Dear Mama, You Are Enough{Lessons From Baby Pt. 1}

Dear mama, you are enough.

You are doing better than you think you are doing! I know you are new at this mom thing, but I am new at this too. Let’s learn together! You feed me yummy milk around the clock, and I’m putting on lots of weight! In fact, I even have some rolls which you and daddy think are “cute.”

The other day when I coughed and gagged a little while you were feeding me, I could tell you were scared. But I wasn’t choking, I was just clearing my throat because the milk was coming out a little fast. As I get a little older, I’m learning how to slow down and swallow better.

Yesterday when I had my 2 month shots I think it was harder on you than it was on me. That thing the lady jabbed into my thigh really pinched, but your big warm hug made me feel a lot better and I feel like a brand new baby after that long nap. I promise I’m OK, and the bandaids look kind of cool, don’t you think?

I know taking care of me isn’t easy and sometimes you feel sad and wonder if you’re doing it right. I think you are, because I’m having a blast! I especially love bath time, being naked, and playing with my woodland friends on that mat you put me on! Life is so fun and colorful.

I really like it when you and daddy talk to me and smile, and I know you love when I smile too. I can’t talk just yet but coo coo coo means “I love you” in baby lingo.

You do so much with me and spend all day with me, but make sure you’re taking care of yourself too! It seems like writing, coffee and having dinner with daddy make you really happy. Do more of those things, and make sure you get some fresh air & sunshine!

Mom, you are doing a really good job, I promise. You are enough. You are more than enough because you are my mama. 

Love you much, 


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