Yoga and Your Health: Stress Reduction, Sexuality and Other Hidden Benefits
The other day, I came across this article “77 Surprising Health Benefits of Yoga” on The author split the benefits up into seven categories: health benefits within, health benefits without, emotional health benefits, body chemistry, exercise health benefits, disease prevention and symptom reduction or alleviation. I was shocked at how many different ways yoga could improve your health. Sure, I knew it was good for you, but seventy-seven health benefits? That’s pretty darn incredible.
Coincidentally, lately I’ve been working on adding yoga back into my life, my intentions being mostly for the emotional benefits. As listed in the article, these include mood improvement, calmness, mind-body connection, stress reduction, and even self-acceptance among others. And during last night’s Vinyassa yoga class, it did just that for me. I left the studio feeling at ease, happy with myself, and extremely carefree. It felt amazing.
While the emotional aspect has been the main goal to take out of my personal yoga practice, after reading this article, I’m excited to explore and learn from all of the other benefits. Did you know yoga can help improve your metabolism, improve your posture or even improve your sexuality? How about keeping your weight in check, reducing your chance of developing heart disease (due to stress reduction), and improving your breathing to help clear your sinuses?
Talk about an all-in-one vitamin. And all it takes is 45 to 75 minutes out of your day. I don’t know about you, but that’s worth it to me!
Read the rest of the article here to be dazzled by even more benefits yoga has to offer. I assure you you’ll be amazed, and will find yourself on the mat in downward dog in no time.
I also highly recommend you purchase your own yoga mat so you can practice at home, (and won’t have to deal with other people’s sweaty germs!) Check out this super cute flower mat with carry strap, perfect for summer, for only $14.77 on Amazon!
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Do you practice yoga? What are your intentions for each practice?
March 15th, 2012 at 1:52 pm
Hi Healthychicks,
Thanks for your thoughts, you know whats really annoying? constantly worrying about my weight. america is obsessed with weight loss and WHY? I am too and I dont get it. I am just so AAAAAGH!!! ok this isnt really a question but whatever. I am so sick of worrying whether eating a cookie will make me gain 5 pounds. I wish I could just eat and stay the same weight or maybe I am and Im just not noticing. and people say eat healthy. salads and stuff? but whenever I eat healthy stuff like an hour later I crave something totally unhealthy! another thing that bothers me is that guys around here go for the anorexically skinny chicks. I mean Im not fat or chubby, but Im not super skinny. and yea. what is with the obsession with weight anyway? I know this isnt a blog so opinions anyone?
Keep up the posts!
Regards, Paul
January 23rd, 2013 at 6:05 pm
[…] Yoga […]
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