This morning, I set my alarm clock for 6:15 a.m. so that I could squeeze in a training run before work/the Big Move.
As usual, I was inclined to hit “snooze” and simply go back to bed. However, I decided to call The Boy for a second opinion. He had been up since 5:30 a.m. to pick up the Uhaul for our move, so I knew he’d pick up.
Our convo went a bit like this:
Me: Hi Jay, I woke up to run but I kind of want to go back to bed. I’m beat. (groggy, manly half asleep voice)
The Boy: Well, you know you won’t want to run tomorrow, especially after moving all day. Right?
Me: Hmm…yea I guess you’re right.
The Boy: Plus, you always feel better after you run. Why don’t you just do it?
That right there was all I needed to hear. He was right. I do always feel better after a run, no matter how I’m feeling at the time. Running makes me feel empowered, energized, alive. It allows me to think, breathe and spend some quality time alone with my thoughts.
After I hung up the phone, I immediately threw on the first running outfit I could find, laced up my sneakers and head out the door for a river run.
I ended up running five miles on the Charles, and didn’t think about the running part of the run at all. Rather, I just let my mind go, and my legs do all the work.
Morale of the story? Next time you’re questioning a workout, ask yourself “How will it make me feel?” That should be just the answer you need.

August 31st, 2012 at 12:12 pm
love love love this!! And love that the Boy was helpful in motivating you!! good luck with the move tomorrow!!!
August 31st, 2012 at 12:14 pm
@Jobo THANK YOU! Yes, sometimes all you need is that extra push of someone telling you “Yes.” “You can do it.”
August 31st, 2012 at 12:52 pm
Ohhh I love this post, it might actually be my favorite of yours ever! I totally agree that asking that one simple question is usually ALL that it takes to get your butt moving. Today must’ve been glorious running by the Charles!! happy moving day!!