Weekly Healthy Chicks in the Community Feature: Christian Robinson Cady of Eastern Therapeutics
Good morning beauties! If you haven’t already, be sure to check out my blog post yesterday on celebrating women. I believe this is something that shouldn’t just be reserved for International Women’s Day, but part of our everyday lives.
Speaking of celebrating women, I’m super excited to celebrate this week’s feature on Healthy Chicks in the Community, a weekly series highlighting rockstar Girl Bosses doing their thang in the wellness community. I met Christie of Eastern Therapeutics when I started going for acupuncture for thyroid issues and fertility. She’s so knowledgable and will tell you like it is, while also being super gentle and empathetic. She’s truly the perfect package!
After I had a miscarriage in July, my body felt totally out of whack so I went to see Christie for some juicy acu focused on nourishing and rebalancing my body, but I’ve also gone to build blood (important for getting pregnant), re-energize and even help some funky digestive stuff/breakouts. The space (a 1920’s house which is actually Christie’s childhood home) is cozy, welcoming and absolutely beautiful.
I’ll let Christie take the floor from here!
NAME: Christian Robinson Cady, everybody calls me Christie!
DESCRIBE YOUR BUSINESS/LINE OF WORK: Eastern Therapeutics Acupuncture, Chinese Herbal Medicine, Energy Work, Hypnosis, Meditation, and Skincare.
WHERE YOU LIVE: Walpole, 7 miles from work 🙂
HOW YOU SERVE THE COMMUNITY THROUGH YOUR WORK: I do a lot of pro bono and education. People need to know they have options to current western protocols. I’ve made a commitment to all my patients. Every individual that passes through our door deserves of the same amount of unconditional love, compassion, and TLC.
Having chemistry with someone makes it really easy. When you don’t have chemistry it can be really challenging. People can be difficult for a number of reasons: pain, frustration, or desperation. I have to take my ego out of the equation and really listen to people. If I can do that I can see a bigger picture and compassion can flow. (And that’s what’s missing in medicine today.)
INTENTIONS/GOALS YOU HAVE FOR YOURSELF IN THE NEXT 3 YEARS: Buy a property and establish “The Center for Enlightenment,” an organization (nondenominational) that provides love, light, and direction. I would like to create a “home” that is anchored and supplied with the highest light. It will be fueled and directed by enlightened individuals from many walks of life.
The mission is to provide a safe haven to help people understand and embrace the shift in consciousness. Those who are feeling the change might feel empty, lost, anxious, or disorientated. My hope is to create a sanctuary to help people navigate the shift, show people why they are here, discover who they truly are, and what they can achieve (spiritually).
ONE PIECE OF ADVICE YOU’D TELL YOUR CHILDHOOD SELF: If you can dream it you can do it. All nay sayers come from a place of their own fear. It has nothing to do with you. Don’t listen…you just do you.
SONG THAT MOVES YOU: Claire de lune by Debussy. It’s the most beautiful song ever written. (I swear it was written by Angels to describe the human experience.)
THREE FAB THINGS ABOUT YOU: I’m the mom of 2 pretty awesome kids. Devin, 6 and Jack, 5; I helped developed/create a “living skin equivalent” that is used worldwide for diabetic ulcers; I’m the lead singer of a Hard Rock/ punk band for 15 yrs.
FAVORITE BODY PART & WHY: I suppose my eyes: The windows of the soul. I couldn’t play poker to save my life!
I GET MY INSPIRATION FROM: All who have made it through the trenches with gratitude and never look back.
EXERCISE THAT MAKES YOU SHINE: Outside Running. Fresh air, automatic body movements, and wandering mind.
SOMETHING IN YOUR “WELLNESS TOOLBOX” YOU CAN’T LIVE WITHOUT: Apple cider vinegar, meditation and acupuncture.
GREATEST ACCOMPLISHMENT: Founding/creating an awesome company: an unrelenting vision, lots of hard work, $200, and roadside furniture. And now it feeds 5 families!
FEMALE LEADER(S) YOU LOOK UP TO: My mom, and Malala Yousafzai
IF YOU COULD PICK ONE PERSON TO HAVE DINNER WITH, WHO WOULD IT BE & WHAT WOULD YOU MAKE THEM: I can’t pick one! Can I have a dinner party instead? I’d invite the Dalai Lama, Henry Rollins, John Stewart, John Oliver, Noam Chomsky, Jennifer Lawrence, Amal Clooney, Tina Fey, Malala Yousafzai, and Amy Poehler and I would make Lebanese food.
GO-TO MANTRA OR INSPIRATIONAL QUOTE: “Sometimes you just have to take the leap and build your wings on the way down.” -Kobe yamada
MESSAGE YOU’D LIKE TO SHARE WITH OTHER HEALTHY CHICKS: Your gut/intuition will tell you everything you need to know in the first 5 minutes. Everything after that is just noise. It’s your rational mind talking you into or out of the something. Just Go with your gut!

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