A New Kind of To-DO List: The Happiness Journal

Remember when I took part in the 100 Happy Days Challenge last year? Each day — no matter how crappy the weather or crappy your day — you were to photograph one thing that made you happy. And that I did.

I found such a great amount of joy living in the present + seeking out little things each day that truly made me happy, no matter how silly or insignificant they may have seemed to others. It’s what makes you happy that truly matters.

Flash forward approximately one year later from when I started the challenge, and I’ve yet again found myself drawn to look at my happiness levels, to look within. I’ve realized that I’ve been working so darn hard to make everyone else happy + get sh*t done that I’ve started to let go of some of the fundamental things that make me shine bright. That is, the things that make me me.

Something as little as spending an hour unplugged with the hubby, cooking a homemade dinner or taking 60 minutes out of the day to sweat can go a long way in filling up my “happiness tank.”

And so I’ve decided to create one of my infamous to-do lists, but this time focused on me & only me. I compiled a list of some of the things that I know bring me the most joy.

I figured if I can “check off” the majority of the items on this list most days, I should be able to see an internal shift. If I can put myself + my deepest core needs first, happiness should find me.

Here’s the start of my happiness journal, what would you put on yours?



One Response to “A New Kind of To-DO List: The Happiness Journal”

  1. Friday's Fabulous Five . . . | Your Path to Fit Says:

    […] A New Kind of To-Do List: The Happiness Journal by Rachel – I LOVE this idea so much. What would you put on your happiness journal? I may have to create one for myself. […]

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