Healthy Chicks in the Community: A Sunshine-Soaking, Running, Southern Blogger Babe
Happy Friday, love bugs! I don’t know about you, but I am totally feeling those summer vibes. Yesterday I hit the beach with one of my BFFs and we spent the day laughing, enjoying little appies (including this incredible local goat cheese spread!) & sharing a pitcher of sangria 😉 Hey, you only live once! I’d say I’m starting 29 off with a bang.
Anyway, it’s time for this week’s spotlight for Healthy Chicks in the Community, a weekly series celebrating badass women doin’ their thang. Remember last fall when I ran in the Reach the Beach relay with 11 other fabulous ladies? Well, I was lucky enough to meet the beautiful, confident, bubbly Ashley Diamond who also ran the relay! I loved her big, welcoming personality, making RTB newbies like me much more comfortable. I’m thrilled to feature Ashley on the blog today; she sure is one “Healthy Chick” you’ll love getting to know!
NAME/AGE: Ashley Diamond / 32
BLOG/TWITTER: A Healthy, Happier Bear and I am on Snapchat, Instagram and Twitter at
CURRENT CITY: Brooklyn, New York
PHOTO TAKEN: This picture was taken while hiking in Vermont with my family this June.
WHAT YOU DO FOR WORK: Since graduating college in 2006, I have worked for Procter & Gamble in their sales organization. Over the past few years I have developed a niche and expertise in eCommerce and am currently leading the team who supports the NYC based online retailers such as I am so thankful to work for a company that supports their empoloyees and is filled with incredible people.
NUMBER ONE PASSION: Helping others realize that regardless how busy their schedule, they have the ability to live a healthy, happier lifestyle.
I FEEL MY HEALTHIEST SELF WHEN I AM: Outside enjoying sunshine and fresh air, preferably either on the water or hiking.
BUT I AM ALSO A REAL GIRL & SOMETIMES: Want nothing more than to collapse on the couch with a glass of wine, dark chocolate and read a good book or catch up on my favorite television shows.
- Fage Greek Yogurt as I eat this for breakfast Monday through Friday.
- Fresh fruit (bananas, peaches and berries) as I love to top my yogurt with them in the morning and snack on them in the evening.
- Sparkling water via our SodaStream as my husband and I have replaced our Diet Coke habit with sparkling water since giving it up a year and a half ago. I love adding mint or lime to my sparkling water for added flavor.
NUMBER ONE GUILTY PLEASURE: Warm, homemade chocolate chip cookies
- My husband and I lived abroad from July 2013 – July 2015 in London, England and Geneva, Switzerland.
- I didn’t make health a priority until my senior year of college, ten years ago, when I lost 50 pounds.
- Growing up in Savannah, Georgia provided me with an appreciation for good seafood, time on the water, Southern hospitality and the inclusion of y’all in my daily vocabulary.
EXERCISE THAT MAKES YOU SHINE: Running, especially if it’s with a friend.
MESSAGE YOU’D LIKE TO SHARE WITH OTHER HEALTHY CHICKS:  Your health journey can start anytime you’re ready but the most important thing is to take it one day at a time and set, small manageable goals for yourself whether they are measured in pounds, minutes or miles.
Big thank you to Ashley for taking part in this week’s Healthy Chicks in the Community! If you’d like to nominate yourself or a friend in the future, just email me at rachelAThealthy-chicksDOTcom