Weekly Healthy Chicks in the Community Feature: Kaitlin Crehan of Mama Needs Milk
Happy Friday, friends! I’m heading off for a weekend of camping, so pray to the Weather Fairies that we get a little sunshine and warmth in New England. Alrighty, moving on to this week’s spotlight on Healthy Chicks in the Community, a weekly series highlighting rockstar Girl Bosses doing their thang in the wellness world!
Ever since she was pregnant with her first son, Boston Blogger and Health Coach Kaitlin of For Love of Carrots had been whipping up grab-and-go cookies for her nursing momma friends to help them boost their milk supply. When she gave birth to her now one-month-old adorable son Hudson, she was personally hit by the challenge of breastfeeding and finding time to eat for herself.
That’s when she decided to take things to the next level, and launched Mama Needs Milk, nutrient-dense lactation cookies to support nursing moms. They come in delicious flavors like Oatmeal Cranberry and Oatmeal Chocolate Chip, and are made 100% gluten free with superstar ingredients like chia and hemp seeds for healthy fats. Kaitlin’s Etsy shop just opened, and as you know there’s nothing I love more than supporting local female entrepreneurs. I’m psyched to give this glowing, healthy new mama the stage on my blog today!
NAME: Kaitlin Crehan
DESCRIBE YOUR BUSINESS/LINE OF WORK: Mama Needs Milk is a lactation cookie business I started when I was pregnant with my son. I saw a few of my mom friends struggle with milk production when they got started with breastfeeding and I wanted to make them a healthy snack that would be tasty, quick for them to grab and go, and help them produce milk. My friends couldn’t get enough of the cookies so I knew I had a good thing going since so many women struggle with their milk supply and struggle to find time to make something to eat with a newborn baby around.
I am also a certified health coach and focus on teaching my clients a healthy lifestyle rather than focusing on diets.
HOW YOU SERVE THE COMMUNITY THROUGH YOUR WORK: I help fuel breastfeeding moms with a delicious and nutritious snack that also helps boost their milk supply! Through my health coaching business I help women create healthy lifestyles not diets.
NUMBER ONE PASSION OUTSIDE THE JOB: My family at the moment. Having a newborn is such an amazing and rewarding experience!
INTENTIONS/GOALS YOU HAVE FOR YOURSELF IN THE NEXT 3 YEARS: It would be amazing to see my business take off and to be able to service more women than just the local ones. I would also love to work with pregnant and postnatal women in healthy eating and living while pregnant and while breastfeeding.
ONE PIECE OF ADVICE YOU’D TELL YOUR CHILDHOOD SELF: Don’t be afraid to take risks even if you might fail; you don’t know unless you try and if you do fail you will learn an important lesson from it.
FOODS THAT MAKE YOU FEEL ALIVE & BRING THE MOST JOY: Oh gosh, this is hard…I just love food! Smoothies are my go to breakfast and I look forward to it so much in the morning. Fruit, vegetables, sushi and ice cream! I have a huge sweet tooth and will eat ice cream anytime of the year!
SONG THAT MOVES YOU: Into the Mystic by Van Morrison
THREE FAB THINGS ABOUT YOU: I am an excellent listener and love to give advice. I also love to cook and bake!
FAVORITE BODY PART & WHY: My legs because without them I couldn’t have swam the hundreds of miles I swam growing up, I couldn’t walk anywhere I pleased, and I couldn’t run and complete half marathons.
I GET MY INSPIRATION FROM: My mom. She is working towards getting a screenplay made and no matter how many times people tell her no she never gives up.
EXERCISE THAT MAKES YOU SHINE: Strength training. I just love the way my body feels after a good workout and that I can see a difference in my body definition almost immediately.
SOMETHING IN YOUR “WELLNESS TOOLBOX” YOU CAN’T LIVE WITHOUT: I always start my day with warm lemon water with ginger and a little apple cider vinegar. It’s a great way to set up your metabolism and digestive tract for the day.
GREATEST ACCOMPLISHMENT: Getting to be a mom, my heart is so full!
IF YOU COULD PICK ONE PERSON TO HAVE DINNER WITH, WHO WOULD IT BE & WHAT WOULD YOU MAKE THEM: My grandpa. He died suddenly when I was in Middle School and I would love to have one last meal with him! I would make him anything he wanted because I am sure he would say it was delicious even if it wasn’t, and I would request that he make his famous homemade cinnamon buns for dessert!
GO-TO MANTRA OR INSPIRATIONAL QUOTE: “She woke up every morning with the option of being anyone she wished. How beautiful it was that she always chose herself.” – Tyler Kent White
MESSAGE YOU’D LIKE TO SHARE WITH OTHER HEALTHY CHICKS: If you have an idea you think is great, go with it and make it happen. Don’t wait for everything to be perfect because you are constantly going to make changes or excuses why you shouldn’t do it.
Thank you Kaitlin for taking part in this week’s Healthy Chicks in the Community series! Be sure to check out her Etsy shop, Mama Needs Milk.