Healthy Chicks in the Community: A Mindful, Crafting, Hula-hooping machine
Crafty people inspire me. There’s something about the art of crafting that brings me back to childhood. It fills my soul with the feeling of playfulness, freedom & not taking life too seriously. So it’s no surprise that when I met Tori of kitchen + kraft, I was immediately drawn in by her playful nature. With a tagline of “rad things for mindful living,” you’ve totally got me sold 😉 I’ll let you meet Tori for yourself, and hopefully you too take a away a little inspiration!
NAME/AGE: Tori Kendrew / 25 years old
BLOG/TWITTER:Â / @kitchenandkraft
PHOTO TAKEN: Last Summer on Nantucket on the way to Something Natural (only the BEST sandwich place on the island)
WHAT YOU DO FOR WORK: I own a small creative business where I do natural fabric dyeing and make mindful home and kitchen accessories. I am currently at the tail-end of a year long holistic health coaching certification course and love creating in the kitchen as well. Smoothie bowls are a specialty of mine!
NUMBER ONE PASSION: Living a healthful life
I FEEL MY HEALTHIEST SELF WHEN I AM: Finishing up a run outside or in shavasana at the end of a sweaty yoga class
BUT I AM ALSO A REAL GIRL & SOMETIMES: Eat too much almond butter
TOP THREE KITCHEN STAPLES: Spinach, dates, bananas
NUMBER ONE GUILTY PLEASURE: Watching alllll the reality TV (Can you blame me?!)
1) I’ve run three half marathons. The Nike Women’s Half Marathon in DC, the Newburyport Half Marathon in Newburyport, MA and an Earth Day Half Marathon in North Andover, MA.
2) I crocheted a sweater that is worn by actress Juno Temple in the Whitey Bulger movie, Black Mass.
3) I can hula hoop like no one’s business.
FAVORITE COMFORT FOOD: Roasted root veggies
MESSAGE YOU’D LIKE TO SHARE WITH OTHER HEALTHY CHICKS: I believe 100% in synchronicity. I think that when you’re following your heart and living your passion, things line up as they should and assure you that you are on the right path. Listen to that voice inside of you and do you, always. You’re the only one that can make YOU happy.
Big thank you to Tori for taking part in this week’s Healthy Chicks in the Community. If you’d like to nominate yourself or a friend in the future, just email me at rachelAThealthy-chicksDOTcom