Healthy Chicks in the Community: Grace Brinton {Boston’s Meal Service & Recipe Fairy}
For my job, I spend much of the day perusing social media. Fun fact: aside from being a writer and Health Coach, I also manage social media for several small local businesses! While this comes with its ups and downs, for the most part I feel inspired by all the amazing women I get to connect with online and many of the times IRL (In Real Life).
Grace Brinton is one of those super cool ladies I’ve connected with through instagram, and I was immediately drawn to all her beautiful photos of food. Aside from posting pretty, drool-worthy foodie pics all day long, Grace also launched a sustainable Meal Delivery Service here in Boston, prioritizing nutrient-dense, organic and pasture-raised ingredients. Not to mention, everything she whips up is free from gluten and dairy, and many of her recipes are AIP-friendly which is great for those with an autoimmune disease like me who are navigating the AIP diet.
Clearly I’m a super fan girl of what Grace is doing, and couldn’t be more happy to feature her on the blog today!
{photo credit: Lucie Wicker Photography}
NAME: Grace Anna Brinton
DESCRIBE YOUR BUSINESS/LINE OF WORK: I run a health-focused meal delivery company. Our focus is to support clients on their path toward healthier eating while providing meals that calm inflammation and heal the digestive system.
WHERE YOU LIVE: South End, Boston
HOW YOU SERVE THE COMMUNITY THROUGH YOUR WORK: I have two intentions with this work – to offer our clients peace of mind that someone cares about their well being, and also to support our local food system. I want this service to create a support system and place of belonging for those who may feel lost and confused about eating healthy.
NUMBER ONE PASSION OUTSIDE THE JOB: Anything that involves being outside – and horseback riding.
INTENTIONS/GOALS YOU HAVE FOR YOURSELF IN THE NEXT 3 YEARS: Have a storefront and be able to host community events.
ONE PIECE OF ADVICE YOU’D TELL YOUR CHILDHOOD SELF: Relax and enjoy yourself! All I did was be serious and work from a very young age and I wish I’d let myself have more fun.
FOODS THAT MAKE YOU FEEL ALIVE & BRING THE MOST JOY: Honestly, food sourced from a local farm – supporting the right food systems (i.e small-scale, local and sustainable) is very important to me. I grew up on a farm and then also lived next to a farm, so their importance sits close to home.
SONG THAT MOVES YOU: Shine by David Gray
THREE FAB THINGS ABOUT YOU: I like to laugh and tell jokes, I’m working hard to stand up for what really matters in our food system, and I’m very trustworthy.
FAVORITE BODY PART & WHY: Arms, because they’re strong and make up for my small size.
I GET MY INSPIRATION FROM: Pioneers in the food system out there busting butt even when they’re in the minority.
EXERCISE THAT MAKES YOU SHINE: Yoga or strength training
GREATEST ACCOMPLISHMENT: Starting a business and hiring my team
FEMALE LEADER(S) YOU LOOK UP TO: Diana Rodgers, a local dietitian who is also very focused on sustainability.
IF YOU COULD PICK ONE PERSON TO HAVE DINNER WITH, WHO WOULD IT BE & WHAT WOULD YOU MAKE THEM: Probably my grandfather, he was so calm and insightful and passed away before I was old enough to have deeper conversations with him. I’d love to have dinner with all my grandparents for that matter. I like making simple meals for people such as an herb roasted chicken and lots of veggies, so it would probably be something like that.
GO-TO MANTRA OR INSPIRATIONAL QUOTE: I’ve recently been meditating a lot to help balance stress and anxiety, so rather than an actual mantra, I would say remembering to take a minute for some deep breaths throughout the day has been really helpful.
MESSAGE YOU’D LIKE TO SHARE WITH OTHER HEALTHY CHICKS: Your body is your temple! I know that’s cheesy, but in all seriousness, it keeps you here on earth and it deserves the best treatment.
Thank you Grace for taking part in this week’s Healthy Chicks in the Community Series! Be sure to check out her website at