. If I get tired, I will slow down. If I feel good, I will speed up.”

2. “It’s just me and the road. Everyone Read More!