Just What I Needed: In Finding Love
You know those moments when just the right thing comes along at just the right time? It’s as if it was planned that way on purpose, like a little special hug from the Universe. It usually sneaks up on you during one of those “off days,” rough patches or time of grieving. All of the sudden, a little pick-me-up sort of falls into your lap out of no where.
To be honest with you, I’m still feeling a bit off in coping with Monday’s events, and have been having a hard time writing let alone feeling myself. I just keep replaying the day over and over again up to the moment of the attack, thinking “What if it were me?” However, I’ve certainly been finding love & joy in everything around me to not only help myself cope, but also those around me. To help our city heal.
You see, when you look for love it’s everywhere, really. You can find love in things as small as your morning cappuccino or as large as an entire community coming together to pray & heal.
Love is in the eyes of your barista, your lover, the stranger on the street. In … Read More!
These are a Few of My Favorite Things: Fitness, Food, Fashion & More {Spring Edition}
Good afternoon, Healthy Chicks and Happy Spring to you! Even though it may not feel like it, especially with the snow/ice on the ground for fellow Bostonians, today officially marks the first day of the season (and yes, I’m wearing winter boots).
I love the beginning of the season, as it’s a chance to start fresh, get rid of the not-so-good in your life and boost up the really good, juicy stuff. And I especially adore spring because it means warm weather, chirping birds and flip-flop season is near. Plus, spring is a great time to clean up your diet and get clear about your health goals. (If you need help in this area, that’s where I come in!) After all, lots of lively fruits & veggies come into season around this time like leafy greens and zesty citrus fruits.
For me, I’m going to dedicate this time for spring-cleaning, far beyond just my closet and drawers. While my wardrobe definitely needs to be cleaned out, I’m going to focus on de-cluttering my mind too by getting organized! I also want to continue to work on unplugging, as being hooked to my laptop and phone all day … Read More!
City Sports Chestnut Hill Grand Opening Party
This past Saturday, I was invited to celebrate City Sports’ grand opening at their new Chestnut Hill location, which also happens to be City Sports’ 30th Anniversary month. (Happy Birthday City Sports!)
While the party didn’t officially start until 10 a.m., I got there at 9 a.m. for a private media event beforehand. I coincidentally ran into another blogger friend on the way there (the adorable, super-fit Jess from Little Miss Runshine), so we walked to City Sports together. We were shocked upon arriving, as the line was already down the sidewalk! Apparently, some had been standing out in the cold for hours.
After all, the first 100 customers were to receive a City Sports goodie bag filled with giftcards and sweet giveaways from City Sports and Nike. Plus, one lucky duck would find the grand prize in their bag: a free pair of shoes each month for the entire year! (I’d take that over the Golden Ticket any day.) Oh yea, and did I mention former New England Patriot Matt Light would be making a special appearance? I don’t blame these City Sports fanatics one bit for getting up early for the event; heck I’d do … Read More!
Healthy Chicks in the Community: An Almost Thirty, Quinoa-Loving New Mom
Good evening ladies! Hope you all had a great day, and are now taking some time to shut down and relax. You deserve it, after all. Be sure to check out my post from earlier today recapping a fun sports bra fitting event I attended last night at New Balance. But tonight I’m here to bring you this week’s feature for Healthy Chicks in the Community, who’s actually a cousin of The Boy, and someone I admire greatly for her dedication to inner happiness and wellness. I’ll let Marybeth take it from here…
NAME/AGE: Marybeth Ferreira… Soon to be 30 🙂
CURRENT CITY: outside of Worcester
WHAT YOU DO FOR WORK: Outpatient Mental Health Clinician, specializing in children and adults with developmental and intellectual disabilities
NUMBER ONE PASSION: Do I have to choose one? 🙂
I FEEL MY HEALTHIEST SELF WHEN I AM: Active, eating well, GETTING ENOUGH SLEEP, and finding balance in all of my roles
BUT I AM ALSO A REAL GIRL & SOMETIMES: I like to bake fresh homemade chocolate chip cookies and sample the batter!… and skip parts of workouts I don’t prefer… on occasion
TOP THREE KITCHEN STAPLES: olive oil, quinoa, and organic chicken … Read More!
Healthy Chicks in the Community Week 6: A Sweet Southern Spinach-Loving Gal
Good afternoon ladies and Happy Valentine’s Day! You can check out my thoughts on Valentine’s Day & 40 Days of Gratitude Project here. But in the meantime, I’ve got this week’s spotlight for Healthy Chicks in the Community, a sweet Southern gal who hearts yoga and sweaty workouts. I’ll let Sara take it from here…
NAME/AGE: Sara, 26
BLOG/TWITTER (If Applicable): fitfunfemme.com / SaraWiles on twitter
PHOTO TAKEN: Maui, Hawaii
WHAT YOU DO FOR WORK: Corporate Event Planning
NUMBER ONE PASSION: Spreading love and happiness
I FEEL MY HEALTHIEST SELF WHEN I AM: Sweating lots and eating good, clean foods.
BUT I AM ALSO A REAL GIRL & SOMETIMES: I eat copious amounts of cheese. I.LOVE.CHEESE.
TOP THREE KITCHEN STAPLES: Spinach (I throw it in everything…eggs, salads, sandwiches), Olive Oil, Dark Chocolate.
FAVORITE COMFORT FOOD: My mom’s creamed spinach topped with Vermont sharp white cheddar.
MESSAGE YOU’D LIKE TO SHARE WITH OTHER HEALTHY CHICKS: Know that Rome wasn’t built in a day, and neither was a happy, healthy lifestyle. Read wellness blogs, learn healthy recipes, and try new workouts. Slowly, you’ll find … Read More!
10 Takeaways From My Day Trip to Kripalu Center For Yoga & Health
On this past Wednesday morning, I woke up to my alarm at 5:45 a.m. as happy as a clam. That is, because I was headed off to the mountains to embark on a journey to Kripalu Center for Yoga and Health in the Berkshires.
If you haven’t heard of Kripalu, it’s quite difficult to put into words but I’ll try. It’s pretty much a hidden escape in the middle of the mountains filled with lots of yoga, meditation, wellness workshops/lectures, nutritious food, spa treatments, and R & R. Pretty much my Happy Place to a T.
My aunt had introduced me years ago, when we took a trip with my sister and mom after I graduated from college. But my aunt and I were back again for round two, this time being much different as I now have a greater appreciation for good food and wellness for the mind, body and soul, which are both important themes at Kripalu. As we drove up through the beautiful mountains, I was just itching to fuel my body with flavorsome meals, and soak up all the information I could in one day!
Upon checking in, the receptionist kindly reminded us that, … Read More!
Today’s Healthy ChickLit: On Self Care & My Spotify Relaxation Mix
Are you taking care of yourself?
Have you checked in lately regarding how much time you set aside for self care? When I was studying to become a Holistic Health Coach at the Institute for Integrative Nutrition, self care was one of the first topics we discussed. Yes, even before we went into the nitty gritty details of nutrition, fitness and more.
What’s self care, you ask? To me, it means taking the time to do “me” things that are good for your body, mind and spirit. Because, as I’ve said over and over again if you’re not happy & healthy on the inside, you are definitely not going to be happy & healthy on the outside. It’s just how it works!
Lately, I’ve noticed I’ve been putting my self care somewhat on the back burner. Between the change in seasons, a new job, starting my own business, and meeting with clients life can get pretty hectic at times (which I know you can all relate). While it’s easy to put yourself last during these crazy phases, it’s actually during these times more that ever that you need to recognize what you are doing, and take care of yourself … Read More!
Healthy Chicks in the Community Week 2: Bre the Yoga Queen
I am super excited to announce this week’s star of Healthy Chicks in the Community. Bre is one of those all around cool gals, who I always enjoy catching up with (especially over gourmet coffee). I truly admire her positive attitude towards life, love and all those good things! I’ll let Bre take it away from here…
NAME/AGE: Bre, 26
TWITTER: @brenourse
FACEBOOK: Bre Nourse Yoga
CURRENT CITY: Boston (North End)
WHAT YOU DO FOR WORK: I teach yoga, dip my toe in the design and photography pool and from time to time I sling $100 yoga pants at that big yoga clothing store we all know and love.
NUMBER ONE PASSION: Teaching people to connect with their bodies through movement and meditation.
I FEEL MY HEALTHIEST SELF WHEN I AM: Being kind to my body, fueling myself with foods that make me feel good and doing the work during my meditation. Its not just about the physical body, without a healthy mind we’d have nothing.
I like to eat dessert for breakfast and watch all the shows in my dvr!
Olive Oil, Pepper and my potato … Read More!