Love is…


I found this quotable image today on Pinterest, and thought it was absolutely fitting for today. After all, it is the Sunday before Valentine’s Day, you know that day of love. It was interesting reading how other people filled in the blank “Love is…”

Such as…

“Like heaven but it hurts like hell”

“a moment that lasts forever”

“that condition in which the happiness of another person is essential to your own”

“hard work”

I’m sure all of us embody different definitions of what that four letter word means. Whether we are single or taken, a college senior or a senior citizen, heartbroken or passionate, love is a powerful thing and has a certain meaning to each and every one of us. So I challenge you to go ahead and fill in the blank. Love is________.

I shall start. Love is….

“a crazy, passionate, wild beautiful journey that makes each day a little more ‘worth it.’ It adds a lil extra spice to a bland day.”

OK, your turn. Love is…

5 Responses to “Love is…”

  1. Jennifer Says:

    I love this!
    Love is…
    the biggest challenge in the world. It is hard and complicated. But it is also wonderful, magnificent and filled with magic!

  2. Rachel @Healthy_Chicks Says:

    I love this Jennifer! I couldn’t agree with you more 🙂

  3. Healthy Chicks » Blog Archive » Valentine’s Day Special: Story of The Boy & Three Hot, Little Ideas Says:

    […] Feel free to check out this post from yesterday on what love means to you. I’d love to hear your […]

  4. Megan Says:

    Love is… life-changing and unpredictable. It can lift you your highest high, make you feel real low, bring the biggest joy and the cause strongest sorrow. The only guarantee with love is that you will never, ever be the same after it touches your life.

  5. sources tell me Says:

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    It becomes very thin and elasticity is lost.

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