Are you trying too hard to be superwoman?
Do you strive to be a real life version of Superwoman? I don’t blame you; I mean she is pretty darn badass. Why wouldn’t we all want to be just like her?
Oh, that’s right, she’s a fictional character. She has special, magic superpowers. She isn’t real.
If you find yourself suffering from “Superwoman Syndrome” trying to do it all (all of the time), it may be time to take a deep breath, and a step back.
I know I had to the other day. I found that I was putting far too much pressure on myself with work. Old habits were coming back, where I was telling myself things like “You’re not good enough.” “You must keep working harder if you want to be appreciated,” “Saying no makes you weak.”
I know now that’s all a bunch of hogwash, but at the time it felt real and I felt the need to over-deliver, over-achieve, and in turn over-work. I got a big hard dose of reality when I broke down one night, realizing it had been weeks since I had some solid “me time” nor time with my man (the future hubby).
As this time, I reached to my oracle cards to gain some clarity, and pulled the most perfect card: Green Tara. It read, “Ask others (including me) to help you instead of trying to do everything by yourself.” Various meanings of the card included stop trying to be superwoman or superman, accept assistance as it’s offered, release guilt/the belief that it’s weak to ask for help.
Boy did that hit me hard.
I had to laugh: it all made complete sense & I was finally seeing the situation clearly with a fresh perspective.
I began to realize that working 14-hour days and burning myself out trying to be SUPERWOMAN wasn’t doing anyone any favors, especially myself. That doing it all myself (even when I needed help) wasn’t admirable in the least. That asking for help is human, and it’s respectable. That I was the one creating this pressure, essentially doing this to myself. That it’s OK to have “off days” and ask the Universe for a little guidance, a little love.
It suddenly hit me that in my crazy quest to be Superwoman, I was actually doing more harm than good. I wasn’t feeling so super after all; I was far from being (nor feeling) like “Superwoman.” In fact, I realized I no longer even want to be Superwoman when all is said and done.
We must all remember that each and every one of us has the power to be who we want to be, and do what we want to do. And no one will judge when you fall short of living up to Superwoman standard.
In fact, I find even more admirable those who strive for the best and keep it real through the sunshine and rain; those who make mistakes and learn from them; those who are “imperfect” and perfectly OK with that. Now that? That’s what’s truly super.