Healthy Chicks in the Community Series: Meet Social Media Influencer Elissa Garza of Style Wire

December is here! Can you believe it? I’ve been busy this week taking part in holiday vendor fairs for Spark Your Bliss, and also ruined a big batch of truffles trying to be all cute and D.I.Y for gifts so there’s that. But we’re getting our Christmas tree this morning, and I’ve been loving experiencing the joy of the season with our little one!

Alrighty, it’s time for this month’s feature on Healthy Chicks in the Community, a series highlighting rockstar Girl Bosses doing their thang in the wellness world and beyond.

Today we’re chatting with Elissa Garza of Style-Wire! As a Social Media Influencer & Consultant, this Boston babe shares all about starting her own business and her love for her dog/BFF, Bubzy. I’ll let Elissa take it from here!

NAME: Elissa Garza

DESCRIBE YOUR BUSINESS/LINE OF WORK: Social Media Influencer & Consultant


HOW YOU SERVE THE COMMUNITY THROUGH YOUR WORK: I always aim to serve my followers and clients through content; whether it’s sharing local events, supporting local charities, or just reminding my followers that I’m human and struggle too, I try to make a positive impact on everyone.

NUMBER ONE PASSION OUTSIDE THE JOB: My dog, Bubzy! He’s my best friend and my only coworker but he’s also a handful! He wants to be a good boy, and we’re working hard on training him.

INTENTIONS/GOALS YOU HAVE FOR YOURSELF IN THE NEXT 3 YEARS: I would love to continue growing my business, but also to continue to better develop myself and the relationships that are important to me. I want my life to be full in all areas!

ONE PIECE OF ADVICE YOU’D TELL YOUR CHILDHOOD SELF: So many! I’d love to tell my younger self that so many things are just not worth stressing about, all that stress set me up for a very difficult time managing my anxiety in college. In fact, I have to remind myself of this one frequently!

FOODS THAT MAKE YOU FEEL ALIVE & BRING THE MOST JOY: French fries and champagne! And sushi! I love cooking and eating and the connection that is shared with others through a meal.

SONG THAT MOVES YOU: I’m so behind on the times musically! But Spotify has this great playlist called “Pollen” that I’m really into right now, lots of chill but upbeat songs that keep me going throughout the day.

THREE FAB THINGS ABOUT YOU: 1. I always try to do things myself; whether it’s attempting to install a new ceiling fan (thanks, Home Depot!) or doing my own gel nails, I like to challenge myself. 2. I’m a glutton for TV; The Chicago series, Grey’s, American Horror Story… my ideal way to unwind at the end of the day is watching TV, cooking, and snuggling my dog and boyfriend!

FAVORITE BODY PART & WHY: My legs! I was such a tom boy growing up and I’m a bit of a klutz presently, so they’re far from beautiful with scars and marks galore, but challenging myself to embrace my imperfections is important to me.

I GET MY INSPIRATION FROM: Everywhere! I love getting inspired by other content creators, creative store windows, and the innovation around us. Boston is such a great city and innovation and inspiration is all around us.

EXERCISE THAT MAKES YOU SHINE: Yoga is my primary practice but nothing touches the high of a great spin class! I love the feeling of absolutely crushing the bike to some great music.

SOMETHING IN YOUR “WELLNESS TOOLBOX” YOU CAN’T LIVE WITHOUT: My dog! I’ve had a therapy dog since 2012 and it’s made such a huge difference in my life and in my treatment. Bubzy has only been with us for about 6 months, but he’s really great at his job, and such an intuitive being. He knows when I need him by my side.

GREATEST ACCOMPLISHMENT: Creating my own business. When I lost my job in 2017 I never imagined working for myself would be an option, but I’m doing it and feeling great about it!

FEMALE LEADER(S) YOU LOOK UP TO: My mom! She is the matriarch of my extended family and her strength and resilience are unmatched. She always pushes me to do my best and has been there to guide me through it all. I really don’t know how she does it!

IF YOU COULD PICK ONE PERSON TO HAVE DINNER WITH, WHO WOULD IT BE & WHAT WOULD YOU MAKE THEM: Oh! What a tough question; I would love to chat with Oprah about building an empire! But I’d be too nervous to cook, we’re going out!

GO-TO MANTRA OR INSPIRATIONAL QUOTE: “Be gone sadness, be gone woe, and come hither my friend hope,” I have it tattooed on my hip.

MESSAGE YOU’D LIKE TO SHARE WITH OTHER HEALTHY CHICKS: Listen to your body, take care of your mind, and challenge yourself with new experiences and new ideas.

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