Organic Broccoli Feta Salad & Recipes Galore

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I am a huge fan of experimenting with new recipes, and I’ll try anything at least once. I remember when I was a young girl, I would love joining my grandmother in the kitchen, carefully watching her every move. I was fascinated (and still am fascinated) by how quick she was with her hands, and by the incredible meals she’d create solely with fresh, simple ingredients.

I also remember what a picky little girl I once was! As my grandma would hand me a “taste test” of whatever she was cooking, be it glazed carrots, celery soup, or venison, I’d always shout out with a disgusted face, “But I don’t like that!Her go-to response: “How do you know if you don’t like it if you don’t try it?” So I’d try it, and at least I’d learn if the taste suited me or not. And 99% of the time, guess what? I liked it.

That’s when I started to expand my taste buds, and experiment with food. My childhood years helped me overcome my fears of the “unknown” and programmed me to try everything…at least once. It transformed me into the woman I am today, and for … Read More!

My Top 3 Get Healthy Tips & Introduction to Zesty Living

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Good afternoon ladies! I hope you’re all having a bright, sunshiney week so far. As for me, I’m dedicating this week solely to my health, that is taking care of myself inside and out not only foodwise, but also physically, mentally and spiritually.

Trust me, I understand how chaotic life can get at times with work, friends, relationships, children and other plans, making it seem nearly impossible to make time for yourself.

Unfortunately, during these crazy times, we tend to put our health on the back burner (re: skipping meals, nighttime bingeing, letting stress get the best of you, flaking out on yoga class because you “don’t have time”). You get the picture. What we don’t realize is that by doing this, we’re ultimately hurting ourselves in the long run.

Well, we want our health to move from the back burner to the front burner; yup right in front where everyone can see it. You see, no matter how crazy/impossible/frustrating/stressful our lives can get, we at the very least owe it to ourselves to take care of our health. And I promise it’s not impossible to do!

Here are my Top 3 Get Healthy Tips, and none of Read More!